Mini Conversations/Masumi Usui/2021/11
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Practice Conversation 1
Masumi | …Hey, here. |
I brewed some black tea for you. | |
It looks like you were working up until late last night. Did you reach a stopping point in your document sorting? | |
I made you some ginger tea so you won’t get cold. | |
Use this blanket too. | |
And this eye mask and bath salts… | |
Plus these fuzzy socks—. | |
…You think this is overkill? | |
There’s no such thing as too much when it comes to making you comfortable, Director. | |
I’m making sure to watch over you by your side, after all. |
Practice Conversation 2
Masumi | I passed by Tasuku who was running by the riverside earlier. |
He told me it was getting colder, so he was exercising to keep himself warm. | |
He invited me to join him on his run. But I turned him down since I wasn’t prepared. | |
Besides, if I’m going out of my way to run… | |
Then I’d like to run with you. |
Practice Conversation 3
Masumi | Welcome home, Director. |
If you’ve got bags, then I’ll hold them, so—. | |
Wait, hold still. | |
…There’s an autumn leaf in your hair. | |
…You’re adorable. | |
Did you go look at the autumn leaves? | |
I’d love to go with you too though. | |
Whether it’s the autumn leaves or ginkgo—anything’s fine as long as I can see them with you. | |
I’m just happy having you next to me. |
Masumi & Juza Talk
Masumi | Zzz, zzz… |
Juza | Masumi. |
Masumi | What… |
Juza | You’ll catch a cold if you sleep out here. |
The wind’s cold too. | |
Masumi | …I’ll be fine. |
Cat | …Meow. |
Juza | A cat? Where’d they come from? |
Masumi | They crawled into my arms while I was napping. |
And they felt warm like a heat pack. | |
Juza | A heat pack, huh… I see. |
Masumi | Well, the person I really want to cuddle and sleep with is Director though. |
Juza | …You’re unwaverin’, as usual. |