SK∞ the Infinity × A3!/Episode 5

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SK∞ the Infinity × A3!
Episode 5
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TaichiThis is the room we’ll be staying in!?
OmiIt’s quite spacious.
HomareIt seems the organizers for our upcoming stage prepared it for us.
KumonThis feels just like a school trip. I’m so pumped!
MukuFufu, you’re right!
MasumiWe have theatre prep today, you know?
TsumugiDirector said it’s fine for us to take a break and each do some sightseeing, considering we’ve been immersed in practice up until now.
OmiWe don’t get to come here often. I’d love to tour around.
MukuRento-san and Akashi-san also said they’ll be arriving here today, right? It’s too bad they’re going to be at a different hotel…
AzumaI suppose we can meet up and go out together later.
MukuI heard there’s a famous shrine for fulfilling your love in this area, so I was thinking of heading there.
Masumi…Where is it?
MukuIf you’d like, why don’t we go together, Masumi-kun?
I was thinking of calling Director-san too!
MasumiIt sucks that it’s not a date with her, but…
I guess that’s alright.
TsumugiI’d like to take a walk around town since we came all the way here.
HomareOhh. If that’s the case, may I join you?
I have plans to meet with an acquaintance, but I have some unexpected, spare time on my hands.
MukuWhat are you going to do, Kyu-chan?
KumonAh, umm… I’m kinda tired, so I guess I’ll rest at the hotel!
Taichi…Sounds nice! I’ll lavish in the hotel life with Kyu-chan!
Have fun sightseeing, everyone!
Let us know if there’s anything you want, alright?
AzumaAlright, shall we head out?
OmiWe’ll be off.
TaichiTake care, guys!
*door closes*
KumonTaichi-san, why did you…
Taichi…You were gonna go practice skating by yourself, weren’t you?
TaichiI told you I’m gonna stay with you until the very end!
Thanks, Taichi-san…!
TaichiAlrighty. If that’s settled, then let’s go practice!
Omi…Are Taichi and Kumon going to be alright?
It looked like Kumon was worried since he still couldn’t land an ollie during our dress rehearsal the other day…
We went with the flow and went out, but would it have been better if we stayed behind?
AzumaI think we actually would’ve bothered him if we stayed there.
If it’s those two, then I’m sure they’ll be fine.
Omi…I guess you’re right.
Anyways, I never thought this restaurant would also catch your eye, Azuma-san.
AzumaI heard that it’s popular from a friend.
I figured I’d like to swing by.
The ambience is also nice, so it was the right choice.
…Oh my?
NanjoDid you see him too? The rookie who handed SHADOW a defeat.[1]
SakurayashikiI’m working right now, you dimwit.
NanjoI make the rules inside this restaurant, you cheapskate four-eyes.
SakurayashikiIf that’s the case, post it outside as well, you feebleminded gorilla.
NanjoGive that back, rotting four-eyes.
SakurayashikiShut up, half-wit.
AzumaFufu. They must be close.
OmiHaha… yeah.
Somehow, those two… remind of Banri and Juza.
AzumaI see what you mean.
MukuKazu-kun told me about the famous shrine that makes your love come true.
IzumiOh, really?
MasumiI’m going there to wish Director and I can stay connected forever.
MukuWow, that sounds lovely…!
*skateboarder rolls by*
(I can spot people riding their skateboards here and there even as we’re walking around like this.)
There’s lots of skaters here, just like Taichi-kun said.
MukuThere really are.
The people dashing down the streets on their skateboards look so cool, just like Taichi-kun.
Izumi? Is something the matter, Masumi-kun?
Masumi…It’s nothing.
???Okinawa sure is great~.
IzumiHuh, that voice is…
RentoOhh! Some familiar faces!
Hey there!
IzumiRento-san, Akashi-kun!
RentoAre y’all sightseein’ too?
IzumiYeah. And you two?
RentoSame. We had some free time, so we’re just wanderin’ ‘round town.
We were skatin’ at the nearby skatepark just now.
MasumiYou guys skate too?
RentoI do, once in a while.
It seemed fun, so I figured I’d bring Akashi too… but he developed an unexpected talent! Bro, my jaw dropped.
AkashiT-that’s not true…
I wouldn’t be so presumptuous…
IzumiI’d love to watch you two skate too.
RentoHell yeah, if there’s a chance!
Anyways, where’re y’all going now?
MukuWe’re heading over to a shrine.
If you don’t mind, why don’t you walk around with us?
RentoOhh. If you’re offerin’, then we’ll join ya~.
You’ll come too, right, Akashi?
AkashiAh… s-sure.
MasumiNow there’s even more people.
My date with Director is getting farther and farther away…
HomareLeisurely strolling around town with you is nice as well, Tsumugi-kun.
TsumugiI’m happy if you say so.
HomareOh my. It’s a flower shop.
Homare…Would you like to drop by?
TsumugiIs that alright?
HomareOf course.
TsumugiWow… all the flowers are really beautiful.
HomareThese multi-coloured flowers all have such a fragrant scent…
Ohh, there are roses too. They’re truly breathtaking.
TsumugiThey have so many types of flowers that I don’t get to see in Veludo City.
I wonder what this flower is called.
(Is that an employee crouched over there?)
Store ownerHiromi-chan, can I ask you for an arrangement?
HiromiOkay~! There’s some really cute stuff that came in today.
Tsumugi(He looks pretty busy…
But he does his job with such a nice smile on his face. And the customers look happy to see him too.)
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  1. The SK8 characters’ lines are the same from the anime, word for word, so I am referencing the official subs from Funimation.
