Welcome to Akebono-so!/Episode 9

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Welcome to Akebono-so!
Episode 9
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SakyoThe whole point of the cooking ban was to let you work less, and now look at how late it is!
OmiI didn't think we'd end up cooking for so many people.
OmiWe're off, now. Thanks for having us.
ZenYou still meet up with the guys from your gang?
OmiYes, occasionally.
ZenBring them here sometime.
OmiAre you sure you don't mind having a bunch of ex-biker gang members here?
ZenMy past isn't exactly sparkling clean. I'll close the place for you guys.
Hold onto them. They sound like a good bunch. The older you get, the more you'll appreciate them.
ZenMake some of the stew for Yukio's daughter, too.
*flashback end*
OmiYou've had that stew before, right, Sakyo-san?
SakyoYeah, but it was years ago, back when I hung out in the Mankai dorm.
They used to let me join their etude practises, and Yukio-san would always worry that they were keeping me for too long.
I told him it was fine since my mother always worked late anyway, so he'd let me stay and had Zen-san cook for me as well.
I felt bad making them feed me too on top of everything else, but if I refused, they'd force me to stay and eat anyway. The stew from today tasted the way it did back then.
It was when they started cooking for me that I began to feel it was truly okay for me to stay with them at Mankai.
I began to visit them even more, now that I felt that I belonged there.
...Now that I think about it, it was the same when I was inducted into the Ginsenkai. The moment the boss and I had our sake exchange was when I felt that I belonged there.
Same with the Newborn Mankai Company.
It's kind of embarrassing to admit, but the way you and the Director try so hard to remember what I like makes me really happy. And of course, when you make my favorite dishes, too.
I've always treated eating as something to get over and done with so I could focus on my work, but...
...Now it's something I find myself wanting to return to the dorm as soon as possible for, even when work gets really busy.
SakyoI really like your cooking, Fushimi.
When my work gets too much to bear, or when it doesn't go the way it should...
...Or when there's something troubling me, your food never fails to cheer me up.
Even on the worst of days, I always feel that everything will be okay when I'm eating your food.
Every plate you serve up is a reminder that I belong.
Your cooking is one of the biggest joys of my life. Thank you for everything you do, Fushimi.
OmiNothing, it's just... That means a lot, coming from you.
SakyoTold you that I'm not all stick and no carrot before, remember?
OmiHaha, true.
SakyoYou worry too much about the people you cook for. That's not a bad thing, but I think it also stresses you out more than it should.
OmiYou're probably not wrong... When I'm cooking, the one thing I'm most concerned about is the person I'm cooking for, more than anything else.
I'm always trying to work out what people like, or trying to cheer them up, or helping them celebrate something, or trying to help them relax...
(Oh... Cooking isn't a hobby or something to pursue professionally, because it's my way of letting someone know that I care about them...)
(Of course, the food I make is for the one who's eating it, but... I think, more than anything, it's also so I can tell them how much I love them.)
(It's one of the biggest and most important links between my loved ones and me.)
Sakyo-san... Could you lift the ban, please?
What I love most about cooking is being able to provide a table everyone can feel at home sitting at, and feeding them meals filled with love. It's not just something that they need, but something I need, too.
You weren't wrong about me being obsessed with cooking, but...
...I can only be the best version of myself when I can cheer someone up with my food.
I'd also like everyone in Autumn to think of my cooking when they're acting in this play.
Sakyo...Yeah, I think you'll be all right.
OmiSorry for making you worry.
SakyoDon't worry about it. You can pay me back through your acting.
Omi(Cooking is a way for me to connect to others... I'm sure Riku's the same, too.)
...At the end, when Riku turns the Akebono Inn into the Akebono Eatery, he must've done it for those looking for a warm meal, and so he could have his very own place of belonging.
Zen"Those who make their own place of belonging are often the most lonely."
*flashback ends*
SakyoI think Klaus also wanted a place he could feel safe in, away from all the conflict.
I think we could turn this play into something even better with our new revelations.
SakyoOf course.
IzumiSo this was what my dad liked to eat, huh.
OmiApparently, he acquired such a taste for it that if Zen-san changed even one gram of any seasoning, he'd notice.
IzumiGeez, dad, you're way to particular about your food...
The stew's delicious, though!
OmiI think it'll taste even better if we let it sit for a night.
IzumiOoh, I'm looking forward to it. I think everyone would love it, too. We all love your cooking, after all!
OmiSorry I made you worry too, Director. At least now I won't be spacing out as much anymore.
IzumiIt wasn't because of work, was it?
...In Nachi's notebook, he had written "disband the Wolves", and I couldn't work out why he would have wanted to. That's what I was thinking about.
Even after he passed, I felt like he was always watching over me, so I felt connected to him in that way.
But when I saw that line, I started to question if I ever knew Nachi at all. It felt like he was getting further and further away with each passing day, like I was losing him again. It really scared me.
IzumiSo, is he back now?
OmiYeah. I spoke with Zen-san about Nachi, and now I feel like I know why he wrote that.
Of course, there's no way of knowing if I'm right, because I can't just go and ask him...
But I trust the Nachi I know, the one in my heart.
IzumiThat's great! I'm happy for you.
I'm sure Nachi would be glad to hear that he's always got a place in your heart. I think if he wanted anyone to understand him it would've been you, since you were closer to him than anyone else. You were his one and only partner.
He really liked you, so I think you can be confident in your judgment.
OmiMaybe I just made it up because it's what I wanted to hear, but, well, blessed are the living.
OmiI know he'll be watching over our upcoming play, so I need to make sure I put on a performance he can be proud of.
(This one's for you too, Nachi. It always has been.)
(Watch over me, Nachi.)
Izumi(It's finally opening night... Omi-kun's been doing even better since the ban lifted, too. I'm excited!)
SakodaYou guys sure looked pumped!
RyoHell yeah! We're here to see our awesome Omi-san do his thing on stage!
SakodaAnd I'm here to see my Aniki as a gallant knight! I've even trained myself to blink less so I can look at him more!
RyoDude. Awesome.
Izumi(They look like they're having fun.)
Nachi's Dad......
IzumiOh, you're Nachi's—
Nachi's DadOh, hello, Director-san.
Nachi's MomLong time no see.
IzumiI hope you enjoy yourselves today!
Nachi's MomWe will! Thank you.
Nachi's DadGood luck out there.
Izumi(Nachi-san's here too, I'm sure of it.)
(I just had to add Nachi's bracelet to the costume... Sorry for making last minute changes again, guys.)
(This is like when I had Ward's name changed to Wolf... Am I making you help me out too much, Nachi? Haha.)
(He smiles, and Taichi takes a photo)
TaichiThis is going into the album to commemorate this play!
OmiHey, you should've told me so I could prepare myself!
TaichiMan, you're really good at smiling!
OmiI've gotten more used to being in front of the camera instead of behind it.
StaffFive more minutes!
BanriHey, leading man! Speech!
OmiIt's been a while since I was lead so I'm a little nervous, but I'm glad we could open without any hitches.
I play a former delinquent this time, so I've been thinking back on my past a lot.
I felt lost at times, but I was also reminded of just how grateful I am to have everyone in the Autumn Troupe supporting me.
I've also come to truly understand my relationship with cooking, and how much it means to me to be able to spend my time with everyone here.
When we were shooting the interviews for our last play, I noticed that Autumn, as a whole, are a bit shy about their feelings, so I'm just going to say this upfront. I'm sure we're all thinking the same thing, after all.
You're the best troupe mates and friends I could have ever asked for. I'm going to treasure every second we have together, both on and off the stage.
I'm going to carry these feelings, along with the bonds I forged with the Wolves and Nachi, with me into this play as Riku.
SakyoAll right, you can do your group huddle thing if you want, Fushimi. I'll let it slide this time.
OmiHaha. Sure.
Autumn Troupe, assemble!
Banri! Juza! Taichi! Sakyo! Azami! Full speed ahead into opening night!
TaichiLet's do this!
SakyoWe've got this.
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