Staff | Those from MANKAI Company can come now! |
Troupe members | Pleased to be working with you. |
Izumi | All of you look great in your outfits! |
Stylist | This time, we got Rurikawa-kun’s opinions for the costumes which proved very helpful. |
Yuki | I’m the one who learned much more. |
Taichi | W-when did Yuki-chan…! |
Izumi | When I told the staff the participating members, they said that they’d like to hear Yuki-kun’s comments, if it was okay with him. |
Banri | Heh, good for you, dude. |
Tasuku | He’s MANKAI Company’s costumer designer, after all. |
YukI | I feel like Tsumugi has said the same thing to me before. |
Sakuya | It kind of makes me happy to think that these costumes have Yuki-kun’s tastes reflected in them. |
Tsumugi | Fufu, that’s true. |
Yuki | If that’s what you think, then make sure you wear them well, got it? |
Banri | Just leave it to us. |
Staff | Alright, we’ll be starting the photoshoot! |
| First, I’ll ask for pairs. |
Camera man | I’d like to shoot all the combinations eventually, but… alright, we’ll go with Sakuma-kun and Nanao-kun to kick us off. |
Taichi | You got it! |
Sakuya | No problem! |
| *click* |
Camera man | Their hair colours are similar, so it looks cute when you put them together. |
Taichi | The two of us aren’t just cute, y’know~! |
Camera man | Oh, great. |
| Alright, I’ll ask you to do a smoulder then. |
Sakuya | A s-smoulder…! |
| Um… |
Tsumugi | Relax, Sakuya-kun…! |
| *click* |
Camera man | Okay, that’s all! |
| Next up, Settsu-kun and Takato-kun please. |
Tasuku & Banri | Got it. |
Banri | Doin’ a photoshoot next to Tasuku-san like this feels pretty fresh. |
Tasuku | Yeah… I guess you could say that. |
Yuki | Those two are pretty good. |
Izumi | They give off a calm vibe, don’t they? |
Taichi | They’re like mature men…! |
| *click* |
Camera man | Nice, that was great. |
| Then next is Tsukioka-kun and Rurikawa-kun. |
Tsumugi | Yes! |
Yuki | I’ll be counting on you. |
Camera man | Let me think. I’ve already asked for both cute and cool types. I guess I’ll ask you two to give me a listless look. |
Yuki | Listless… you say. |
Tsumugi | I will give it a try. |
| *click* |
Camera man | Yes, yes, that’s it! |
| Splendid! |
Tsumugi | … |
| *click* |
Yuki | … |
| *click* |
Sakuya | Tsumugi-san and Yuki-kun have lovely expressions! |
Izumi | It feels like there’s a different aura from the other pairs surrounding them. |
Camera man | Thanks, that’s all! |
| We’ll be moving on to the solo shots. |
| |
Izumi | Great work, you guys! |
Banri | Have they settled on the cover photo? |
Izumi | Nope, it looks like they’re still discussing it. |
Tasuku | It’s already customary to wait for the cover to be decided like this after the photoshoot. |
Camera man | Although it’s difficult to set aside any of the combinations… |
| My top recommendation this time are these two. |
Staff A | Ahh, Tsukioka-san and Rurikawa-san! |
| Their vibe is perfect for the theme. |
Staff B | So, we’re thinking of using this photo to appear on the cover. Is that alright? |
Izumi | I think it’s a great photo too. |
| Is it okay with the both of you? |
Tsumugi | Yes, thank you very much. |
| You’re happy with that right, Yuki-chan? |
Yuki | Yep, I honestly am. |
Staff A | It’s been decided then. The next issue’s cover will be this photo! |
Camera man | I gotta say, choosing the cover is always tough, but that makes it fun. |
Izumi | I know what you mean! All the staff members always take such wonderful pictures. We’re truly grateful. |
Staff B | Oh, no, same here. …There’s still a little while, but I’m looking forward to the photoshoot at the antique book fair as well. |