Act 9/Episode 1

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Act 9
Episode 1: A New Morning
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IzumiOmi-kun, I’ve toasted the English muffins!
OmiCan you put some sauce on this plate next?
IzumiMm, it looks delicious! Having Egg Benedicts for breakfast makes us feel fancy, right~?
OmiFor now, we’ve prepared everyone’s portion.
IzumiAh, right, Omi-kun! You need to head out early today, right!? Are you gonna be on time!?
Omi--Oh no.
IzumiAll that’s left is the finishing touches, right? I’ll do it!
Izumi(Ever since graduating from college, Omi-kun has gotten so busy. He always heads out early and comes home late…)
Ah! Omi-kun, your lunch box!
(Let’s close the lid now that it’s cooled down--)
IzumiHave a good day!
OmiI’m off.
Izumi(He was a little bit lost during job hunting. But after being employed at a photography company his senior told him about, he seems to be living each day to the fullest.)
SakuyaGood morning!
IzumiAh, you also need to head out early, right, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaYes, I have a morning shift at my part-time job.
IzumiAre you gonna work the whole day today?
SakuyaNo, my shift ends before noon. I have a rehearsal for my guest performance until night after that--.
IzumiI see. Eat up. This Egg Benedict is specially made by Omi-kun.
SakuyaTime to dig in!
Izumi(Sakuya-kun has been making more guest appearances lately. Looks like his work as an actor has been doing well. He’s been busier than before.)
(--Oops. I need to hurry or else I won’t be able to finish preparing breakfast before the students wake up.)
MukuGood morning.
Azami*yawn* sleepy…
KumonHuh? Did you stay up late, Azami? That’s rare.
AzamiNope. I slept properly, but I woke up feeling groggy.
IzumiBreakfast’s ready, guys.
YukiUgh, don’t tell me it’s curry?
IzumiOmi-kun was in charge of making the meal today! I just helped to finish up.
MukuIt looks tasty!
YukiEgg Benedict, huh. I expected no less from him.
KumonLet’s eat!
AzamiLet’s eat.
Izumi(I’m still not used to seeing Azami-kun in a new uniform. But he seems to be having fun going to Kumon-kun’s high school, Tsukushi High, so I’m glad.)
(I need to prepare for the second group now.)
MukuThank you for the food!
YukiI enjoyed it.
AzamiWe're off.
IzumiHave a nice day! Take care.
Kumon...Say, director…
KumonDid Azami tell you something?
IzumiHuh? What do you mean by something?
Kumon...He seems kind of down these days.
IzumiNow that you mention it… He did say he woke up feeling groggy today. Perhaps it's the stress from adapting to his new environment...?
KumonBut he seems to be doing just fine in school. He even made new friends in his class.
IzumiIs that so?
KumonI’m gonna try investigating some more. When I find something, can you lend me your ear again?
IzumiSure thing. I’ll leave Azami-kun’s matters to you.
KumonYou can count on me! I’m off, then!
IzumiSee you later!
(Azami-kun, huh… I wonder if Sakyo-san has noticed anything.)
IzumiGood morning!
ChikageWe’re having a luxurious breakfast again, I see.
ItaruIt makes this feeble salaryman have an upset stomach, though.
ChikageI don’t want to hear that from someone who eats pizza late at night.
IzumiShall I put less sauce on yours, then?
TaichiDirector-sensei, morning!
Izumi(Yosei Uni students are here first today.)
TenmaHere I thought we’d be having curry for breakfast.
TaichiYou’re right, it’s not curry.
IzumiGeez, curry this, curry that… Is that what you say to someone the moment you see their face...? Fine, let’s trade the sauce for some curry, shall we!
TenmaNo, don’t!
TaichiLet’s dig in before she changes it for real! Time to eat!
IzumiAw, you don’t need to hold back that much…
JuzaThat reminds me, I’ll lend you the drama course textbook I told you before.
TaichiAh, that’d be helpful! Thanks. The textbook is expensive, you see.
JuzaNo need to thank me. I got the book from Tsuzuru-san.
TsuzuruGlad to know the book is still helpful. It’s been passed down for a long time.
Izumi(After Omi-kun graduated, Tenma-kun and Taichi-kun enrolled in Yosei Uni. And with the O High kids being together again, Yosei Uni has become a college that we’re familiar with.)
(Tenma-kun decided to further his study as his parents determined that it’d be best for him to broaden his range of skills. Even though it was a sudden decision, he safely passed the exam…)
(Studying for the exam must have been hard, since his schedules were still packed.)
(I also heard it was tough for Taichi-kun to get in given his rank. But he brilliantly passed the exam thanks to Tsumugi-san, who helped Juza-kun pass before.)
(Meanwhile, Chikage-san had been helping Tenma-kun study. It’s great to know that we have competent tutors here.)
BanriThanks for the meal.
KazunariWe’re going out.
IzumiHave a nice day!
(Now that the Amabi students have gone, the remaining student would be--.)
MasumiThat was delicious.
IzumiMasumi-kun, you’re going to be late if you don’t hurry.
IzumiBesides, Sakuya-kun already left since he had an early shift today.
MasumiI'm waiting for your daily goodbye kiss…
IzumiI don't remember giving you a daily goodbye kiss, though!? And I definitely won't give you one! Not today, not yesterday and not tomorrow!
Izumi(This part of him hasn’t changed at all even after entering college…)
How's your college life? Has anything changed from before?
(Masumi-kun is the only one going to Fuyou Uni, Tsumugi-san and Tasuku-san's alma mater. Looks like he decided to enroll there after Tsumugi-san suggested it to him.)
(He prepared for his exam all by himself at first, but Itaru-san kept meddling and helped him study. In the end, he easily passed since there didn't seem to be any issues with his grades…)
MasumiIt's not that different from high school.
Izumi(It's because he's like this that I'm worried for him. I wonder if Masumi-kun can do just fine at his own pace...)
MasumiAh, but there's a guy who looks familiar there…
IzumiA guy who looks familiar?
Masumi...No, never mind. It might just be me.
IzumiIs that so? But well, if it's not something that's particularly troubling you then that's good. Have a nice day.
MasumiI'm off. I’ll make sure to come home as soon as possible. Wait for me.
IzumiUm, okay? No need to push yourself too hard.
(Alright, now that all the students have gone, all that's left is preparing the portion for the adults.)
CitronSo we're having curry for breakfast today!
IzumiToday was Omi-kun's turn to make breakfast.
CitronOh, that's one liver trap question!
GuyYou mean, beaver, right?
IzumiBeaver trap question?
TasukuIt's clever.
GuyI misspelled.
CitronWhat a useless machine!
AzumaSo we're having an Egg Benedict, huh? It looks good.
TasukuFushimi sure prepared this well despite having to leave early.
IzumiHe's skillful.
CitronLet's dig in!
AzumaSpeaking of which, how's the preparation for the opening day going, Guy?
GuyI'm in the middle of discussing the interior work right now. Thanks to you, I found a nice property.
AzumaFufu. It's all about timing and connection when it comes to things like this. I'm happy for you, though.
IzumiI look forward to visiting Guy-san's bar.
HomareGood morning. This morning is truly fleeting, such a reminder of our mortality.
IzumiGood morning. Breakfast's ready.
(The morning turns classy the moment these three are present. Even when everyone's busy adapting to new life, they're as calm as ever…)
AzumaWe're currently talking about Guy's bar.
HomareOoh, have you decided on the interior design?
GuyI've decided to work with the subcontractor you introduced to me, Arisugawa.
HomareThat's good to hear. They did a good job designing the interior of my dorm room, after all.
IzumiStill, I was surprised when I heard that you decided to open a store, Guy-san.
GuyI wanted to introduce Zahra's culture in a different way from Citronia.
IzumiI noticed there have been more packages from Zahra too. Is that related to your bar?
GuyYes, I have them send a lot of stuff, like spices and food ingredients.
AzumaDoes that mean the menu will mainly be Zahran food?
GuyYes, though I'm thinking of making some arrangements for the snacks. I'm currently discussing this with Fushimi.
AzumaWe need to prepare alcohol that will go well with the snacks, then.
GuyI'll be counting on you for that one.
HomareSpeaking of, I heard Hisoka-kun is going to help out at your store.
TasukuDon't you need to come up with a marshmallow menu?
GuyI'm planning to have one.
TasukuLooks like the employee is going to eat that the most.
CitronLet me come up with the name of the store! How about Guy's Nice Guy Bar!?
TasukuI don't think that's a good idea.
GuyI appreciate your feelings.
CitronNo need to hold back!
IzumiO-Once your store is open, let's celebrate it with everyone!
IzumiGood morning!
Say, Sakyo-san, I need to ask you something about Aza--.
ManagerFuruichi-san, I've brought the thing!
IzumiThe thing?
ManagerThe receipt for the maintenance of our theater building the other day!
IzumiYou don't need to make it sound shady, then…
SakyoGoodness. You said you lost it before, so you're finally feelin' like handin' it over now?
IzumiThat reminds me, you did say you were doing the building maintenance. It must have cost lots of money, right, given that our theater building is pretty old…?
ManagerNo, not at all. The contractors only did some easy maintenance. They even praised us for having such a great construction!
They told me the person who designed the building must have planned far ahead while constructing it. It's all thanks to Yukio-san that we have such a nice building.
SakyoI wonder about that. That person doesn't look like someone who's good in that field.
ManagerNow that you said it, you have a point…
Izumi(Manager is the last person I want to hear that remark from…)
(They're right, though. Every time he came home, father always spilled his tea, stumbled and tripped over nothing…)
(He's bad at operating the household appliances and has always asked mom to do it for him. He's basically helpless at everything but theater.)
There must be someone competent among the OG members.
SakyoIf that's the case, that someone must have joined pretty early. The theater building had already been built by the time I started visiting the troupe.
ManagerI also haven't heard anything regarding that. Maybe Yuzo-san knows about it.
IzumiLet's try asking him next time.
Izumi(I'm sure that theater building has been used ever since MANKAI Company was established.)
If I remember correctly, MANKAI Company was established…
Manager28 years ago.
Izumi28 years…
(That's quite a long history…)
(Since the first generation, they held a lot of plays there. Many troupe members have stood on that stage…)
(Now that the first generation is no longer here, we, the newborn MANKAI Company, are the ones standing on that stage…)
SakuyaI was really shocked when Citron-san left.
Because I always believed we're going to be together forever in this theater troupe…
But that's not true, right?
IzumiYeah… Nothing lasts forever. Everyone is slowly walking towards the future. We won't stay like this forever.
But isn't that why we find every moment we share on the stage so precious and irreplaceable?
SakuyaYes, you're right…
Izumi(I wonder if a day will come when all of us end up leaving MANKAI Company…)
(No, it's still too early to think of such things.)
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