View table: Outside_Work
From A3! Wiki
Table structure:
- pair1 - String
- pair2 - String
- pairname_jp - String
- pairname_en - String
This table has 276 rows altogether.
Page | pair1 | pair2 | pairname jp | pairname en |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Azuma | MANKAI美容部 | MANKAI Beauty Department |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Guy | 暗算得意 | Mental Mathletes |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Hisoka | ゆるファッション好き | Loose Fashion-Lovers |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Homare | ラップLOVEだYO | Rap LOVE, YO |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Tasuku | サッカーマニア | SOCCER MANIA |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azami | Tsumugi | 化粧映えNo.1? | No. 1 Makeup Transformation |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Azuma | Guy | アダルティ同室ペア | Adulty Roommate Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Azami | 対左京悪ガキコンビ | The Anti-Sakyo Bad Boy Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Azuma | 美容室が同じ | The Same Beauty Parlour |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Guy | 手合わせ志願 | Application for a Bout |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Hisoka | イーグルズ・アイ | Eagle's Eye |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Homare | 早口コトバトル | Tongue Twister Battle |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Juza | 死んでも負けねぇ | I'd Rather Die Than Lose |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Omi | アメ係 | Sweets Duty |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Sakyo | クソガキvsおっさん | Brat vs Old Man |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Taichi | 神モテ研究対象 | Godly Popularity Research Subject |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Tasuku | サッカー部勧誘中 | Recruiting to the Soccer Club |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Banri | Tsumugi | カフェ友。 | Cafe Pals |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Azami | 青少年健全育成条例 | The Wholesome Youth Upbringing Act |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Azuma | 専属珍種バイヤー | Fine Wine Connoisseurs |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Banri | 脱出ゲーム道場破り | Breaking the Escape Game |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Guy | ザフラ語上級講座 | An Advanced Seminar in Zahran |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Hisoka | 月下の影 | Moonlit Shadows |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Homare | 画伯ズ | Master Painters |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Juza | 辛党vs甘党 | Spicy Tongue vs Sweet Tooth |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Kazunari | 情報通コンビ | Informant Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Kumon | アンチ糖分 | Anti-Sugar |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Misumi | にゃんこNG | Kitties are NG |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Muku | 世界の本お取り寄せ | Worldwide Book Order |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Omi | 激辛料理極め中 | Pursuing the Pinnacle of Spicy Cuisine |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Sakyo | エリート眼鏡ズ | Elite Glasses-ers |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Taichi | 世界の恋愛事情 | Worldwide Love Affairs |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Tasuku | メカ好き | Mecha Fans |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Tenma | こっそり家庭教師 | Top-Secret Tutor |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Tsumugi | マインドバトル | Mind Battle |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Chikage | Yuki | お試し眼鏡トルソー | A Clotheshorse for Glasses |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Azami | 異国メイク勉強中 | Currently Studying Foreign Makeup |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Azuma | 雀鬼対決 | Mahjong Pro Showdown |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Banri | カラオケ大好きコンビ | Karaoke-Lover Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Chikage | デタラメコンビ | Bullshit Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Guy | ザフラ大使 | Zahran Ambassadors |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Hisoka | ダンス・ダンス・ダンス | Dance Dance Dance |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Homare | お騒がせケミストリー | Noise Mysteries |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Juza | ジャパニーズヤンキー! | Japanese Yankee! |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Kazunari | 難解日本語使い | Users of Tricky Japanese |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Kumon | ザフラ式健康法伝授 | Zahran Fitness Workshop |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Misumi | 出会いはおにぎり | Our Meeting Was Onigiri |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Muku | 憧れの●●様 | My Admired Lord ⬤⬤ |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Omi | 母国の味探求中 | Currently in Search of the Motherland's Taste |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Sakyo | 温泉好き湯けむりペア | Onsen-Loving Steamy Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Taichi | 語尾がくどいズ | Quirky Sentence Endings |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Tasuku | 言語圏外 | Language Out-of-Range |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Tenma | スシトモ | Sushi Pals |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Tsumugi | 正しい日本語教室 | A Lesson in Proper Japanese |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Citron | Yuki | 歌舞伎鑑賞仲間 | Kabuki Appreciation Buddies |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Hisoka | Azuma | ウルトラリラックス寝床 | An Ultra Relaxing Bed |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Hisoka | Guy | お香機能付き枕 | A Pillow with Incense Features |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Hisoka | Homare | おせっかいな騒音枕 | A Meddlesome, Noisy Pillow |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Homare | Azuma | 落花飄々 | Fluttering Petals Falling |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Homare | Guy | 紳士コンビ | Gentleman Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Azami | 生活改善希望 | Lifestyle Improvement Attempts |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Azuma | ふまじめ寄り道組 | The Light-Minded Detouring Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Banri | ガチゲーマー組 | Hardcore Gamer Group |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Chikage | エリート商社マンズ | Elite Trading Company Men |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Citron | 一級通訳者 | One Shot (First Class) Interpreter |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Guy | 朝シャン仲間 | Morning Shower Buddies |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Hisoka | ラノベの主人公? | A Light Novel Protagonist? |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Homare | 耳栓必須 | Earplugs Essential |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Juza | 格ゲー感あるよね | You Feel Like a Fighter Game |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Kazunari | SNS検定一級 | SNS Certified Elites |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Kumon | 中二病ペア | Middle School Syndrome Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Misumi | さんかくなゲーム捜索中 | Searching for Triangle Games |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Muku | オトナベンチマーク | Benchmark for Adulthood |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Omi | 夜食供給 | Late-Night Snack Supply |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Sakyo | オトナのエリートコンビ | Adult Elite Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Taichi | 無課金vs廃課金 | Free-Gamer vs High-Paying Gamer |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Tasuku | 同世代フランクペア | Same-Aged Frank Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Tenma | ファンサ上手 | Fanservice Pros |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Tsumugi | カテキョ経験者 | Those With Experience as Home Tutors |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Itaru | Yuki | 外面トラップ | Surface Trap |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Azami | 実年齢+5 | Actual Age+5 |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Azuma | スーパー和菓子タイム | Super Sweets Time |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Guy | 男は黙ってオールバック | A Man's Gotta Be Quiet with Slicked-Back Hair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Hisoka | LeaveMeAlone | LeaveMeAlone |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Homare | 三白眼コンビ | Sanpaku-gan Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Omi | 理想の専属パティシエ | The Ideal Personal Patissiere |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Sakyo | 強面師弟コンビ | The Tough-Looking Master-Disciple Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Taichi | 漢の背中に憧れて | Admiring the Back of a Man Among Men |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Tasuku | 無骨系185cmペア | The Brusque 185cm Pair |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Juza | Tsumugi | 夜中のコンビニ好き | Night-Time Convenience Store Trip-Lovers |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Azami | プチプラアイテム好き | Inexpensive Fashion-Lovers |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Azuma | 海外旅行好きコンビ | Overseas Vacation-Loving Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Banri | イマドキ系男子 | Modern Day Boys |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Guy | リスニング難易度MAX | MAX Difficulty Listening Comprehension |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Hisoka | 壁打ち状態 | Like Hitting Against A Wall |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Homare | 芸術家肌コンビ | The Eccentric Artist Combo |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Juza | 硬派with軟派 | The Fixed With The Flexible |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Kumon | 海好き仲間 | Sea-Loving Buddies |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Omi | 食べ歩きグルメ組 | Street Food Gourmet Group |
Template:Outside Work Pairs | Kazunari | Sakyo | 金髪ブリーチペア | Bleached Blonde Hair Combo |