Present Codes

From A3! Wiki

Obtaining Codes

Some merchandise or app store credit purchases also give present codes which can be redeemed for in-game items. These include:

Redeeming Codes

Present codes can be redeemed here.

  1. Select the type of code from the dropdown list on the upper-right. Present codes associated with a CD release will have the album name listed; all other codes use the 'Standard Present Code' (通常プレゼントコード) form.
  2. Fill in the fields:
    1. User ID (ユーザーID) - this can be obtained by checking your User Profile.
    2. Present Code (プレゼントコード)
    3. Card to Receive (受け取るカード) - only for codes associated with a CD release.
  3. Click 'Confirm' (確認する). A confirmation showing your Username and the item you are receiving will pop up. Confirm again to complete the process.

Items can be collected from your Present Box.