B's-LOG/March 2022

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B's-LOG March 2022
B's-LOG March 2022
Released January 20, 2022
Magazine B’s-LOG
Publisher KADOKAWA

B's-LOG/March 2022.


I Want to Know, I Want to Feel, The Real You

The Allure of Secrets

Mysterious people are beautiful—.

This month, under the theme of “mysterious”, we bring you a special feature following “them” who possess an enticing charm.

A3! / Chikage & Hisoka

Secrets that are known by “moonlight”

MANKAI Company’s Spring troupe’s Utsuki Chikage & Winter troupe’s Mikage Hisoka.

We bring you a newly written interview with this pair who share a deep bond that extends beyond their troupes.

——Please tell us your impressions about the cover photoshoot this time.
HisokaIt felt warm and fluffy, and it was hard not to fall asleep.
ChikageI wore an outfit that I typically wouldn’t wear for the photoshoot, so I suppose it felt fresh.
HisokaI guess it’s rare to see Chikage without glasses? I feel like you don’t really see it in other photos.
ChikageThe cameraman suggested that I take them off during the photoshoot, so I did. I never actually expected that shot was going to make the cut.
HisokaI think that element of surprise is nice. …Probably.
ChikageYou’re not even sure…
——You two have known each other for a long time. But are there any points about the other that make you think, “this is strange”?
HisokaThe fact that he likes spicy food.
ChikageThe fact that he likes sweet food.
HisokaThe fact that he doesn’t sleep at all.
ChikageThe fact that he keeps sleeping on and on.
HisokaThe fact that we’re complete opposites, and yet we’re living and acting together for some reason.
Chikage…I feel the same way.
HisokaBut, I don’t hate it. Oddly enough.
ChikageWell, I… agree. I just wish you would give me a break from babysitting you though.
——Please tell us about a person at MANKAI Company who you think is “mysterious”, and a story about them.
ChikageMysterious, huh…? If I had to say, then maybe Omi.
ChikageHe works, acts, and he’s also in charge of cooking in the dorm. Well, as for our meals, it’s not that he handles them every day. But I wonder how he manages his time.
HisokaYeah, that’s kind of mysterious. He’s always coming up with tasty desserts too. But then again, isn’t Itaru also like that?
ChikageChigasaki is… He’s the type of person who implements a schedule while balancing his hobbies, work, and acting. And it seems he’s working hard when you can’t see it. …If I think about it, maybe Omi is the same way.
HisokaThat’s not mysterious at all.
ChikageThen do you have anything to say?
HisokaMmm… ah, there’s just one person. Tetsuro.
HisokaHe makes props for us all the time, but I have no idea what he does apart from that. I heard Juza has gotten tickets to the zoo from him before… I wonder if he likes animals?
ChikageNow that you mention it, we don’t know much about him even though he’s been helping us so much.
HisokaShould I ask him next time? I’m not sure he’ll talk to me though.
ChikageI’m not confident you would even be able to hear him if you two spoke. Well, there’s no need to pry unnecessarily.
HisokaYeah. It might be better to keep the mystery a mystery.
——If you switched places with each other for a day, what would you like to do?
HisokaWith Chikage? …No thanks.
ChikageThat’s not something I really want to think about.
HisokaI’d go on a marshmallow tour around the world on his company’s dime.
HisokaOf course I’d call it a business trip.
ChikageGood grief… this isn’t a game, you know?
HisokaI know that. What about you, Chikage?
ChikageI would eat fiery hot spicy food the entire day.
Hisoka…I bet I’d get a stomachache after we returned back to normal. I wish you’d do something else.
ChikageWhy do I have to change my answer for you? …Then otherwise, perhaps I would try talking to cats?
HisokaYou, Chikage? Why?
ChikageCats are tough to deal with since they just cry and I can’t understand what they’re saying. I have no idea what kind of demands they’re usually making. On that point, you understand what cats are saying, don’t you?
HisokaSort of. Not as much as Misumi does though. We don’t need to switch for you to know that much, right?
ChikageI asked because I didn’t know. …I really do want to avoid switching with this guy after all.
——What does “family” mean to you?
HisokaIt’s a precious place that will accept me no matter who I am.
ChikageIt’s a special place that I want to protect no matter what happens.
Hisoka…There it is. Chikage’s protectiveness.
ChikageI simply don’t want to lose it. It’s that special to me after all.
HisokaThat’s true… but I think you can depend on your family too, not just protect them.
ChikageYou’re too dependent.
HisokaYou’re way too independent, Chikage. It’s alright to be selfish once in a while. Like, say you want to eat tons of spicy food or something.
ChikageWhat the heck? Well, we may have different ways of doing things, but we both agree that it’s the place where we belong.
