Rabbits Party!/Episode 10

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Rabbits Party!
Episode 10
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MukuPut this over here, and...
IzumiThanks for cleaning up, Muku-kun.
MukuAh, Director-san, thank you for your hard work!
IzumiHappy Easter Event... These last few days have passed by so quickly, huh.
MukuYeah. It went by in the blink of an eye, but I had a really fun time.
IzumiIt's all thanks to Muku-kun.
IzumiIf you didn't tell me you wanted to do this, we might've ended up not participating in this event.
But because you took the initiative and invited so many people to join us, we were able to gather enough members and put on a successful stage performance.
MukuThat's... It wasn't just me.
I was able to participate in this event thanks to everyone who listened to my request.
IzumiI'm sure it's all thanks to your personality and the relationships you've built up over the years.
MukuAh, thank you so much...! It makes me happy to hear you say that.
AzamiSo this is where the both of you were.
IzumiWhat's up, Azami-kun?
AzamiThe staff is calling for all of us.
MukuAh! That's right, I'm coming!
ItaruOh, here they come.
KazunariDirector-chan! Mukkun! Over here!
StaffThank you all very much for your cooperation and participation in this event!
Thanks to your support, this event was a great success.
We're going to clean up the plaza and return the animals back to the farm.
If you'd like, why don't you come and have a little fun with the rabbits before you go?
MukuWah, definitely! Thank you very much!
AzamiHuh? Hisoka-san is...
ChikageHe went first to play with the rabbits.
IzumiIt's true, he's sleeping while surrounded by rabbits...
MukuFufu, it's just like something out of a picture book.
AzamiThat guy's liked by animals other than cats too.
ItaruCome on, the both of you should go and check it out.
Wahh... so fluffy...! Fufu, they're super cute.
Ah, that bunny looks like it wants you to pet it.
AzamiAh... There, there...
MukuWah, a ton of bunnies started gathering around Azami-kun...!
AzamiO-oi, don't go climbin' on my arm, that's dangerous.
MukuHaha, you must really love Azami-kun too, don't you, Bunny-san?
MukuDid Azami-kun also fall in love with the bunnies?
AzamiWell, definitely more than before at least.
AzamiWait a sec, so many of them just started gatherin' around me. I get it already, one at a time...!
MukuFufu, even the bunnies can sense Azami's feelings too.
AzamiNah, this isn't the time to be sayin' stuff like that right now! Hey... Muku-san, please help me!
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