Dengeki Girl's Style/A3!RING

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A3!RING is a series of short stories that ran in the January 2017 to May 2017 issues of the Dengeki Girl's Style magazine.

Leader Story

TenmaTriangle, triangle.
TsumugiIs that Misumi-kun?
BanriThat troupe is a real zoo.
SakuyaThe Autumn troupe is lively too.
BanriOur liveliness is a slightly different sort.
TenmaRather than lively, you're loud.
BanriYou're back, Tenma. Say, who's loud, oi.
TsumugiWas that Misumi-kun before?
TenmaYeah. It was tough getting my phone back from him......
SakuyaYou did a good job catching him!
TenmaI bumped into Omi-kun, who had cake, so I lured him with that.
TsumugiCake slices are triangular, aren't they......
BanriYou're something else for being able to spot that right away. You're the same sort.
TenmaDon't put me in the same boat as that guy!
TsumugiSince we're all here, shall we decide when to have our next leader's meeting?
SakuyaThat's right! I'm fine as long as it's outside of school hours!
BanriIt's better to do it sooner rather than later, hey. The Spring Troupe's starting practice for their next play soon.
SakuyaYeah. We're actually having a meeing about that after this, but......
BanriItaru-san's not there?
SakuyaAmazing! You really understood!
TenmaAre you an ESPer?
TsumugiAre you in the middle of playing on the new machine at the game center together?
SakuyaAre you an ESPer too, Tsumugi-san!?
TenmaThere's something else you should be pointing out!
SakuyaAh!!! Itaru-sun!!!
BanriYou made a typo.
TsumugiI'm going to see a play with Tasuku, but spotted you on the way.
TsumugiIt's about to start now, so that was about two hours ago, though......
BanriWe should be done soon, so I'll suggest we go home.
TsumugiWhat are your plans like, Tenma-kun, Banri-kun?
TenmaI've got filming for a movie starting from next week, so I'd prefer having it earlier too.
BanriI'm fine whenever. Tsumugi-san? You've got work, right.
TsumugiThe exam period is over, so I can do weekdays at the moment.
TsumugiHow were all your exams?
TenmaLet's not talk about that! So, when are we having it?
BanriWe might as well do it tonight.
TenmaNo objections.
TsumugiThen it's decided.
TenmaYou gotta bring these sweets I recommend ☆
TenmaSorry, that was Kazunari.
BanriThe Summer Troupe's leader is a popular guy, hey, oi.
TsumugiWe can each bring a snack along with something to discuss.
BanriGot it.
SakuyaThen we'll meet on the balcony tonight as usual!

Troupe Stories

SakuyaHoot hoot, hoot hoot......
MasumiSakuya's broken.
SakuyaI-I was just imitating an owl......!
MasumiIt doesn't sound the same at all.
TsuzuruSay, why were you imitating an owl?
ItaruIt looks like Citron's the culprit.
SakuyaWhen I said I had a dream where I became an owl user, he told me that if a bird other than an eagle appeared in the first dream it was a bad omen......
MasumiI don't get how that turned into an owl imitation.
SakuyaOn the other hand, if I did an owl imitation, he said my luck would improve! Amazing, isn't it!
ItaruWell, owls are said to be good omens.
ItaruThey've got a high suicide attack status and they're generally rare.
TsuzuruThat's not it! It comes from the pronunciation sounding similar to 'no suffering'![1]
CitronI'll give you a big owl object as a present so you don't suffer, Tsuzuru!
MasumiThat offer's too sudden.
CitronI'll offer up my elder.
TsuzuruYou can't offer your elders! You mean your New Year's money, right!?[2]
ItaruTsuzuru's counters are in great shape from the start of the New Year. Nice, nice.
SakuyaHave you all had your first dreams of the year?
MasumiI have.
ItaruHmm, what sort of dream?
MasumiI won't say. If I say it, it won't come true.
TsuzuruSo it was about the Director, then.
CitronIt was definitely a dream where he got together with the Director.
Masumi......It wasn't.
ItaruYou're smiling really hard. Out.
SakuyaHave you had yours, Itaru-san?
ItaruI still haven't. In the first place, I haven't slept.
SakuyaYou haven't slept!?
ItaruBetween the mystery item bags, New Year's quests and limited edition stories, I haven't had the time to sleep.
CitronItaru's a splendid gaming addict this year too. I've already seen five!
SakuyaFive!? Amazing......!
TsuzuruJust how much are you sleeping! The adults in the Spring Troupe are hopeless from the start of the new year.
CitronIn my first dream, I became a fisherman in Naples and made Neapolitan.
MasumiToo weird.
TsuzuruAhh, I still haven't. Once I start writing, I can't stop.
ItaruHere comes a comrade.
TsuzuruDon't lump me in with a regular addict like yourself.
SakuyaThat's right! Why don't we all sleep together at the theatre tonight?
TsuzuruOh, it's been a while, huh.
MasumiI'm sleeping with the Director, so I'll pass.
TsuzuruFace reality. You're only dating in your dreams.
ItaruAs long as it's after the New Year's quests finish.
TsuzuruThen bring your blankets and pillows and we'll meet up, okay.
SakuyaI'm kind of excited! ......I hope we all see the same dream!
KazunariWell! Kazunari's Kitchen has begun!
MisumiClap clap clap~!
KazunariIt'll be Valentine's very soon~. So, today, we're making truffles ——
YukiHey, how long are you going to continue that charade?
MukuKazu-kun's amazing! It was like a real cooking show!
TenmaDon't be moved.
KazunariWhen you stand in the kitchen, doesn't it make you want to do this sort of thing~?
MisumiIt does, it does~ It makes you want to make onigiri~
TenmaThat's just you! And don't slowly open the rice cooker!
YukiEnough, you three idiots. We're making chocolate for the Director today, correct?
MukuIt's a present from all of us in the Summer Troupe to show our thanks for what she does for us every day.
MisumiThe present box is this triangle~
TenmaThat's fine, but do we know how to make them?
KazunariOf coursies! First, we toast the cocoa~
TenmaWe're making it from cocoa!?
YukiYou didn't know? This is common knowledge.
MisumiIt's as common knowledge as triangles are! Right, Muku.
TenmaI-I know that much! Let's hurry up and buy the cocoa ——
Kazunari......Pfft. Ahaha! Tenten's the best!
TenmaWhat! Did you trick me again!?
YukiNormally you'd know. We can just melt chocolate from the market.
TenmaI was getting into the art of it! Let's hurry up and make it!
❤ 30 minutes later...... ❤
Tenma......Say, we've melted the chocolate, but how do we shape it?
KazunariIt'd be boring to make them just round~ Let's do something with a bit more originality!
MisumiSuper Mr Triangle!
TenmaIf we're talking about the Director, how about curry?
YukiThat doesn't have a fixed shape. Rather, it's complete in the current form.
MukuIt has to be a heart after all! Like on page 12 of the new volume that came out just yesterday ——
YukiA heart, huh. Alright, it's decided.
MisumiEh~ triangles are good.
TenmaHearts are like triangles too. Here, if you turn it upside down like this......
MisumiHmm, it's a bit like a triangle......maybe?
KazunariHey hey! We're forgetting something muy importante! [3]
YukiSpeak Japanese.
MukuIt means something important, right.
KazunariHonestly, get it by the feeling of it! Um, who's going to pass this to her?
TenmaThat's obviously me, the leader.
YukiHuh? We're deciding this fairly with rock-paper-scissors.
MukuI always put out paper when I'm nervous......
KazunariThen let's start.
TenmaWait, this is too rushed!
MisumiFirst is triangle!
YukiRock, paper...
All Five—— Scissors!
TaichiT-This is bad~! It's an emergency~!
SakyoWhat are you so flustered about.
JuzaHave we received a dojo challenge?
BanriSince when did this become a dojo?
OmiSo what's the emergency?
TaichiIt's! Almost! White Day!!!
JuzaWas that March 3rd?
TaichiJuza-san, what a pity~! That's Girls' Day! It's March 14th!
BanriIt's not a pity at all!
OmiHaha, Juza doesn't seem to have those sorts of interests, does he.
SakyoSigh......Either way, it's not an emergency or anything.
TaichiIt is an emergency! Because we have to give something back to the Director!
SakyoIs that so......
OmiI might bake a cheesecake.
JuzaCheesecake......I want to eat it.
OmiHaha, I'll prepare a portion for everyone as well.
TaichiGeez~ You're all too relaxed! You have to return things three times over on White Day! It's a man's chance to show off!
SakyoWell, it goes against human nature to not show thanks. We'll have to prepare some sort of product.
JuzaSomething that will make the Director happy......Ingredients for curry?
BanriIdiot. If you do that, we'll live the curry life for a week.
OmiShall we all make cake together?
SakyoI don't want to think about five men standing in a kitchen......
TaichiMe, me! I think a splendid flower bouquet would be good!
BanriThat's a reasonable idea from you, Taichi. Flowers and stuff are the standard, so it should be fine.
JuzaFive men in a flowershop......
OmiWell, someone can be our representative and go buy it.
SakyoI don't mind getting flowers, but what sort of flowers should we get?
BanriThat's right. There isn't anyone knowledgeable about flowers here.
TaichiI think pansies are nice! They're small and cute, just perfect for the Director!
BanriI've never heard of having pansies in a bouquet.
SakyoFlowers, huh......I can only think of chrysanthemums.
BanriAre you making an offering.
Juza......Cluster amaryllis.
BanriYou've got no taste! There's got to be something safer and more popular out there.
BanriIs it Mother's Day!? Even if she accepts them, she'll worry about how to respond!
TaichiSpeaking of which, Ban-chan, what do you suggest~?
Banri......C-Cosmos, maybe?
Omi......That's a surprisingly cute choice.
SakyoYou're ignoring the season.
BanriShut up!
BanriOi, Hyodo, you jerk, you're laughing, aren't you.
Juza......I'm not laughing.
TaichiHow rare! He's laughing!
SakyoSigh......As much as it pains me, they're all pittances.
BanriShall we ask our gardener......
Homare― I actually carry Shakespeare's DNA.
TasukuIt's April Fool's, isn't it.
HomareHow dull. The others were all shocked into silence.
HisokaThey were just so stunned they didn't argue.
AzumaHisoka told a lie too.
HisokaI said I wasn't sleepy. But nobody believed me.
TsumugiBecause you fell asleep halfway through saying it...
AzumaWas yours a success, Tsumugi?
TsumugiYes. When I said "I'm getting married next month", Tasuku easily believed me...
TasukuSaying it to my face is one thing, but using the Director as an intermediary for your lies is sneaky.
TsumugiThat was Azuma-san's suggestion......
AzumaHehe, it was fun throwing a curveball, wasn't it?
HomareWhat sort of lie did you yourself tell?
Azuma"I'm......actually a woman......You don't believe me, do you. Shall I strip here right now and prove it?"
TsumugiIt's a classic lie, but when Azuma-san says it I'm somehow inclined to believe it......
TasukuWhat a terrible lie......
AzumaSpeaking of which, Tasuku, what sort of lie did you tell?
TasukuI didn't tell one. I'm not very good with this sort of event.
Hisoka......How boring.
TasukuI don't want to hear that from you when all you do is sleep.
AzumaWhy don't you try telling one now?
HomareTell it to......ah, the Director would be good.
TasukuThis is pointless.
AzumaReally? It requires acting skill, so I think it's a perfect chance to test your skills.
TsumugiYeah. If the Director believes you, it gives you a bit of confidence.
TasukuThat......has some sense to it.
HisokaActing idiot.
TsumugiNow what sort of lie would be good......I actually hate currry, or something?
TasukuThat'll seriously give her a shock.
HomareWait, if that happens it might prompt a curry week to make him like it.
HisokaI don't want that.
AzumaI'm actually American, or something. You like that sort of fashion, don't you.
TsumugiAmerican casual, right.
TasukuThat's such a random lie.....
HisokaGo in the other direction and make it an easy to understand lie. Say happy birthday......
HomareThat's the sort of pattern that'll make her counter with 'it's April Fool's!', hm.
TsumugiThat's good.
AzumaTasuku, shall we try it? Ah, with a princely air, like you were taught at GOD-za.
Tasuku............Happy Halloween!
TasukuYou guys......Don't laugh when you're the ones who made me say it.
TsumugiSorry, Tasuku! I hadn't thought you'd go with Halloween of all things.
HomareNice sense! Tasuku-kun!
AzumaTrick or treat ♪
HisokaHave a marshmallow.
TasukuI don't need it!


  1. The pronunciation of '梟'=owl (fukurou) can be used to make '不苦労'=no suffering
  2. お年寄り (otoshiyori)=elder vs お年玉 (otoshidama)=New Year's money
  3. originally in English