Act 7/Episode 35

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Act 7
Episode 35: With That Brush
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YukiNice work.
TenmaLooks like you carried through the final performance.
BanriIt’s thanks to you guys.
JuzaYou really helped us out.
KumonWhat are you saying! We help each other out in times of need!
SakodaA~za~mi~!! Aniki~!
Uuuuu... I’m really, I’m so moved, I can’t... find the right words....
SakyoYou’re crying too much.
AzamiThat hurts, Ken-san[1].
SakyoDid you clear things up with Ryutenkai?
ChairmanThe chairman of the group himself apologized to us. He said he’d make the son and father both come and grovel on all fours. We’ll make sure we settle this.
SakyoI see.
ChairmanOur groups are on different levels, anyway. This sort of thing won’t even spark a conflict.
Izumi(It was such a big deal, and yet... yakuza really are scary....)
ChairmanOi, Makita. Bring it here.
ChairmanTake this, Azami.
ChairmanYou’re gonna stay in the troupe, right? It’s a parting gift.
AzamiThis is—.
IchiroThe chairman went out to buy the exact same makeup tools he destroyed, you know.
SakyoHe went to buy them himself...?
IzumiThe chairman on the cosmetics floor...?
SakyoThat’s literally just obstruction of business.
ChairmanOi Makita! Keep your mouth shut!
Azami...Thank you.
ChairmanNow that you’ve decided to chase your dream seriously, you need to be prepared for anything.
AzamiI know.
ChairmanThis troupe is my favorite. I won’t forgive you if you put on a half-assed job—for both acting and makeup. I’ll come to check in on every performance to make sure you’re not slacking.
SakyoWhat is this, parent’s day at school?
Chairman...And when you become a professional one day, use that brush to make countless women beautiful. Just like Sayuri who I fell in love with over and over again.
Azami...You don’t need to tell me.
Also, even if I’m not inheriting the group, I’ll do anything I can to help out as your son.
That paripi[2] over there told me to be greedy, so. I can treasure more than one thing, right?
Chairman...Hmph. You’re being impudent.
KazunariAzamin, you remembered what I said....
YukiYou say some pretty good things once in a while.
KazunariOnce in a while!? Rude, Yukki~!
Izumi(The chairman looks really happy... I’m so glad they managed to make up....)
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  1. He's hugging too tight
  2. This is slang: short for "party people"!
