Taichi | Wowie wow, the finale’s already over. |
Omi | Yep, I still feel like we have more performances to do, but it’s really over. |
Azami | It was way too short. |
Banri | I wish it didn’t have to end, man. |
Sakyo | Well anyway, let’s celebrate the fact that we made it to the end in one piece. |
Kabuto | Excuse the interruption. |
Taichi | Huh? |
Sakyo | Who invited him? |
Banri | The hell, what is this guy doing here!? |
Kabuto | I got permission from the director. |
| Mr. Juza Hyodo. |
Juza | ? |
Kabuto | …Are you free this coming May to July? |
Banri | Screw you, who the hell gave you permission to just barge in here and start asking questions?!! |
Kabuto | Even if you weren’t worried, your part was open long ago. |
Banri | Ugh, don’t remind me. |
Kabuto | Anyway, we’re a bit short on people since our strongest actor left the troupe. |
Banri | So that’s why you— |
Kabuto | Did you forget the favor our troupe did for yours back then? |
Sakyo | That’s such a yakuza line. |
Taichi | Shh shhh Sakyo! |
Kabuto | Well, we’ll be back to give you an official offer. |
| And you, Mr. Banri Settsu, you’re quite the actor yourself. Aren’t you interested? |
Banri | Mmnn, uhh, thanks, I’ll think about it. |
Kabuto | Alright. |
Juza | … |
Kabuto | To see an actor like you on stage… Life ain’t bad. |
Juza | Thanks. |
| …So, who was that? |
Banri | YOU DIDN’T KNOW? Did you really think that was some random visitor?! |
Sakyo | That was Amadate from Hyakka troupe. |
Juza | Oh, that guy. |
Azami | Not another cheap restaurant. |
Banri | I remember this place from Mantou Fist. Damn, it doesn’t fit the theme of a prison play at all. |
Sakyo | Oh, quit your whining. You know how much it would cost to go to an expensive restaurant with your bottomless stomachs? |
Taichi | Hey, don’t say that! |
Azami | I don’t really feel like this gesture is genuine. |
Omi | Anyway, we should order now. |
Izumi | Yeah. So, Sakyo, are we gonna get some Shaoxingjiu? |
Sakyo | Yes. |
Omi | When I think back to Mantou Fist, it really hits me how much everyone’s grown in so little time. |
Banri | Yeah, now Hyodo and I can drink. |
Sakyo | If it’s not sweet, Juza won’t drink it. |
Juza | Yeah. |
Izumi | I’m glad this play could strengthen the brotherhood between Juza and Azami! |
Omi | We usually see Juza and Kumon together, but it was cool to see what other types of brotherly bonds there are out there. |
Azami | I think Juza’s request for the play was beautifully executed. |
Sakyo | The prison theme was quite compelling too. It was a good idea to focus on lighting in the performance. |
Banri | Akashi did a really good job this time. |
Taichi | Yeah, his work was amazing! From the beginning scene to the sunrise at the end, the lights were super cool! |
Staff | Will that be all? |
Juza | …I’ll have another cup of fruit sake. |
Staff | Alright. |
Azami | I’m really glad you overcame your fear of the spotlight. |
Juza | Yeah, me too. The magic brush really did the trick. It helped Kumon and it helped me, it’s truly a magnificent charm. |
Azami | If you need help like this again, you can use it in the future. I can’t be doing this for free though. |
Juza | Kumon has a good friend in you, you know that? I hope you two can stay by each other’s side for a long time. |
Azami | Where the hell did that come from? If you’re gonna flatter me, there’s no way I can let you down. |
Juza | What a guy. You were amazing during the play, and I don’t know anyone with makeup skills as good as yours. |
Azami | Oh, that’s all you’re gonna say? |
Juza | Acting and makeup are two completely different fields, but you’re skilled in both. It’s something only you could achieve. You’re amazing. No, you’re an international treasure. |
Azami | Uh, you feeling alright, Juza? |
| Haha, maybe you’ve had enough to drink for one night. |
Juza | The director is amazing too. Being able to gather all these different people into one troupe, it’s like a zoo director trying to gather a bunch of animals at the zoo. |
Izumi | Oh, you think so? |
Juza | And you, Sakyo, you’re the penny pincher we need. I don’t think we would be able to stay focused on our goals if it weren’t for you. |
Sakyo | Huh, you’re praising me for that? |
Juza | And Omi, you’re an amazing cook. You’re a great actor, but you’re also a great cook. I admire your diverse skill set. |
Omi | Thank you. |
Juza | And I can’t forget you, Taichi. Your presence alone is amazing. You have the ability to light up the room. I think you may be the brightest light that exists in all of humanity. |
Taichi | I-I, uhhh, thank you? |
Izumi | What’s gotten into you, Juza? You’re acting a little weird. |
Azami | He’s drunk. |
Juza | Settsu... |
Banri | What? If you’re gonna praise me, then come on, lay it on me. |
Juza | Settsu is a man with many talents. It’s impressive to see how much acting has helped you realise your true potential in so many areas. |
Banri | N-no shut up... |
Juza | But, y’know, other parts about you just make me sick to my stomach. |
Banri | Oyy, what the hell? Aren’t you supposed to be praising me?! |
Juza | You’ve shown your abilities backstage as well. I think once you’re able to hone your new abilities and get more experience, you will be a formidable opponent. |
| The only thing standing in your way is that attitude of yours. |
Banri | Are you praising me or insulting me? Pick one, you idiot! |
Azami | So he becomes honest when he’s drunk? |
Sakyo | Seems like it. |
Izumi | Did we really expect anything less? |
Sakyo | I can’t say I wasn’t worried when those two came of age and started drinking. |
Taichi | Haha, Ban-chan is extra weak to attacks when he’s drunk! |
Omi | You love to see it. |