Masumi | … |
Muku | Masumi-kun? You’re holding your board… |
| Are you going out somewhere? |
Masumi | Practise. It’s my recent daily routine. |
Muku | Wait, really!? |
Masumi | I can’t lose to the local skaters, or to Rento and them. |
| I’ll get even better and make Director think I’m cool. |
Muku | Wow, that’s love…! |
| Um! If that’s your plan, then I’d like to practise too. |
| Is it alright if I come along? |
Masumi | …Do what you want. |
Muku | Ehehe, thank you very much. |
| Where do you usually practise, Masumi-kun? |
Masumi | Nowhere in particular. Wherever works. |
Homare | …Oh my? Could you be going out to practise? |
Muku | Arisu-san! |
Homare | If you are searching for a spot, then how about a gymnasium? |
| When I met with my acquaintance, they told me we can practising skating there. |
| I was considering going, but I haven’t had the chance. |
| Since we all have the same goal, why don’t we pay that gym a visit? |
Masumi | Anywhere is fine as long as we can practise. |
Homare | Then it’s settled! I shall guide you. |
Muku | Sure! Please lead the way! |
| |
Homare | It is here. |
Masumi | …There’s so many people. |
Homare | There are. A boy seems to be holding some sort of press interview over there. |
Miya | I still have a long way to go. |
| I feel I’m lacking in experience compared to the top skaters. |
| Experience expands my imagery for tricks. |
| In that aspect, I’d like to go up against all sorts of opponents. |
Muku | That boy being interviewed must a famous skater. |
| He looks so young though. That’s amazing… |
Ainosuke | —. |
Kikuchi | … |
Homare | Umu, it seems some higher-up has come to observe as well. We might not be able to practise today. |
Masumi | It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. |
| I’m just here to practise for her. |
| If we can’t do that here, then I’ll look for another place. |
Muku | Good idea. |
Homare | We’ll do what we must. Let’s switch locations. |
| |
Izumi | Great job once again in today’s performance. |
Masumi | Good work. |
Tsumugi | We’ve finished changing our clothes and tidying up, so all that’s left is to return to the hotel. |
Azuma | Right. Let’s take our time and relax at the hotel. |
Kumon | I’m going go practise at the park! |
| You guys head back first! |
Omi | After this…? We just finished with today’s show though? |
Homare | Would it not be more prudent to rest? |
Kumon | Don’t worry, don’t worry! |
| We didn’t have a soiree today! |
| Ah. You rest, Taichi-san. You’re always keeping me company, but I’ll be fine by myself! |
Taichi | Eh, hold on, Kyu-chan! |
| I’m going too! |
Izumi | Ah. Wait, you two…! |
Muku | And they’re gone. |
| Will they be alright… |
Tsumugi | They also left to practise right after the show ended yesterday. I worry… |
Izumi | … |
| |
Taichi | … |
Izumi | Taichi-kun. |
Taichi | Director-sensei. |
Izumi | …How is Kumon-kun doing? |
Taichi | … |
| Kyu-chan’s putting in lots of effort. |
| But… |
| I’m not sure if what I’m doing is right, or if I should keep going like this. |
| I wonder if the fact I said Kyu-chan might be able to pull off an ollie is tying him down… |
Izumi | … |
Taichi | I mean of course I want Kyu-chan to succeed with his ollie! |
| Kyu-chan is trying his best, and I’m gonna do everything I can too—. |
| But the likelihood he can make it happen during the run of this show is… |
| … |
| …Hm, no. Forget what I just said. |
| I’m going back to my room! |
Izumi | Ah, Taichi-kun—. |
| (He left…) |
| |
| (It looked like Taichi-kun feels responsible and is agonizing over it. |
| The situation is quite serious…) |
| (How should we resolve this?) |
| *knock, knock* |
Azuma | Do you have a minute, Director? |
Izumi | Yeah, come in. |
| *door opens* |
Azuma | …So you see, I got some admission stickers for “S” from an acquaintance. |
| Through a top-secret channel. Here you go. |
Izumi | S? What’s that? |
Azuma | “S” is an underground, top-secret skateboarding race that takes place in a closed down, abandoned mine. |
| They hold these things called “beefs” there, and a huge number of spectators go crazy over them. |
| We have tomorrow off, so why won’t we all go there to watch some skaters skate in a slightly different way? |
Izumi | Skateboarding race battles, beefs… |
| (But there’s still Kumon-kun and Taichi-kun’s issue…) |
Azuma | The location might be a little bit dangerous, but it might be good kick in our motivation. |
Izumi | (…Azuma-san has a point. |
| We might be able to gain something from this.) |
| Alright, sure. |
| I’ll call everyone else! |
| |
| This is the venue for “S”… |
Kumon | They hold beefs here, huh? |
| So cool…! |
Omi | It’s bustling with people. |
Tsumugi | We can watch the “beef” from that monitor. |
Azuma | It looks like those two are the ones skating today. |
| |
Kumon | Ah! That guy…! |
Taichi | That’s the guy who was practising at the park! |
Izumi | That boy? |
| |
Muku | I remember seeing that other boy too! |
| He was getting interviewed at the gym we went to the other day… |
Masumi | Oh yeah. I guess we saw him. |
Homare | I never imagined he would be participating in this beef. |
Tsumugi | Ah, it looks like the beef is starting. |
| |
| *jumps and spins* |
| *jumps and spins* |
| |
Kumon | Their speed is amazing…! |
Muku | These are real skaters… |
Homare | Both of their skating is magnificent. |
Izumi | Woah, they flew…! |
Tsumugi | It’s mind-blowing, huh? |
| To think they can do something like that… |
Gallery member A | Hey, is that guy’s feet fixed in place? |
Gallery member B | He can skate like that? |
Taichi | —. |
| I see… that was what felt off the other day! |
| That guy has fixings attached to his board that hold his feet in place! |
Omi | I see. |
| So you mean it’s been modified? |
Azuma | Perhaps he’s an experienced snowboarder. |
Kumon | … |
| *cheers* |
Azuma | They made it to the goal. Both of them were amazing. |
Muku | My heart was racing…! |
Homare | It was a photo finish, but it appears the boy with the blue eyes won. |
| |
Reki | Langa! |
Langa | …Reki. |
| *jumps and hugs* |
Reki | You’re amazing! |
Langa | Woah? |
Reki | That was amazing. |
| |
Taichi | That person who just rushed over—isn’t he the other guy who was at the park? |
Kumon | You’re right… |
Taichi | Those two really look like they’re having so much fun. |
Kumon | …Yeah. |