A3! 4th Anniversary Book AIR
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A3! 4th Anniversary Book AIR was released Mar 18th, 2021.
This section contains the official profiles of MANKAI Company's first generation leaders (Kasumi Hinamori, Hiro Hyuga, Zen Kuryu, Syu Otomiya), and the GODza members (Shift Arakawa, Madoka Ikaruga).
This is the familiar Q&A project from the Anniversary Book series! | |
We asked about interesting points from the main and backstage stories. | |
Q. What kind of school is Fuyou University, which Masumi and Madoka attend? | |
A | It’s a famous, private university with a standard score of 70 or above. It has affiliated hospitals and schools, and it has a strong image of being attended by well-known and wealthy people. Incidentally, Tsumugi and Tasuku are uni alumni, and Kazunari attended the attached junior high. |
Q. Please tell us about Tenma and Hiro’s recent entertainment activities. | |
A | Tenma entered the top ranks of the popularity ranking in the youth category and his number of commercial jobs increased. As for Hiro, his offers from overseas began to increase, and he is currently training hard in English. It seems there are many voices calling out for a Tenma & Hiro tag-team, taking advantage of the opportunity from the Act-off and special drama where they co-starred together. |
Q. Please tell us about the Japanese culture that's mainstream in Zafra. | |
A | In addition to classic games, anime, and sushi, character mascots are also a famous genre. Rumour has it that a certain prince is preparing for a competition to create a mascot character for the king… |
Q. Please tell us about the interactions between the first generation leaders and the new members, and also what changes they brought about that the dorm. | |
A | It’s not that frequent, but it seems the adult group sometimes meets up and drinks together at Guy’s bar. Also, when they found out Syu was paying the dorm’s utility bills, some people began saving more than before, while on the other hand, some people were less reserved… |
Q. What kind of shows can you watch at Zen’s show restaurant? | |
A | They’re mainly dance performances by dancers, but there are also magic shows and musical performances by jazz bands. He often pulls in many unknown, but excellent performers, and quite a few people have spread their wings from there. |
Q. Please let us know how Azami feels after using the cosmetics he brought from Zafra. | |
A | “The eyeshadow was by far the best. The fine texture was soft, and most importantly, the pigmentation was top tier. There were lots of flashy colours, but I think there were also a bunch of subtle glitter and sheer shades that are surprisingly easy to use. I also feel like the primers ain’t bad. They’re rich in beauty treatment ingredients so they don’t damage your skin much and—(rest is omitted)”, is what he said. |
Q. What type of work was “Robot Ranger” that Tasuku liked when he was young? | |
A | It is a science fiction work where the main character, who aims to be the best engineer in the universe, uses the transformation device he developed to fight against evil, extra-terrestrial monsters with his friends. Although it received high ratings from adults since the contents were quite elaborate, the amount of toys sold was somewhat lacking since children couldn’t keep up. It has a rather peculiar position within the series. |
Q. Please tell us what kind of plays Syu usually performs? | |
A | Basically, the first part is a play, and the second part is a dance show. Many of the plays are historical plays based off of Kabukis. A singing show is also incorporated sometimes, so if you’re lucky, you might be able to hear Syu’s singing voice…? |
Q. Please tell us if there were any settings that weren’t revealed for A7!, which was held for April Fool’s. | |
A | Actually, there are 4 animals: The hamster Kasumi, the cheetah Hiro, the black panther Zen, and the wolf Syu. They’re retired nowadays, so they rarely appear. |
Q. Please tell us about the bar that Guy is running. | |
A | It’s still a shop that’s only well-know to those in the know, but it’s gaining popularity from office workers (both men and women) on their way home, as they feel soothed by Guy’s composed aura and slightly air-headed personality. Of course, the alcohol and food also have a good reputation. |
Q. If Yuki and Kazunari have come up with nicknames for the first gen. leaders, please secretly let us know. | |
A | Kasumi was given the nicknames, “fairy tale uncle” and “Kasuminu” that he asked for himself. Kazunari seems to be thinking of nicknames for the other three but he says, “I’m still shrinking the distance between our hearts right now~”. Please anticipate Kazunari’s communication power. |
Q. Stew was a standard on the menu for the first generation MANKAI Company, but what kind of stew did they have? Just like the current Company’s standard of curry, did they have a menu of different arrangements? | |
A | There were all kinds of stew like pumpkin stew, soymilk stew, corn stew, etc. that were served by Zen, but Yukio’s favourite was the classic cream stew. By the way, Yukio’s reaction when he said “stew” and was served beef stew is still a topic of conversation at drinking parties to this day. |
Q. The number of Theatre members who have a driver’s license has increased, but has there been a change in their driving or shopping situations? | |
A | There hasn’t been a drastic change, but Banri gets called out to pick up and send his older sister, and Taichi seems to be steadily improving his driving skills by travelling to the neighbouring city’s supermarket sales during the evening when there’s not much traffic. |
Q. The members held a training camp in Zafra as a cultural exchange, but please tell us if afterwards, there is a popular cultural trend, or Zafran words that the members use between them? | |
A | Zafran board games are still as popular as ever, and whenever a new product is released, they’re imported regularly and are highly sought after by the members. Also, since the Zafra training camp, seasonings made from kneading various chili peppers and spices with oil are popular too, and they are also sent over regularly from Zafra. |
Q. The impression of Isuke when he just came to the dorm was told from Zen’s point-of-view, but please tell us about the first impression of Isuke from the other 3 leaders’ perspectives. | |
A | All of them unanimously thought, “he looks clumsy.” |