Mini Conversations/Masumi Usui/2021/11

From A3! Wiki

Practice Conversation 1

Masumi…Hey, here.
I brewed some black tea for you.
It looks like you were working up until late last night. Did you reach a stopping point in your document sorting?
I made you some ginger tea so you won’t get cold.
Use this blanket too.
And this eye mask and bath salts…
Plus these fuzzy socks—.
…You think this is overkill?
There’s no such thing as too much when it comes to making you comfortable, Director.
I’m making sure to watch over you by your side, after all.

Practice Conversation 2

MasumiI passed by Tasuku who was running by the riverside earlier.
He told me it was getting colder, so he was exercising to keep himself warm.
He invited me to join him on his run. But I turned him down since I wasn’t prepared.
Besides, if I’m going out of my way to run…
Then I’d like to run with you.

Practice Conversation 3

MasumiWelcome home, Director.
If you’ve got bags, then I’ll hold them, so—.
Wait, hold still.
…There’s an autumn leaf in your hair.
…You’re adorable.
Did you go look at the autumn leaves?
I’d love to go with you too though.
Whether it’s the autumn leaves or ginkgo—anything’s fine as long as I can see them with you.
I’m just happy having you next to me.

Masumi & Juza Talk

MasumiZzz, zzz…
JuzaYou’ll catch a cold if you sleep out here.
The wind’s cold too.
Masumi…I’ll be fine.
JuzaA cat? Where’d they come from?
MasumiThey crawled into my arms while I was napping.
And they felt warm like a heat pack.
JuzaA heat pack, huh… I see.
MasumiWell, the person I really want to cuddle and sleep with is Director though.
Juza…You’re unwaverin’, as usual.
