Act 6/Episode 36

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Act 6
Episode 36: My Dream
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MisumiNice work~.
IzumiKumon-kun, how is your fever?
KumonIt’s gone down completely!
IzumiI’m glad. I was nervous through the whole performance, but despite everything, it turned out to be the best yet.
TenmaYou got better at picking up our ad-libs, too.
CitronI’m Jurassic of your comedic skill.
TsuzuruJealous. And where do you plan to head with your comedic skill?
IzumiComedy is Summer Troupe’s specialty, after all.
HomareWinter Troupe should incorporate some of that taste!
Hisoka...It’ll just end up being Alice’s one-man act.
HomareWhat in the world do you mean!?
AzumaBut Kumon’s acting fit right in with Summer Troupe.
AzumaYes. I could sense your unity watching from the audience.
KumonAzami, there you are!
Azami...What is it?
KumonWhy are you out here eating alone!
AzamiI’m an outsider. Plus I don’t like noise.
KumonYou’re our makeup artist!
AzamiI only did it because things happened to turn out that way.
KumonStill, you really helped me out. Thanks for today! With your makeup, the audience didn’t even realize that I was sick, Azami!
That magic brush is amazing! If you use that, I can get a fever anytime! It’ll cover for me!
AzamiI’m gonna start charging you next time.
KumonEeh!? How much!?
Azami100,000 yen[1] a turn.
KumonExpensive, but doable...!
AzamiHopefully you won’t need it.
Kumon...Ahh, yeah. I think I’ll be fine from now on.
For the first time, I pulled through till the very end with everyone. That really took a burden off of my heart.
“I can do it too”—it’s like nothing scares me anymore.
Even if I go through the same kind of pressure again, as long as I remember how this feels, I think I can pull through.
Azami...Is that so.
Kumon...You’re never alone when you’re doing theater.
You don’t need to take on the pressure alone. Even if you lose, all you need is the desire to make the audience laugh.
It must have been the same on the mound too. I didn’t need to think that the pitcher should pull off a shut-out[2] on his own.
I had my teammates with me. They were fighting by my side.
I hurt everyone because I never realized that.
AzamiWell, isn’t it good that you realize now?
KumonHehe! Having teammates really is great, huh!
Hey Azami, aren’t you going to join MANKAI Company officially?
AzamiWhat do you mean, officially? I’m not even a temporary member. I’m just a freeloader.
KumonEh~! But Azuma-san was looking forward to your makeup for the Winter Troupe performance!
AzamiWhat the heck?
Acting isn’t my style anyway....
KumonAzami, you don’t want to go home, right? If you join, you can live here. It’d be perfect.
You can make so much use of your makeup skills too!
KumonIf Autumn Troupe gets a new member, that room is gonna be full!
AzamiAh—... Well, I’ll think about it.
KumonI want Azami to do my makeup next time too!
AzamiYeah, yeah... Wait, your face is kind of red.
Now that you mention it, my eyes, are, spinning—.
KumonPant, pant....
AzamiYou already have another fever! Hey, someone help!
AzamiAh, great timing. This guy has a fever—.
JuzaAh. Got it. I’ll carry him.
JuzaSorry about that. You really helped us out.
Azami...Sigh. Geez, he was a pain till the end.
*Phone rings*
Nah, I’m fine... Huh? What the heck. That’s so stupid.
Ah, by the way. What if I said I was going to join a theater troupe?
Haha, yup yup, for real. It’s just how things turned out? I might even beat you to it.
JuzaGeez. You got too excited. All that exhaustion is catching up to you now.
You should get a good rest.
KumonNii-chan’s hand feels nice... Pat-pat me more.
Juza...Good job. You worked so hard.
Did I keep my promise... of taking you to the Koshien, nii-chan...?
JuzaWere you... Was that on your mind all these years?
KumonBecause it’s, my dream....
Juza...I got to go to the Koshien. Thank you.
JuzaYou’re incredible. You overcame a wall beyond comparison to mine. Be confident in yourself.
KumonNii-chan... thank you....
Chairman—Oi, Sakoda.
Chairman...What is Azami doing?
SakodaE-erm, he seems to be sorry for what he’s done, so now he’s behaving properly and focusing on his studies—.
Chairman...Tell me where he is.
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  1. Think a thousand bucks
  2. A shut-out is when the opposing team doesn't score a single run
