Banri | ....This is seriously the worst. |
Juza | ....Shut up. I'm sick of your voice. |
Banri | Director-chan, can't we do something about this!? |
Izumi | I-I mean, Sakyo-san took the key with him, so.... |
| (By drastic, I didn't think he meant he'd handcuff them together.....) |
Omi | Looks like you're stuck like that till later this afternoon. |
Taichi | Good luck. |
Banri | Tch—. |
Juza | Shut up. Don't tut-tut by my ear. |
Banri | I don't want to either! |
Juza | Shut up. Don't yell into my ear. |
Banri | !!! |
Juza | Shut up. Don't breathe by my ear. |
Banri | You're the one who can't shut up!! |
Omi | Now now, calm down. |
Taichi | I'll bring you something to drink! |
Izumi | (This seems like it’ll really stress both of them out....) |
| |
Banri | Oi, stop messing around. I wanna go to the kitchen. |
Juza | I gotta to go to the bathroom. |
Banri | Aaah? |
Juza | Aaan? |
Kazunari | What’s up, what's wrong? |
Misumi | It's a fight~. |
Banri | I'm hungry. |
Juza | I gotta piss! |
Kazunari | Ah~ right, you’re handcuffed together for practice, right? |
| Well then, I'll bring a snack from the kitchen for you guys! |
Misumi | Well then, Misumi will go to the bathroom for you~. |
Juza | Oi, hold the fuck up! |
| |
Izumi | (Oh, that’s right, we were out of milk. Omi-kun is in charge of dinner today, so I’ll go out shopping for a bit.) |
| |
Banri | .... |
Juza | .... |
Izumi | !? |
| Guys, why are you standing by the door so threateningly....? |
Banri | I’m waiting for Sakyo-san to come back. |
Juza | ....He should be back soon. |
Izumi | I-I see.... |
| (They're like war generals awaiting an enemy....) |
| Well, I'll just be out shopping for a bit. |
| |
Izumi | (I feel like the handcuffs are making their teamwork worse, not better....) |
Suspicious Man | ——. |
Izumi | —!? |
Suspicious Man | ——. |
Izumi | (Ah, my bag—!) |
| Wait, give it back—! |
Banri | Director-chan? |
Juza | What's wrong? |
Izumi | That man on the bicycle took my bag! |
Juza | ——. |
Banri | —O-oi! Don't start running so suddenly! |
Juza | Wait up, you fucker! |
Suspicious Man | !? |
Banri | All right, fine—. |
| |
Banri | Run faster! We won’t catch up! |
Juza | That's my line—. |
Suspicious Man | —Shit, they're persistent. |
Juza | ——! |
Banri | Oi, let's go around this way. He'll get stuck at the shopping district anyway. |
Juza | —Gotcha. |
Suspicious Man | ....Hah, hah. This should be far enough... |
Juza | —Oi, give that bag back. |
Suspicious Man | !? |
Banri | Heeey there, there’s no escape now. |
Suspicious Man | G-get the fuck out of my way! |
Juza | —. |
Banri | ...You hit him, huh? |
Juza | He hit me. |
Banri | Well then, it's self defense. |
Juza | Agreed. |
Banri | Perfect timing. I’ve been feeling pissed. |
Juza | Same. We're on the same wavelength for the first time. |
Suspicious Man | —Eep. |
| |
Izumi | Banri-kun, Juza-kun, are you okay!? What about the thief—!? |
Banri | Here. |
Suspicious Man | Kyuuu.... |
Izumi | You caught him!? |
Omi | Wasn't he on a bicycle? How'd you catch up? |
Banri | We took the roundabout path. No sweat. |
Taichi | Amazing! |
Juza | This is Director’s bag, right? Check the contents. |
Izumi | ...Yup, everything is there. |
| Both of you, thank you so much. |
Juza | Someone I care about was hurt right before my eyes. Of course I had to do something about it |
Izumi | ...You think of me as someone close to you. |
Juza | —Forget it. |
Izumi | (Is he embarrassed?) |
Omi | Well then, we should bring this thief to the police. |
Taichi | He's weirdly roughed up, huh. |
Banri | ...He might've tripped. |
Juza | ...Maybe, yeah. |
Izumi | (Huh? They seem a little different...?) |
Sakyo | —So that's why tonight's dinner was late, huh. |
Izumi | They were both amazing! |
Sakyo | Were you hurt anywhere? |
Izumi | I got a scrape when I was shoved aside, but that’s all. |
Sakyo | ...Be careful. |
| This area’s been getting dangerous lately. I guess I'll accompany you when you go shopping. |
Izumi | Eeh!? There’s no need for that; I'll be fine! |
Omi | He's overprotective. |
Taichi | Surprisingly. |
Banri | More importantly, this. Can you hurry up and take it off!? |
Juza | I'm at my limit. |
Sakyo | Ah—that’s right. |
| There, it's off. |
Juza | Hah...... |
Banri | I'm finally free.... |
Juza | That's my line. |
Banri | Don't come within 5 meters of me for a while. I gotta detox or else my blood vessels will clog. |
Juza | That's also my line. |
Sakyo | You little shits haven't learned a thing, huh? You’re gonna get this again. |
Banri | —Geh. |
Juza | —Spare me, please. |
Izumi | (I guess it was just my imagination that something changed between them. We have a long way to go...) |