Cards/Tenma Sumeragi

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No. Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
No. Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
31 (Unconcealed Aura) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Unconcealed Aura) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Unconcealed Aura 隠せないオーラ Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer Initial
32 (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer Initial
33 (Rehearsal) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古 Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer Initial
34 (Water me!) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Water me!) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Water me! Water me! Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer Initial
35 (The Door to Summer) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Door to Summer) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png The Door to Summer 夏への扉 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Summer Initial
36 (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png Ouka Public High School 公立欧華高校 Tenma Sumeragi Action N Summer Initial
167 (MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen MANKAI☆開花宣言 Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR++ Summer MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen
172 (Handsome Rider) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Handsome Rider) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Handsome Rider イケメン☆ライダー Tenma Sumeragi Action R Summer Wondering Highway
187 (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Touching No Thanks ふれあいノーサンクス Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer Sunday With a Cat
191 (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png The Adventure for Sardines にぼしを巡る冒険 Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Summer The Adventure for Sardines
196 (Actor's Cafe OPEN) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R++ Icon Bloomed.png Actor's Cafe OPEN アクターズカフェOPEN Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R++ Summer Animate Cafe
202 (Riverside Evening Cherry Trees) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Riverside Evening Cherry Trees) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Riverside Evening Cherry Trees 夜桜リバーサイド Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer SAKURA Diary Night
226 (First SUMMER) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png First SUMMER First SUMMER Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR++ Summer First SUMMER EP
231 (MANKAI Birthday) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP
261 (Big Flowers Blooming in the Night Sky) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Big Flowers Blooming in the Night Sky) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Big Flowers Blooming in the Night Sky 夜空に咲く大輪 Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer Midsummer SparkleMemory
286 (Captain Sky Pirates) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Captain Sky Pirates) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Captain Sky Pirates 抜錨!スカイ海賊団 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Summer Captain Sky Pirates
291 (Stubborn Stoic) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Stubborn Stoic) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Stubborn Stoic 意地のストイック Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer Captain Sky Pirates
354 (Travel Companion) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Travel Companion) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Travel Companion 旅は道連れ Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer Ticket to Ride
400 (Trajectory of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer 1st Anniversary Spring & Summer
421 (Mix Mix Chocolate) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Mix Mix Chocolate) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Mix Mix Chocolate ぐるぐるチョコレート Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer February's Chocolatier
444 (Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming! 春夏秋冬☆Blooming! Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR++ Summer Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming!
457 (Incognito Day Game) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Incognito Day Game) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Incognito Day Game お忍びデイゲーム Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer First Crush Baseball (First Half)
463 (First Crush Baseball) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (First Crush Baseball) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png First Crush Baseball 初恋甲子園 Tenma Sumeragi Action N Summer First Crush Baseball
502 (Fishing Skill Test) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Fishing Skill Test) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Fishing Skill Test 腕試しフィッシング Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer Exciting! Misoshiosa Island
518 (MANKAI Playback) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP 2018
523 (I'll Keep Proposing) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (I'll Keep Proposing) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png I'll Keep Proposing 何度でもプロポーズ Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer All of Their 'Marry me!'s
563 (SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring SHI★NO★BI珍道中 Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Summer SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring
568 (Shinobi Living in the Shadows) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Shinobi Living in the Shadows) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Shinobi Living in the Shadows 闇に生きる忍び Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring
572 (Cover Boy of the Month) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR++ Icon Bloomed.png Cover Boy of the Month 今月のカバーボーイ Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR++ Summer A3! Summer MANKAI Campaign 2018
592 (Pompous Rabbit) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Pompous Rabbit) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Pompous Rabbit オレ様うさぎ Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer I'll fly you to the moon
618 (VIVID SUMMER) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png VIVID SUMMER VIVID SUMMER Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR++ Summer VIVID SUMMER EP
654 (Young Man of the Sun, Apollo) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Young Man of the Sun, Apollo) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Young Man of the Sun, Apollo 太陽の青年アポロン Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer Ahh, Beautiful Gaia
668 (Joke Planning Elaborately) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Joke Planning Elaborately) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Joke Planning Elaborately ネタの仕込みは入念に Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer Our Last Laugh of the Year
677 (MANKAI☆New Year) Tenma Sumeragi Action R++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆New Year 満開☆新年 Tenma Sumeragi Action R++ Summer New Year's Bonus 2019
692 (Journey of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer 2nd Anniversary Summer
734 (My Glittering LIVE!) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (My Glittering LIVE!) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png My Glittering LIVE! ギラギラオレ様LIVE! Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer Our 1st LIVE
749 (The Floral Prince) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Floral Prince) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png The Floral Prince 花の王子さま Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer The Floral Prince
766 (Look up at the Blossom-coloured Sky) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Look up at the Blossom-coloured Sky) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Look up at the Blossom-coloured Sky 桜色の空を見上げて Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer Yosakoi Spirit
799 (MANKAI Encore) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP 2019
855 (Exciting Theme Park) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Exciting Theme Park) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Exciting Theme Park わくわくレトロパーク Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer HOLIDAY PARK CARNIVAL
862 (Pride's Elegance) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Pride's Elegance) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Pride's Elegance 矜持のエレガンス Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer DRESSED
867 (Last Runway) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Runway) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Last Runway ラスト・ランウェイ Tenma Sumeragi Action R Summer The Last Runway
892 (Happy and Joyful Mariachi) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Happy and Joyful Mariachi) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Happy and Joyful Mariachi 愉快適悦マリアッチ Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer To the Person I Want to See, but Can’t
931 (Ultra Confident Goshawk) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Ultra Confident Goshawk) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Ultra Confident Goshawk 自信満々ゴスホーク Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer party people on ice
959 (Banquet of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer 3rd Anniversary! Summer
978 (Determined Move-in Day) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Determined Move-in Day) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Determined Move-in Day 決意の入寮日 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition
981 (The 1001st Adventure Record) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (The 1001st Adventure Record) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png The 1001st Adventure Record 千一話目の冒険記 Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition
997 (A Capable Man's Escort) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Capable Man's Escort) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png A Capable Man's Escort 出来る男のエスコート Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer Magical Pink Diner
1,020 (My Path Still Continues) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (My Path Still Continues) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png My Path Still Continues オレの道は続く Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer Farewell!
1,061 (MANKAI Glitter) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP 2020
1,075 (The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons 四季を閉じ込めた庭 Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR++ Summer Act 10 Advancement Campaign
1,079 (IMMORTAL CROW) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (IMMORTAL CROW) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Summer IMMORTAL CROW
1,081 (Kurou's Heavenly End) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Kurou's Heavenly End) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Kurou's Heavenly End 終天のクロウ Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer IMMORTAL CROW (Second Half)
1,108 (Blazing Mankai Red) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Blazing Mankai Red) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Blazing Mankai Red 灼熱マンカイレッド Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer SMASH SMASH SMASH!
1,121 (+3Ghosts!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (+3Ghosts!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png +3Ghosts! +3Ghosts! Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer +3Ghosts!
1,204 (Perfect Cigar Box) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Perfect Cigar Box) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Perfect Cigar Box 完璧シガーボックス Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament
1,220 (Promise of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束 Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer 4th Anniversary Summer
1,273 (Confident Pizzaiolo) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Confident Pizzaiolo) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Confident Pizzaiolo 強気のピッツァイオーロ Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer RISTORANTE MANKAI
1,310 (The Truth in One's Sight) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (The Truth in One's Sight) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png The Truth in One's Sight 瞳の向こうの真実 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer SURVIVAL STRATEGY
1,325 (MANKAI Memory) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP 2021
1,327 (Spotlight) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer BD Scout Letter (June)
1,384 (A Kiss on the Mukuge) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Kiss on the Mukuge) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png A Kiss on the Mukuge ムクゲにくちづけ Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer Special Edition: Veludo Summer Evening Festival
1,396 (Unchanged Weakness) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Unchanged Weakness) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Unchanged Weakness 変わらない弱点 Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer Last Planet ep.02 Summer Troupe Edition
1,402 (Last Planet) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer Last Planet ep.02 Summer Troupe Edition
1,433 (Youkai's Bath Temperature) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Youkai's Bath Temperature) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Youkai's Bath Temperature 妖の湯加減 Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open
1,457 (Grooming Lesson) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Grooming Lesson) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Grooming Lesson グルーミングれっすん Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer A Puppy's Feelings.
1,462 (WONDER RUSH) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (WONDER RUSH) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png WONDER RUSH WONDER RUSH Tenma Sumeragi Action N Summer WONDER RUSH
1,466 (SUNNY SUMMER) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SUMMER SUNNY SUMMER Tenma Sumeragi Action SR++ Summer SUNNY SUMMER EP
1,508 (A Confident Hymn) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Confident Hymn) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png A Confident Hymn 自信あふれる聖歌 Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Summer Resounding Chimes, Holy Night
1,544 (Brilliance of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer 5th Anniversary Summer
1,580 (Evening Take-off) Tenma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Evening Take-off) Tenma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Evening Take-off 夕暮れテイクオフ Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer Yearning Airlines
1,594 (Complete Satisfaction) Tenma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Complete Satisfaction) Tenma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Complete Satisfaction 心ゆく満足感を Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer ELEVATOR BOYS
1,639 (Dancer of the Sun) Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png Dancer of the Sun 太陽の踊子 Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR++ Summer Golden Hathi
1,653 (MANKAI Party) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer JUNE BIRTHDAY SP 2022
1,669 (Fasten the Ribbon) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Fasten the Ribbon) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Fasten the Ribbon リボンを締めて Tenma Sumeragi Action R Summer Pastry Chef's Specialty
1,680 (Blank canvas) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Blank canvas) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Blank canvas Blank canvas Tenma Sumeragi Serious SSR Summer Sky's the Limit
1,686 (Sky Gallery) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Sky Gallery) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Sky Gallery スカイギャラリー Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Summer Sky Gallery
1,700 (Laundry Incident!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Laundry Incident!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Laundry Incident! お洗濯ハプニング! Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Summer WASH & DRY
1,739 (The Celebrity and the Mascots) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (The Celebrity and the Mascots) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png The Celebrity and the Mascots 芸能人とマスコット Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Summer NOSTALGIA
1,796 (Festival of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭 Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Summer 6TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING
1,833 35px 35px Like a Normal High School Student 普通の高校生らしく Tenma Sumeragi Action SSR Summer Spotlight: Hanasaki Academy & Ouka High
1,858 35px 35px Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SR Summer Night Street: Shooting Star half
1,882 35px 35px Stars of the Future 未来のスターたち Tenma Sumeragi Comedy SSR Summer Sanrio characters × A3!