| *the scene begins in the throne room of the Northarian palace. The entire room is an icy blue filled with swirling floral structures, illuminated by glowing crystal lamps* |
| |
Noble A | "His Majesty's magic is truly a force to be reckoned with. He was one of the best swordsmen in the land when he was younger, too." |
Noble B | "Prince Cain is a different story, however. If only he could swap places with his adoptive brother, Lutz." |
Noble A | "Is he not particularly gifted in magic, I wonder? I hear that is why he has yet to command an army of his own." |
Noble B | "What will become of the royal family? Prince Cain is the only heir to the throne..." |
Cain | "..." |
Lutz | "Don't pay them any mind, Cain. Those people will complain about anything and everything." |
Cain | "I don't need your pity." |
Lutz | "Hey, Cain—!" |
The King of Northaria | "Grk...!" |
| *he collapses* |
Noble A | "Your Majesty! Someone call the doctor, quick!" |
| |
Noble A | "I can't believe His Majesty has fallen ill... What will become of the throne?" |
Noble B | "The king's brother is also getting up in his years[1], but I don't have much confidence in Prince Cain." |
Noble A | "Does he even have the right to the throne?" |
Noble B | "Watch what you say!" |
Noble A | "He never shows himself at any of the royal ceremonies, though. It's perfectly natural to doubt him." |
Noble B | "The kingdom will be thrown into disarray if someone besides Prince Cain takes the throne." |
Izumi | (The story takes place across the northern kingdom of Northaria, and the volcanic southern kingdom of Southagis. The two countries have been locked in opposition for many, many years.) |
| (Sudden climate change has plunged the two kingdoms into famine and unprecedented crisis, and on top of that, the king of Northaria has suddenly collapsed.) |
| |
Cain | "Father... I'm sorry." |
Lutz | "Hey, where are you going at this hour?" |
Cain | "...What are you doing here?" |
Izumi | (Haruto-kun's portrayal of Prince Cain is so refined. He carries himself with a kind of grace that perfectly fits with GOD-za's artistic sense.) |
Lutz | "I know exactly what you're thinking. We've been together since birth, after all. You won't solve anything by running away." |
Cain | "I know that. However, needless conflict is rising all around me because of my very existence." |
Lutz | "It's true that the palace is not a safe place for you as it is now. It might be a good idea for you to hide a while." |
Cain | "Thanks for being so good to me, Lutz." |
Lutz | "Hey, I'm coming with you, too." |
Cain | "What?" |
Lutz | "I was just thinking about going on a trip, myself. C'mon, let's go." |
| *he walks off* |
Cain | "Hey, wait—" |
Izumi | (Haruto-kun and Shifuto-kun's back-and-forth has changed quite a bit from what it was at the start.) |
| (Their closeness and how they feel about familiar relations is coming through a lot more stronger.) |
| |
| *the scene changes to the throne room of Southagis' palace. The architecture is made of stone, and the room decorated is with red furnishings and glowing lamps. There is also a yellow, swirling floral structure similar to what can be seen adorning the Northarian throne room* |
| |
The King of Southagis | "Don't make me repeat myself. You have no say in the matter." |
Gilbert | "Urgh, I can't stand that blockhead. Has his brain petrified in his old age?" |
Sasha | "I understand you're frustrated, but that's uncalled for, Master Gilbert." |
Gilbert | "Our people are starving, and yet he insists on waging war with Northaria. Neither father nor any of his officials can see our reality for what it is." |
Sasha | "War is inevitable, it seems." |
Gilbert | "I guess launching a coup d'état is our only choice." |
Sasha | "Are you sure about that?" |
Gilbert | "I was just joking. Pack your bags, Sasha. We're heading to Northaria first thing in the morning tomorrow." |
Sasha | "For an ambush?" |
Gilbert | "You're joking, right? I seriously can't tell with you sometimes." |
| "I've received reports that the dry weather and droughts are spreading from Northaria." |
| "I'm going to Northaria to investigate. There has to be a way to save our people without resorting to war." |
Izumi | (Tasuku-san's really amping up his princely mannerisms for this play, even more than he does for Mankai. It's amazing how he changes his acting style to fit the God Theater.) |
| (Azami-kun's also got a good handle on how to carry himself. You can really tell that Sasha's a smart and loyal vassal who's deft with a sword.) |
| |
| *the scene changes to a town square in daytime. Cain has his hood up over his head in an attempt to conceal his identity* |
| |
Cain | "Wow, look at the craftsmanship on these silver pieces." |
Shopkeeper | "Would you like to take a closer look, good sir?" |
| "This is just between you and me, but that's actually a magiquip from Southagis. Depending on how you use it, it can give you enough power to blow away an entire house!" |
Cain | "A magiquip..." |
Shopkeeper | "It's quite the exclusive piece, so of course it's got the price tag to match. I'd be willing to trade it for that brooch of yours, however. What do you say?" |
Cain | "My brooch?" |
Shopkeeper | "Yes, yes. One of my best clients is very interested in trinkets like those, you see." |
Cain | "Oh, okay. I guess that's all right." |
| |
| *Gilbert appears. He, too, has his hood over his head* |
| |
Gilbert | "Come on, now. He's clearly trying to scam you." |
Shopkeeper | "Hey, what's your problem? You're disrupting my business here!" |
Gilbert | "If you insist on keeping up your shady conduct, then don't come crying when the military guards get you." |
Shopkeeper | "...Tch." |
Sasha | "Master Gilbert, you forget that we'd also be in big trouble if the military guards find us." |
Gilbert | "I'm not actually going to call them over, I was just trying to scare the shopkeeper a little. Hey, kid, are you all right there?" |
Cain | "What do you mean, he was trying to scam me?" |
Gilbert | "Not even a thousand of those scraps of silver would be worth your brooch." |
| "Plus, there's no way something as valuable as a magiquip would be sold in a town square like this. Did you just crawl out from under a rock?" |
Cain | "Wha— Watch your mouth!" |
Gilbert | "My apologies, that was rude of me. Should I have let you get scammed, then? You have much to learn, kid." |
Cain | "You—!" |
Lutz | "Hey, Cai, what are you doing?" |
Gilbert | "Is that your friend? You look a little too young to have an errand boy." |
Lutz | "And you are...?" |
Sasha | "My master approached your companion here when he saw that your companion was about to fall victim to an unfair trade. Please, do excuse our rudeness." |
Lutz | "Um, sure... Point is, you helped Cai out, right? Thanks for that." |
Cain | "There's no need to thank them for their insolence." |
Lutz | "They weren't wrong about you having much to learn, though. We do need to thank them. That brooch is to be sold for our travel funds only in an emergency." |
Gilbert | "How about treating us to a drink, then? We've only just arrived at this town, so we're not very familiar with the establishments here." |
Cain | "How dare—" |
Lutz | "Steady, Cain. And yeah, no problem!" |
| |
| *the scene changes to nighttime* |
| |
Lutz | "Aw, you shouldn't have paid! It was supposed to be our treat!" |
Gilbert | "Don't worry about it. You gave us a lot of information, after all." |
Cain | "I never asked you to pay for us, but thanks." |
Gilbert | "Haha! Until we meet again, then." |
Lutz | "Safe travels!" |
Sasha | "We'll be taking our leave, now." |
| *they part ways* |
Gilbert | "Now, where should we lodge for the night?" |
Sasha | "I've already made arrangements with an establishment." |
Gilbert | "Great work, Sasha." |
| |
Lutz | "Those people were interesting, huh?" |
Cain | "How? I've never met such ill-mannered people. Is that kind of conduct normal in this town?" |
Lutz | "No, I think they—" |
| "Cai, look out!" |
| *Cain dodges a swipe* |
Cain | "Wha—?!" |
Bandit A | "Tch." |
Cain | "What is your problem?!" |
Bandit B | "Hand over your brooch." |
Lutz | "In your dreams!" |
Bandit A | "Haah!" |
| *they shoot some wind magic at the two* |
Lutz | "Wha— Magic?! No, that was a magiquip!" |
Cain | "How did these lowly bandits get their hands on a magiquip?" |
| |
Gilbert | "..." |
Sasha | "Is something wrong, Master Gilbert?" |
Gilbiert | "I felt a very slight hint of magic. Someone must have pulled out a magiquip. Let's go!" |
Sasha | "Yes, sir!" |
| |
| *Lutz takes a hit* |
Lutz | "Ggh..." |
Cain | "Lutz!" |
Lutz | "They've got us outnumbered..." |
Cain | "I'll just give them the brooch!" |
Lutz | "Don't. Even if they get what they want, there's no way they'll let us live." |
| *Cain dodges another swipe* |
Cain | "Gngh!" |
| *Gilbert enters the fray with a bolt of fire magic* |
Gilbert | "Geez, you're like a magnet for trouble, aren't you?" |
Lutz | "It's Gil!" |
Sasha | "I'll help." |
Bandit A | "Tch." |
| |
Izumi | (The two princes meet in a town on the border of Northaria and Southagis.) |
| (They decide to join forces to uncover the mysterious bandits that attacked them.) |
Gilbert | "It's the crest of the Dragon's Disciples, a group of worshippers of the ancient dragon." |
Cain | "I've never heard of them." |
Lutz | "Me neither." |
Cain | "They were using magiquips, so they were probably from Southagis." |
Gilbert | "Not necessarily. Magiquips can be bought and sold on the Northarian black market as well." |
Sasha | "However, what we do know for sure is that they're not your average group of ruffians." |
| |
| *the scene changes to some cavernous ruins. To the left is a dragon statue surrounded by flames, and to the right a candlelit staircase peppered with turquoise crystals* |
| |
Izumi | (After finding out who the bandits are using the strange crest as their clue, the party is once again attacked by the bandits. They follow the bandits all the way to their hideout, and...) |
Gilbert | "Analyze the ruins...? I never knew these ruins existed." |
Cain | "I've never heard anything about them, either." |
Lutz | "To the Dragon's Disciples, these ruins are holy ground, huh?" |
Gilbert | "An ancient dragon once ruled these lands, until a clan blessed with magic sealed it away. It is said that the ancient dragon will curse the lands once every two millenia." |
Gilbert | "And this year happens to be the 2000th year since the dragon was sealed away...?" |
Cain | "This is all nonsense. I've never even heard of such a curse." |
Gilbert | "I'm inclined to agree with you, but I think this dragon's curse merits some investigation." |
Sasha | "We're out of time." |
Gilbert | "Damn. Are they back already?" |
Lutz | "Looks like we've got no choice but to face them head-on." |
Gilbert | "We just need to buy some time until we can find a way to escape." |
Sasha | "Easier said than done. We're surrounded." |
Cain | "What should we do?" |
Gilbert | "I guess I don't have much of a choice." |
| *Gilbert takes off his hood and draws his magical sword* |
Sasha | "Master Gil, you're being a bit too rash." |
Gilbert | "We can't just lie down and let them kill us, though, right?" |
Cain | "What are you two talking about?" |
Gilbert | "Try not to get yourself caught on fire. ...I call to the heavens and the earth to lend me your power, gather here now in my hands—" |
| *Gilbert slashes at the enemies with his fire magic* |
Dragon's Disciple | "Gaaah!" |
Lutz | "What? He can use fire magic?!" |
Cain | "That means you're Southagian—" |
Lutz | "Whoa, he's strong..." |
Cain | "Gil, are you Southagian royalty?" |
Gilbert | "In hiding, yeah. I'd appreciate it if you could keep this a secret." |
Lutz | "The gallant prince of Southagis, Prince Gilbert himself..." |
Sasha | "I told you your fake name was too easy to work out..." |
Gilbert | "But it's harder to slip up if we use a name we're familiar with." |
Cain | "You..." |
Lutz | "Um, wow, I can't believe you're a prince! What a surprise! Are you here to spy on Northaria?" |
Gilbert | "Our plans are as we had shared them. We're here to investigate the climate change. Never thought we'd stumble across an ancient dragon, though." |
| "It'd be dangerous to go any further. You should leave before the other Disciples find you." |
Cain | "And what are you two going to do?" |
Gilbert | "We're going to scour the ruins for any proof of the dragon's curse." |
Cain | "I'm coming too. I'm not going to abandon you after coming all this way." |
Lutz | "Are you sure, Cai?" |
Cain | "Yeah." |
Lutz | "All right. You won't mind if we tag along, then, Gil?" |
Gilbert | "You've got a lot more guts than I gave you credit for, kid." |
Cain | "Stop calling me that." |
Gilbert | "You look like you're from a nice family. How'd you get stuck out here on this journey? It doesn't seem like you're used to taking these kinds of trips, either." |
| "Did something happen?" |
Cain | "...You will never understand how I feel." |
| "You were blessed with everything you need to be king. You'll never know what it's like for me." |
Gilbert | "...Sorry, I didn't mean to pry." |
Izumi | ... |
| (This is the scene where Cain's true feelings spill forth while they're still in the midst of their journey.) |
| (He said the same lines during the audition, but this time, they're a lot darker and more powerful. They've been suppressed for far too long and are on the verge of bursting.) |
| (His years of despair and feelings of inferiority have been brought right back to the surface with his desperate desires, along with his jealousy towards Gilbert, who has everything he doesn't.) |
| (This Cain is a character that only Haruto-kun can do justice.) |
| |
| *the scene changes to a rocky and snowy landscape. A castle can be seen in the distance atop a mountain* |
| |
Izumi | (With the guidance of the ruins, the party arrives at the foot of a mountain sacred to Northaria.) |
Gilbert | "Gggh...!" |
Cain | "Gil? What's wrong?" |
Gilbert | "I don't know... My power just—suddenly—" |
Sasha | "Get back!" |
| *a dark energy begins to surround Gilbert* |
Gilbert | "Gaaagh!" |
| *the dark energy suddenly envelops him!* |
Lutz | "His magic is going berserk!" |
Cain | "Is it because of the dragon's influence?" |
Sasha | "Please get back, you two. It's dangerous." |
Cain | "But Gil's going to—" |
Sasha | "I'll stop him. Hah!" |
| *Sasha swipes at Gilbert with his fire blades, but Gilbert dodges* |
Lutz | "Wha— Are you trying to kill him?" |
Sasha | "I know my master is capable of dodging my attacks, even if he is unstable right now." |
Lutz | "Wow, you two really trust each other. I'll put my faith in you and help out too." |
| *the dark energy orbs attack Lutz* |
Lutz | "Sorry if I accidentally stab y— Guess I didn't have to worry about that, huh." |
| *the dark energy orbs go for Cain as well* |
Cain | "Grk!" |
Lutz | "Cai, get back!" |
Cain | "Dammit, I can barely see his attacks coming." |
| *Gilbert attacks Sasha with the dark energy and his fire magic combined* |
Sasha | "Damn—" |
| *Gilbert continues to attack Sasha* |
Lutz | "Sasha, stop! It's too dangerous!" |
Sasha | "Dangerous as it may be, it is my duty as Master Gilbert's vassal to stop him!" |
Gilbert | "Aaaaaagh!" |
| *the dark energy envelops Gilbert once more, and he attacks Sasha again* |
Sasha | "Grrrk..." |
| *Sasha passes out* |
Gilbert | "Urghhh..." |
| *Gilbert collapses* |
Cain | "Sasha!" |
| |
| *the scene changes to the town square* |
| |
Lutz | "Sasha doesn't seem to be in any real danger, and Gil's still unconscious." |
Cain | "There was nothing I could do... I'm so useless." |
Lutz | "Don't be so hard on yourself. There's not much we could have done." |
Cain | "We were both born princes, so why am I the only useless one?" |
Lutz | "There are some things that only you can do, Cai. That's why we came all the way here, right? You need to save your kingdom, as its prince." |
Cain | "No, all I did was run away." |
Lutz | "Enough!" |
Cain | "..." |
Lutz | "You just have to find that one thing that only you can do. I've known you my whole life, so I know you can do it." |
Izumi | (As Sasha is still hurt, the remaining three set off to the sacred mountain once again to investigate the ruins.) |
| |
| *the scene changes to the sacred mountain* |
| |
Gilbert | "If my powers go berserk again, I want you to forget about me and just run." |
Lutz | "We're not strong enough to stop you by ourselves, so sure, we'll do that." |
Gilbert | "Good, that makes me feel a bit better. Let's keep moving, the peak is just up ahead." |
Cain | "Look, the ruins are over there—" |
Gilbert | "Grk—" |
Cain | "Gil!" |
Gilbert | "Not—again—! Run!" |
| *the skies turn dark and an ominous aura glows* |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
Lutz | "Is that the dragon?!" |
Cain | "That's not the actual dragon, it's just its apparition. This proves that Gil's powers are being manipulated by it, though." |
Lutz | "Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like we can beat it. I'll buy you some time, so run." |
| *five magical ice shards appear, floating around Lutz* |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
| *the dragon shoots dark energy orbs at Lutz, hitting him and shattering the ice. It also goes for Cain, but he dodges the orbs* |
Cain | "Gck— Lutz!" |
Lutz | "Cain... Run..." |
| *he collapses* |
Cain | "Lutz! Don't die on me!" |
Gilbert | "Gaaaaaagh!" |
Cain | "Why am I so powerless?! I'm so... I'm so...!" |
| *an icy aura begins to glow around Cain* |
Cain | "What's happening...?" |
| *Cain's brooch emits a bright, blue light* |
| |
Gilbert | "Cai...? Did you do this?" |
Cain | "What? No... I can't use magic..." |
Lutz | "Uuugh..." |
Cain | "Lutz! Are you all right?" |
Lutz | "..." |
| *he passes out again* |
Cain | "Lutz!" |
Gilbert | "It's all right, he's merely asleep. But anyway, what happened?" |
Cain | "I don't know..." |
Gilbert | "I felt a very strong magical force. Let me guess, you're..." |
Cain | "...I am the son of Jugla, King of Northaria. My name is Cain." |
Gilbert | "You're Prince Cain?" |
Cain | "Let's go and investigate the ruins. The key to saving our kingdoms has to be there." |
| |
| *the scene changes to the ruins* |
| |
Cain | "Look at all this ancient script..." |
Gilbert | "Can you read it?" |
Cain | "Yeah." |
| "It says, 'A dragon was sealed away by two brothers, wielders of magic. The dragon had released its cursed onto the land above, drowning it all in darkness.'" |
| "'The eldest brother spent all of his magical powers to suppress it, and thus, the curse shall only manifest once every two millenia.'" |
| "'A descendant of these brothers will be born in the future, bestowed with magic strong enough to hold back the curse once more. They will be our savior.'" |
| "'Do not lose the key. Make sure it is passed on. Dispel the curse before the magma awakens the dragon.'" |
Gilbert | "A savior bestowed with magic, huh..." |
Cain | "The Northarian royal family has been abandoning children born without magic for generations..." |
Gilbert | "As has the Southagian royal family." |
Cain | "It said before that the dragon was sealed away by a certain clan, right? Was it the Northarians or the Southagians?" |
Gilbert | "The magic from before felt similar to mine. However, it's possible that the magic of the two kingdoms both originated from the same source." |
Cain | "You mean, we're both descended from that one clan? So the brothers that defeated the dragon would be our ancestors?" |
Gilbert | "I suppose so. My blockhead of a father would probably pop a blood vessel if he heard that." |
Cain | "We know what to do now, though. If we use my magic, we can dispel the dragon's curse and save both of our kingdoms." |
Gilbert | "So you just have to use the magic you from before, right?" |
Cain | "My magic has never activated once since I was born, though. I bet that sudden burst was just an anomaly. We need to find the key..." |
Gilbert | "I've never heard of such a key." |
Cain | "Me neither. Plus, if the savior were among one of the children abandoned by the royal family, maybe the key failed to be passed on because of that." |
Gilbert | "We have no choice but to use my magic, then." |
Cain | "But you might get possessed by the dragon again. There's no guarantee you'll ever come back to your senses if that happens again." |
Gilbert | "I still have to try, though." |
Cain | "How can you just make that kind of decision without hesitating?" |
Gilbert | "If there's something I have to do, then I just have to do it. There's nothing to hesitate over." |
Cain | "...That was stupid of me to ask." |
Gilbert | "Hey, where are you going?" |
Cain | "I'm returning to the royal capital to look for the key. You go and do what you have to do." |
Gilbert | "Good luck out there, my brother." |
Cain | "I'm not your brother." |
Gilbert | "Well, we're distant relatives, so close enough." |
Cain | "Ha. You're way too friendly for your own good." |
| |
| *the scene changes to the town square* |
| |
Citizen A | "The Southagians are here! It's an ambush!" |
Citizen B | "Aaaaaah!" |
Citizen C | "How could they do this to us? This is no time for war!" |
Cain | "Come on, we have to find that key." |
Lutz | "Shouldn't we stop them first?" |
Cain | "I'm sure the other prince can handle it. Let's leave it to him." |
Lutz | "Ooh, so you trust him?" |
Cain | "Stop grinning at me like that!" |
| |
The King of Southagis | "We must take Northaria for our kingdom! That is the only way our people can survive!" |
Gilbert | "It's my damned fool of a father!" |
Sasha | "Language, Master Gilbert." |
Soldier A | "Your— Your Majesty! We've received reports of the volcanoes erupting!" |
The King of Southagis | "What?!" |
Gilbert | "The magma is awakening the dragon..." |
| *rumble* |
The King of Southagis | "Wh— What was that tremor?" |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
Soldier A | "It's the dragon! It has awakened!" |
Dragon's Disciple | "Ohh, our divine dragon has returned! Burn all these foolish mortals to ash, O mighty one!" |
| |
| *the scene changes to the sacred mountain* |
Cain | "My soldiers! We are changing our target to the dragon of the sacred mountain!" |
Noble A | "But, Your Highness, the Southagians are coming right for us!" |
Cain | "They will turn their sights to the dragon at any moment now!" |
Dragon | "Graaaaaaaaagh!" |
Gilbert | "Cai! Have you found the key?!" |
Cain | "No, sorry—" |
Gilbert | "That's a shame. I guess that leaves us with one option only." |
Cain | "What? If you run out of magic, you'll die!" |
| "Plus, we don't even know if your magic alone will seal the dragon away." |
Gilbert | "Even so, I'm the only one capable of wielding such magic. What choice do I have?" |
Cain | "How are you always so sure about yourself...?" |
Gilbert | "It's less that and more that there's no other choice I can make." |
| "You should be more confident in yourself. I think you're the braver one here for giving up on the throne and coming all the way out here." |
| "I leave Southagis and Northaria in your hands, brother." |
Cain | "Wait, Gil— Gilbert!" |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
Lutz | "Get back, Cain! It's too dangerous!" |
Cain | "Let me go! There's something I have to do!" |
Lutz | "Oh, all right. I'll come with you, too." |
Cain | "Lutz..." |
Lutz | "Let's go!" |
| |
| *the dragon has now flown to where the crew are on the mountain* |
| |
Gilbert | "Damn, I can't push it back...!" |
Dragon | "Gragh!" |
| *it shoots fire and dark energy orbs at Gilbert* |
Gilbert | "...!" |
Sasha | "I've got your back, Master Gilbert." |
Gilbert | "Sasha?! But you're still hurt!" |
Sasha | "I can't just abandon my master, though, can I?" |
Gilbert | "You'd follow me even to the depths of the underworld, huh? You're the best vassal I could have asked for." |
| *Gilbert swipes at an incoming dark energy orb* |
| *Sasha barely misses an orb going his way* |
Sasha | "Gck..." |
| *he swipes at the dragon with his own fire* |
Lutz | "Help is on the way!" |
Gilbert | "Lutz! Cai!" |
Cain | "It is my duty to seal away that dragon." |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
Lutz | "But how are you gonna do that without the key?!" |
Gilbert | "If you're missing a key, just break the lock!" |
Sasha | "I can't say that's something I would recommend." |
| *Gilbert, Sasha, and Lutz attack the dragon* |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
Lutz | "It's so strong...!" |
Sasha | "This battle is incredibly draining. I'm not sure we can hold out for much longer." |
Gilbert | "Sorry, Cai, but... you're going to have to take over..." |
Cain | "Gilbert!!" |
| *the dark energy orbs hit Lutz* |
Lutz | "Aaaaaagh!" |
| *an orb hits Sasha* |
Sasha | "Gck!" |
Cain | "If only I were stronger... There must have been some greater purpose to my magic hiding away all these years..." |
| "...and I'll prove it! I'm going to save my friends, and my people!" |
Dragon | "Graaaaaagh!" |
| |
Cain | "Gggh..." |
Gilbert | "Hey, Cai! Are you all right?!" |
Cain | "Gil? You're alive..." |
Gilbert | "Right back at you." |
| "What happened to the dragon?" |
Gilbert | "It went back to sleep." |
Cain | "I see..." |
Gilbert | "I guess you were our savior, huh? The key has always been inside of you." |
Cain | "Inside of me..." |
Gilbert | "See, I told you to be more confident in yourself." |
Cain | "Heh. You're not the boss of me." |
| |
| *the scene changes to the Northarian throne room* |
Noble A | "...And now, the peace treaty forbidding any future wars between the kingdoms of Northaria and Southagis shall be signed." |
Gilbert | "Getting my blockhead of a father to finally shut up was an effort and a half, but it was worth it! Look at how far we've come, brother!" |
Cain | "Since when was I your brother? I do agree with everything else, though." |
Citizens | "May Northaria prosper! Long live King Cain!" |
| "May Southagis prosper! Long live King Gilbert!" |
| |
| *the play ends. The audience erupts into cheers* |
| |
Reni | ...! |
| (I've watched Haruto act for many years, but I never knew he had all of those feelings dwelling inside him...) |
| (The desperation and desire of the have-nots is something I'm very familiar with, myself.) |
| |
Haruto | Thank you all for coming out here today! |
Shifuto | Thanks, guys! |
Tasuku | Thank you all. |
Azami | Thanks. |
Middle-Aged Woman | ... |
Haruto | ...! |
| (Was that...? No, it probably wasn't her. My eyes flashed by so quickly, so I could've mistaken a random audience member for her.) |
| (Oh well. Whether or not that was actually my mom, I'm going to keep acting every single run like she's out there, watching me.) |
| (I'm sure closing night will be a success if I keep giving it my all. And once this play successfully closes... I think I could pay home a visit. Yeah, Ma?) |