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Page chara occasion date quote jp quote en type file
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Character's Birthday なんでオレは6月9日に生まれなかったんだ……? Why wasn't I born on June 9th ...? Birthday
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Director's Birthday 誕生日、おめでとう。曲のプレゼントは……嫌か? Happy birthday. Would you...not like a song present? Birthday
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Evening これからライブだ。アンタも来るか? I've got a live now. Do you want to come too? My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Morning 朝に聞くエレキの音は最高だ…… The sound of the electric in the morning is the best...... My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Noon ここにハイハットを入れて……。はっ!なんだアンタか。曲作りの邪魔はよしてくれ I'll put a hi-hat in here......Ah! What, it's you. Don't intrude when I'm composing. My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Regular ロックはいいぞ Rock is good. My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Regular ♪~♪~~~ ♪~♪~~~ My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Regular 今度オレのライブ観に来てくれ Come see my live next time. My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Regular 演劇の良さも、少しだけ分かってきた I've come to understand a bit what's good about acting. My Page
My Page Lines Akito Taninaga Sleep 最高の夜だった……やはりロックこそ至高だ…… It was the greatest night......Rock really is the pinnacle...... My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Character's Birthday 誕生日祝ってくれて、ありがとうございます!次の公演も楽しみにしてます! Thank you for celebrating my birthday! I am looking forward to the next performance! Birthday
My Page Lines Arata Seto Director's Birthday お誕生日おめでとうございます!これからも監督業、頑張ってください! Happy birthday! Please continue to work hard as Director! Birthday
My Page Lines Arata Seto Evening こんばんは。夕飯の良い匂いがしてきましたね Good evening. Dinner smells good. My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Morning おはようございます!今日も一日頑張りましょう! Good morning! Let's work hard again today! My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Noon 今日は午後休講なんです。稽古、覗いてもいいですか? My afternoon lecture today's been cancelled. Can I look in on practice? My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Regular あはは、俺に触っても何もいいことないですよ Ahaha, nothing will come of touching me. My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Regular 監督さん? Director? My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Regular 至さんに教えてもらった釣りのアプリゲーム、すごい面白いです! The fishing game Itaru told me about is really interesting! My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Regular MANKAIカンパニー、良い劇団ですよね MANKAI Company is a good theatre. My Page
My Page Lines Arata Seto Sleep 俺はもう少しレポートをやってから寝ます。おやすみなさい I'll sleep after I do a bit more of this report. Goodnight. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Evening 今日も下校中に絡まれた。…安心しろ、撒いてきたから Someone picked a fight with me on the way home from school again. ...Don’t worry, I lost them. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Morning はよー。顔洗って、しっかり保温しろよ Mornin'. You better wash your face and keep the water warm. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Noon 今日の給食、酢の物あるじゃん…少なめに配膳させっか There's pickled stuff in my lunch today... Guess I gotta have a little bite. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular 『#コスメ』で一位になってた化粧水。試供品あるけど、監督も使うか? This is the face lotion that was number one in the cosmetics hashtag. I have some samples, want some? My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular あー、ちょっとチルってたわ。何か用か? Ah, I was just chilling. You need anything? My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular ちょっ…!そ、そういうスキンシップは、フツー結婚してからやるモンだろーが…! Wai…! T-that kinda skinship is somethin’ you usually do after you’re married…! My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular なんか…アンタと一緒にいると落ち着くな。年上のオンナに、こんなこと初めて思った Somehow…I can kinda relax when you’re around. That’s the first time I’ve ever thought that with an older woman. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular ん?機嫌良さそう?…この後ケンさんが会いに来てくれっからな Hm? I look like I’m in a good mood? ...It’s ‘cause Ken-san's coming by later. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular クソ左京のヤローがいちいちうるせぇ…なぁ、部屋替えとかねぇの? Shitty Sakyo won’t shut up about every damn little thing...Hey, can’t I switch rooms or somethin’? My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular メイク、自分でも試すからな。スキンケアは気ぃつけてる I test out my make-up on myself too. I pay special attention to skincare. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular 練習台になってくれる約束だろ?新しいメイク道具、試させてくれ You’ll be my practice partner, yeah? I got some new makeup tools, let me test ‘em out. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Regular 志太は腐れ縁。なんつーか、アイツといると落ち着く I can't get away from Shifuto. It's like, I can really relax around him. My Page
My Page Lines Azami Izumida Sleep 夜更かしはほどほどにしろよ?明日の化粧ノリに響くぞ Don't stay up too late too often now, 'kay? It'll show through your make-up tomorrow. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Evening 暗くなってきたね…。オオカミさんには気を付けるんだよ It's gotten dark, hasn't it...Be careful of the wolves. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Morning たまには早起きも悪くないね。可愛い寝起き姿も見られるし Getting up early sometimes isn't bad. I get to see a cute sleeping figure. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Noon 暇なら一緒に塗り絵でも。それとも…もっとイイコトする? If you're free, we could do some colouring together. Or...shall we do something even better? My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular いつまでも美しくいたいよね。醜いのは嫌 I want to stay beautiful forever. I dislike ugliness. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular くすぐったいなぁ。もしかしてボクで遊んでる? That tickles. Could it be that you're toying with me? My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular こらこら、お触りは禁止だよ Hey now, no touching allowed. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular ふふっ、なーに? Fufu, what is it? My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular ん?色っぽい?ふふっ、ありがとう Nn? Erotic? Fufu, thank you. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular カントクはどこを触ってほしい?ほら、恥ずかしがらないで教えてよ Where do you want to touch? Come now, don't be shy. Tell me. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular ボク、遊ばれるより遊ぶ方が好きなんだけど? I like playing rather than being played with. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular 虫だけは勘弁して。本当に苦手だから… Please, anything but bugs. I really don't like them... My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Regular 寂しい夜はボクを呼んでね Call me if you're lonely at night. My Page
My Page Lines Azuma Yukishiro Sleep 眠れない?可哀想に。それならボクの部屋へおいで Can't sleep? You poor thing. If that's the case, then come to my room. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Evening ん? こんなとこでどーしたよ?だいぶお疲れみてぇだな Hm? What kinds of stuff happened today? You look pretty tired. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Morning ふぁあ…マジねみい…学校?行きたくねーけど、サボるとアンタに怒られっからな… Yawn... So sleepy... School? I don’t want to go, but if I ditch you'll get angry, so... My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Noon 休み時間は寝るに限るよなー。んじゃ、おやすみ~ The rest time is limited to sleeping. Then, good night~ My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular おいおいなんだよ。かまってほしーの?素直に言ってみ? Oi oi, what is it? Do you want my attention? Try saying it honestly? My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular このピアス、いいっしょ。結構気に入ってんだよな This piercing is great isn't it? It really suits me right? My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular だ~から、喧嘩じゃねーって I'm telling you, it's not a fight. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular へーへー、稽古ね。もーちょいしたら行くって Yeah yeah, practice right? I told you I'll be there in a bit. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular ハイハイ、楽勝楽勝 Yeah yeah, it's an easy victory. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular 監督ちゃんの言葉、時々無性に刺さるんだよな。俺にとって特別な存在だから…かも? The director's words are sometimes very piercing. It's because for me you're a special being... maybe? My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular NEO? ああ、俺のハンネのことだろ NEO? Aa, it's about my handle name, right? My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular 兵頭てめぇ…今日こそ落とし前つけてやる Hyodo, you bastard... Today we will settle it. My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Regular 俺の人生スーパーウルトライージーモードよゆ~じゃね? My life's on super ultra easy mode. Isn't it cool and easy? My Page
My Page Lines Banri Settsu Sleep おいおい、夜更かしは美容の天敵だろそれとも、寝られねぇんなら一緒に寝る? Oi oi, staying up late is the natural enemy of beauty, isn't it? Or if you can't sleep, wanna sleep together? My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Evening 安心して眠るといい。…おやすみ、また明日 You should relax and sleep. ...Goodnight; see you tomorrow. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Morning おはよう。今日も一日頑張っておいで。いってらしゃい、監督さん Good morning. Do your best today, too. Take care, Director. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Noon 今日の昼飯は.... インド、メキシコ、タイ料理... んー、どれにするかなぁ Today's lunch is.... Indian, Mexican, Thai cuisine... Hmm, which should I have. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular ……監督さんも、いい度胸してる ......You've got guts, Director. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular この眼鏡は伊達かって?…それは秘密 Are these glasses for show? ...That's a secret. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular そろそろ止めてくれないかな Could you stop that already. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular ちかウサ?カレーブログ?なんのことかな Chikausa? Curry blog? What could you be talking about. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular 監督さんを見てると、おせっかいで馬鹿みたいにお人よしだったアイツを思い出すよ When I look at you, I remember that meddlesome, stupidly soft-hearted guy. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular 真実は弱さだ。周りの人間が全員味方とは限らない Truth is weakness. Not everyone around you is on your side. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular 今日のスパイスは自信作だ。味見、してみる?ほら、遠慮しないで I've got confidence in today's spices. Want to taste? Come on, don't hold back. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular 俺はどこにでもいる平凡な商社マンだよ I'm just the sort of normal salaryman you could find anywhere. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Regular 俺を知りたい…?君も命知らずだな。じゃあ、俺の目をよーく見て。ほら、もっと近くで You want to know me...? You have no sense of self-preservation either. Then look closely into my eyes. Come on, closer. My Page
My Page Lines Chikage Utsuki Sleep へぇ…夜更かしか。俺でよければ相手してやろうか?何をしたいか言ってごらん Heh...Staying up late, are you? If you're alright with me, shall I keep you company? Let me know what you want to do. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Evening 日本の夜は快適でオアシスネ~ The Japanese night is a comfortable oasis~ My Page
My Page Lines Citron Morning モーニンダヨ!早起きは三門のトクさんね It's morning! The early bird gets three doors' special (the worm). My Page
My Page Lines Citron Noon 今日も平和のため、我が国のダンスを披露するネ Today, too, I'll show off my national dance for the sake of peace. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular ウーン、ツヅルのツッコミには負けるネ Hmm, I'm losing to Tsuzuru's rebuttals. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular オー?、どしたネ Ohh? What's the matter. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular カントク、アナタに我が国の海見せたい...一緒に来てくれるネ? Director, I want to show you my country's seas... Will you come with me? My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular ノープロテイン。心配いらないネ No protein (problem). You don't need to worry. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular レデイファースト、我が国のたしなみヨ In my country, courtesy dictates it's ladies first. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular 広辞苑で二ホン語勉強タイムヨ It's Japanese practice time with the Kojien dictionary. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular 愛のムチ打ち、気持ちいいネー The whip of love feels good. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular 日本のカルチャーは宝ヨ~ Japanese culture is a treasure. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Regular 日本語、やっぱり難しいヨ Japanese really is difficult. My Page
My Page Lines Citron Sleep 夜更しは我が国の法律に反するヨ It's against the law to stay up late in my country. My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Character's Birthday 俺の誕生日知ってたんすか!?やべー!めちゃ嬉しい!ありがとうございます! How did you know my birthday!? Yay! I'm so happy! Thank you! Birthday
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Director's Birthday 監督さん、ハッピーバースデー!これからもよろしくっす! Director, happy birthday! I'll be in your care from now on too! Birthday
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Evening こんばんはー!夜稽古もよろしくっす! Good evening! I'm in your care for the night practice! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Morning おっはよー!今日も元気にいってみよー! Good moorning! Let's go at it with vigour today, too! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Noon 腹減った~。そろそろお弁当食べちゃおっかな~♪ I'm hungry~ I might eat my lunchbox soon~♪ My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Regular やっぱり衣装着るとテンションあがるー! You really get pumped wearing costumes, after all! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Regular 監督さん、やっほー! Hey there, Director! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Regular 幸ちゃんはまじ魔法使いだよね! Yuki-chan's seriously magic! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Regular 今日も最高の舞台にしようね! Let's make the greatest play today as well! My Page
My Page Lines Eiji Sumida Sleep こんな時間までまじお疲れっす! Seriously, good work, doing things until this time of night! My Page
My Page Lines Guy Evening 一日の疲れはその日のうちに取るのが最良だ。ゆっくり休むといい My Page
My Page Lines Guy Morning 監督、おはよう。…寝ぼけているのか?俺はシトロニアではないぞ Good morning, Director. ...Are you still half-asleep? I'm not Citronia. My Page
My Page Lines Guy Noon シトロニアを見ていないだろうか?先ほどから捜しているんだが見当たらないんだ You haven't seen Citronia, have you? I've been searching for him for a while, but I can't find him. My Page
My Page Lines Guy Regular …すまない。あまり触れられることには慣れていない ...Sorry. I'm not used to being touched. My Page
My Page Lines Guy Regular …ひよこ豆の話はやめてくれ ...Please stop with the chickpea talk. My Page
