Cards/Sakuya Sakuma
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< Cards
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
1 | Secret Special Training on the Riverside | 河原の秘密特訓 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | Initial | |
2 | Premonition of Blooming | 開花の予感 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | Initial | |
3 | Rehearsal | 立ち稽古 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | Initial | |
4 | Romeo & Julius | ロミオとジュリアス | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | Initial | |
5 | A Bud Waiting for Spring | 春待つつぼみ | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | N | Spring | Initial | |
6 | Hanasaki Private Academy | 私立花咲学園 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | N | Spring | Initial | |
166 | MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen | MANKAI☆開花宣言 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR++ | Spring | MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen | |
174 | Mischievous Cat | いたずらキャット | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | Pour Tea MAD | |
178 | Boy Alice in Wonderland | 不思議の国の青年アリス | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | N | Spring | Boy Alice in Wonderland | |
195 | Actor's Cafe OPEN | アクターズカフェOPEN | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R++ | Spring | Animate Cafe | |
199 | You Are the Flower of My Dreams | キミは夢見草 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | SAKURA Diary Day | |
207 | Catch of the Day | 本日の釣果 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | CAMP!CAMP!CAMP! | |
224 | First SPRING | First SPRING | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR++ | Spring | First SPRING EP | |
265 | The Clockwork Heartbeat | ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | N | Spring | The Clockwork Heartbeat | |
273 | Tin Memories | 思い出はブリキ製 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | The Clockwork Heartbeat | |
297 | Gentle Light | 優しいともしび | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | good, good night! | |
361 | Memory Mileage | 思い出マイレージ | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | hAve A greAt trip! | |
370 | Phoenix★Stage | 不死鳥★Stage | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | TRY! Shining Collab Stage | |
386 | Preparing for the New Year Together! | 一緒に迎春準備! | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | Exciting New Year's Count | |
391 | MANKAI☆New Year | 満開☆新年 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R++ | Spring | New Year's Bonus | |
395 | Trajectory of Blooming | 開花の軌跡 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | 1st Anniversary Spring & Summer | |
420 | Browned Heart Tart | こんがりハートタルト | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | February's Chocolatier | |
427 | A Book that Holds the Rainbow | 虹を閉じ込めた本 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz (First Half) | |
433 | The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz | エメラルドのペテン師 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | N | Spring | The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz | |
441 | MANKAI Birthday | 満開Birthday | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP | |
443 | Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming! | 春夏秋冬☆Blooming! | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR++ | Spring | Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming! | |
479 | Labourious Stroke | 懸命ストローク | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | Petals Flutter, You Slumber | |
528 | Knights of Round IV | Knights of Round IV | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | Tell Me a Secret Code | |
576 | Blue Sea Bottleship | 碧海ボトルシップ | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | Queen Camellia | |
610 | Devil-in-Training | 見習いデビル | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | A Magical Night! | |
615 | VIVID SPRING | VIVID SPRING | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR++ | Spring | VIVID SPRING EP | |
664 | Glittering Snow Globe | ぴかぴかスノードーム | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | DREAMED HOLIDAY | |
686 | Journey of Blooming | 開花の旅路 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | 2nd Anniversary Spring | |
723 | Stately Four Strings | 大らかな四弦 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | Frühling Einsatz | |
728 | Harugaoka Quartet | 春ケ丘Quartet | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | N | Spring | Harugaoka Quartet | |
732 | MANKAI Playback | 満開Playback | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2019 | |
765 | Yosakoi Dance on a Moonlit Night | 朧月夜のよさこい乱舞 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | Yosakoi Spirit | |
803 | A Scoop of Joy | 幸せのひと掬い | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | June Ceremony | |
830 | Swimming Clownfish | 遊泳アネモネフィッシュ | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | Aquarium ShowTime | |
837 | Just Like Magic | まるで魔法のように | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | Fantastic Clown | |
842 | The Luminous Circus | ザ・ルミナス・サーカス | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | The Luminous Circus | |
860 | Blossom Aloha | ブロッサムアロハ | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | SPF50+/PA+++ | |
930 | Pure Snow Fairy | 無垢なスノーウェアリー | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | party people on ice | |
953 | Banquet of Blooming | 開花の祝宴 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | 3rd Anniversary! Spring | |
977 | Exciting Move-in Day | どきどき入寮日 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition | |
979 | Sword of Bonds | 絆の剣 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition | |
1,004 | MANKAI Encore | 満開Encore | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2020 | |
1,011 | Odairi-sama on a Sunny Day | 晴れの日のお内裏さま | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | ODAIRISAMA PANIC! | |
1,042 | Innocence of the Royal Palace | 王宮の純朴 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | EGGciting♪Zahra Travelogue | |
1,070 | Packing Crimson Tomatoes | 真っ赤なトマトを包んで | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | YABATAN VEGETABLE | |
1,092 | Beast's Beloved Child | 獣の愛し子 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | Ayakashi Midnight Three | |
1,097 | Magicians' Pure Love | 奇術師たちの純愛 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | Magic in the Moonlight | |
1,136 | Lighting the Guiding Lantern | ランタン灯してご案内 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | LANTERN NIGHT | |
1,180 | Leader of the Procession | 行列の先導者 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | Many Many Candy | |
1,212 | Two Hands Full of Blessings! | 両手いっぱいに福! | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | Special Edition: A Tour of Veludo's Popular Shops | |
1,214 | Promise of Blooming | 開花の約束 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | 4th Anniversary Spring | |
1,261 | MANKAI Glitter | 満開Glitter | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2021 | |
1,278 | Senribana Monogatari | 千里花物語 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | Sekka Moyou | |
1,296 | Morning of a Model Student | 模範生の朝 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | Nostalgic Gymnasium | |
1,342 | A Youth Who Takes Pride in His Skills | 腕自慢の若者 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | Midnight Chinatown | |
1,378 | SUNNY SPRING | SUNNY SPRING | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR++ | Spring | SUNNY SPRING EP | |
1,408 | The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons | 四季を閉じ込めた庭 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR++ | Spring | Act 12 Advancement Campaign | |
1,409 | Secret Special Training for Countless Times More | 秘密特訓は何度でも | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | Last Planet ep.02 Spring Troupe Edition | |
1,415 | Last Planet | Last Planet | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | Last Planet ep.02 Spring Troupe Edition | |
1,430 | The Sun That Brings Good Fortune | 幸運を運ぶ太陽 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | Fortune Festival | |
1,438 | Twins: White | ツインズ・ホワイト | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | SSR Family | |
1,440 | SSR Family | SSRファミリー | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | N | Spring | SSR Family | |
1,499 | A Hymn That Echoes Through the Night Sky | 夜空に響く聖歌 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | Gloria! | |
1,538 | Brilliance of Blooming | 開花の光彩 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | 5th Anniversary Spring | |
1,570 | Gentle Oni's Weapon | 優しい鬼の武器 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | ONISAN KOCHIRA | |
1,583 | MANKAI Memory | 満開Memory | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2022 | |
1,585 | Spotlight | Spotlight | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | BD Scout Letter (March) | |
1,621 | A Gentle Spring Story | 優しい春の物語 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | SPECIAL EDITION: VELUDO ANTIQUE BOOK FAIR | |
1,643 | Another Cup of Tea With You Today | 今日も貴方とお茶を一杯 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | The Beloved Domestic Student | |
1,649 | Literary Impasse | 文学隘路 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | N | Spring | Literary Impasse | |
1,658 | Happiness Flying Down | 舞い降りる幸せ | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | Groom Battle Royale AGAIN | |
1,713 | Balloon BOMB Challenge | 風船 BOMBチャレンジ | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | Attack☆Veludo Star Challenge | |
1,752 | Mankai Crepe | 満開のクレープ | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | BOUQUET CREPE | |
1,772 | Sweet noblewoman | 可憐な貴婦人 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | La Verite of Flowers | |
1,786 | Miniature Garden Music Box | 箱庭のオルゴール | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | WHITE WINTER COLLECTION | |
1,790 | Festival of Blooming | 開花の祝祭 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | 6TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING | |
1,832 | Borrowed Textbook | 借りた教科書 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | R | Spring | After School | |
1,836 | MANKAI Party | 満開Party | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2023 | |
1,852 | Moon Traveler | ムーン・トラベラー | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | Moon Traveler | |
1,881 | Flower of Love, Dreams and Joy | 愛と夢と喜びの花 | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | Sanrio characters × A3! | |
1,893 | Beyond Full Bloom | 満開のその先に | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | Night Street: Meteor Shower Half | |
1,941 | In Search for the Best | 至高の一品を求めて | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | R | Spring | Mysterious Antiques | |
1,971 | Hopeful Toybox | 希望のトイボックス | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | Lovely Pink House | |
2,030 | An Oni Protecting the People | 人々を守る鬼 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | Winter Hyakki Yagyō | |
2,050 | Reminiscence of Blooming | 開花の追想 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | 7TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING | |
2,091 | MANKAI Feature | 満開Feature | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2024 | |
2,098 | All of Your Love All to Myself | キミの愛情ひとり占め | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring | You're my first and last love | |
2,121 | Letters and Petals | 花びらと手紙 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR | Spring | ||
2,127 | Premonition of Budding | 芽吹きの予感 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SR | Spring | ||
2,133 | Rosso e Blu | Rosso e Blu | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | N | Spring | ||
2,139 | Announcement of Spring Troupe's New Performance | 春組新公演のお知らせ | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SSR | Spring | ||
2,168 | A Headdress Just for You | あなたに贈るヘッドドレス | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | SR | Spring | ||
2,206 | Guiding Stella | 導きのステラ | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SSR++ | Spring | ||
2,225 | A Creation that Comes Alive | 動き出す創造物 | Sakuya Sakuma | Comedy | SR | Spring | ||
2,274 | Little Devil Maid's Reward | 小悪魔メイドのご褒美 | Sakuya Sakuma | Action | SSR | Spring | ||
2,306 | Aiming to be that One Person | 一人前を目指して | Sakuya Sakuma | Serious | R | Spring |