Trump the phantom thief/Episode 7

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Trump the phantom thief
Episode 7
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Juza’s MomI heard Muku-chan won another race!
KumonSeriously!? That’s sick!
Juza’s MomLet’s go cheer him on next time.
KumonSure! You too, Nii-chan!
Juza...No, I’m good.
Juza(I’ll only freak people out if I go. ‘Sides, what if people start spreading bad rumors about Muku because of me?)
TenmaThank you so much!
MisumiThanks for coming~!
MukuThank you very much!
Juza(That’s Muku? He looks like a totes different person.)
(I heard he was kind of down after quitting track and field, but he didn’t look that way at all on the stage.)
(Never knew he could shine like that onstage.)
(Maybe I, too...)
JuzaYou’re the reason why I started theater.
Seeing you take a step forward to theater gave me the courage to do the same.
But what if you go back to track and field, and in the worst case get injured again….
What if you clash with your teammates and get hurt in the process... What if that issue affects your acting as well...
I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.
...But that’s just my ego speaking.
I didn’t know how you feel about returning to track and field.
No one can ruin your desire to run again, just like how no one can ruin my desire to perform onstage.
I should’ve told you, “If you’re gonna do it, give 110 percent at both of them. I’ll support you.”
It’s my job as your fellow troupe member, your family and your co-star, to support what you wanna do and back you up.
Sorry for being harsh on you the other day.
Muku...It’s alright. I should thank you instead, Juchan.
I know you said those things because you were worried about me.
I could make up my mind because of your words. I finally realized my own feelings.
I’m sure there’s still a part of me who longs to participate in a relay race with my clubmates...
I thought I’d moved on, but...
Maybe I thought that way because somewhere in my heart, I was sure my leg hadn’t recovered, because I felt like I couldn’t go back to track and field.
This time, I won’t regret it even if I can’t manage to bring the best outcome after practicing. I just want to do my best to take part in the race with the others, just like before.
I want to do my best until the end. And I want you to watch me run.
JuzaSure. Show me how you run as the Ace of the club.
MukuOkay! I’ll give it my all.
And you see, I’ve never thought about leaving the theater.
Mankai Company is a precious place that everyone gave to me when I was still unable to go back to track and field.
And I don’t think I can ever quit now that I know how much fun acting is.
Juza. ...I know, right.
I have to focus on our upcoming play first before the race.
JuzaWe’ve gotta catch up after causing troubles like that.
MukuLet’s do our best!
JuzaMan, this place sure is out of this world...
AzamiFreakin’ spacious.
IzumiIt’s more gorgeous than the photos... Oh, right. Thanks for coming with us, Azami-kun.
AzamiNah, no need to thank me. I wanted to see the dressing room since I’ll be doing y'all makeup.
KazunariMukkun, you’re not getting seasick or anything, right?
MukuYep. I’m alright. I already took some medicine, and it’s not like we’re riding a small boat where we can feel its motion.
SaionjiI’ve been expecting you. My name is Saionji.
IzumiMy name is Tachibana. Nice to meet you.
Muku(Hm? I feel like I’ve seen this person before...)
SaionjiI’d like to offer my gratitude for accepting our request.
IzumiI should be the one thanking you for offering us such an amazing request like this.
It’s not everyday we get the chance to perform in a place like this. I’m grateful for it.
SaionjiI’m also attempting a lot of new things. I don’t usually hold a jewel showcase...
Since this is the first time it’ll be showcased in Japan, I chose this ship as the venue so that a lot of people can see it.
And because I want people to also enjoy the cruise, I decided to hold it for several days and considered adding more activities throughout the journey.
That was how someone suggested I hold a stage play here.
Due to that, I went around the Veludo Way by myself in search of a theater troupe.
IzumiI see.
MukuOh! Are you perhaps the person who dropped his cufflinks the other day...!?
SaionjiThank you for picking it up at that time.
MukuN-No problem!
SakyoYou know each other?
SaionjiHe helped me when I was walking around the Veludo Way. I’ve got to know MANKAI Company because of him.
I looked it up afterward and decided to offer you a request to perform here. It just so happened that my acquaintance was also bringing you up.
I believe it might be fate after knowing that my acquaintance’s son is also a member of your theater troupe.
KazunariAre you talking about my papi!?
SakyoReceiving an offer after helping someone...
YukiThat’s just so Muku.
BanriSounds like something that comes out of the Straw Millionaire[1].
Come to think of it, I remember some jewels are embedded in the cufflinks.
SaionjiThat’s right. You have a good memory.
MukuI remember it because it’s so beautiful.
SaionjiRight. Why don’t you all participate in the jewel unveiling while we’re at it?
Since the unveiling will be held a day after the closing show, I’d like you all to stay one day longer here...
MukuCan we, really?
IzumiThank you so much!
JuzaJewels in a luxurious ship... That’s just like our play.
KazunariIt won’t be weird if some thieves come to steal it.
SakyoThe setting is just perfect. We won’t have any issues making the audience immersed in the play like this.
MukuNow we only need to do our best!
JuzaWe’ve gotta focus.
Saionji...Oh, I almost forgot. Tachibana-san...
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  1. The Straw Millionaire is a Japanese Buddhist folk tale about a poor man who becomes wealthy through a series of successive trades, starting with a single piece of straw.