Izumi | Now that the script’s complete, I’m thinking of assigning the roles. |
Omi | All the characters who appear this time are men who have made contracts with Tarot, right? |
Guy | There are six contracted Tarots: The Upright and Reversed Magician, The Hermit, The Sun, Justice and The Chariot. |
Tsumugi | According to my book, the main meaning of The Magician in upright position is hope, creativity, skill, and mastery... |
Kazunari | It also means the beginning of something—like the beginning of a practice, or the start of a love or friendship too. |
Sakuya | Wouldn’t Kazunari-san be a good choice for the character who makes a pact with The Upright Magician? |
Juza | I was thinkin’ the same thing. |
Tsumugi | Yeah, it suits Kazu-kun, doesn’t it? |
Kazunari | You think so!? Eh, hashtag blessed~! |
Guy | I agree. |
Omi | I think Kazunari would be great as well. |
Izumi | Are you good with the role of The Upright Magician, Kazunari-kun? |
Kazunari | ‘Course! I wanted to take it on too, so I’m down! |
Izumi | Then it’s settled. |
| Alright, now for the other roles… |
| |
Tsumugi | The Hermit Guy-san, The Sun Sakuya-kun, and The Chariot Juza-kun are set. |
Omi | The meaning of each card fit them perfectly, so it was a no brainer. |
Juza | What’s left are The Reversed Magician and Justice. Which ones will Tsumugi-san and Omi-san do? |
Kazunari | Both of them fit Justice, don’t they? |
Tsumugi | …Um, is it alright if I handle The Reversed Magician? |
Kazunari | Ooh, Tsumutsumu’s stepping up? |
Izumi | I don’t mind, but why the reversed role? |
Tsumugi | When I looked at the meaning of The Magician in reversed position, I felt that there were parts that applied to me… |
| Also, only The Magician has a pact with different people in its upright and reversed positions—. |
| So I thought it would be really interesting to play this part. |
Kazunari | It’s so like Tsumutsumu to challenge a role like that! |
Sakuya | Ah, I understand what you mean! |
| I thought the same thing. |
Tsumugi | Omi-kun, is it alright if I take The Reversed Magician? |
Omi | Yeah, of course. |
| In that case, I will play the role that has a contract with Justice. |
Sakuya | And with that, everyone’s sorted out! |
Izumi | Okay, now that we've decided on the roles… |
| Let’s just do a quick read through since everyone’s here. |
Juza | Got it. |
| |
Guy | …So that is what I think. How does that sound? |
Julian | I see, in that case… |
Kazunari | (Oh, it’s Guy-guy and Ju-ju.) |
| (It kinda looks like they’re having a serious conversation…? |
| It’d be bad to call out and interrupt them, so I’ll just slip back to my room.) |
Guy | …Miyoshi? |
Kazunari | Eh? |
Guy | Ah, it really was you. |
| I was planning to go to you after this. |
| Would you have a bit of time right now? |
Kazunari | …? |