Juza’s Mom | I heard Muku-chan won another race! |
Kumon | Seriously!? That’s sick! |
Juza’s Mom | Let’s go cheer him on next time. |
Kumon | Sure! You too, Nii-chan! |
Juza | ...No, I’m good. |
Kumon | Whyyy~!? |
Juza | (I’ll only freak people out if I go. ‘Sides, what if people start spreading bad rumors about Muku because of me?) |
Tenma | Thank you so much! |
Misumi | Thanks for coming~! |
Muku | Thank you very much! |
Juza | (That’s Muku? He looks like a totes different person.) |
| (I heard he was kind of down after quitting track and field, but he didn’t look that way at all on the stage.) |
| (Never knew he could shine like that onstage.) |
| (Maybe I, too...) |
Juza | You’re the reason why I started theater. |
| Seeing you take a step forward to theater gave me the courage to do the same. |
| But what if you go back to track and field, and in the worst case get injured again…. |
| What if you clash with your teammates and get hurt in the process... What if that issue affects your acting as well... |
| I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. |
| ...But that’s just my ego speaking. |
| I didn’t know how you feel about returning to track and field. |
| No one can ruin your desire to run again, just like how no one can ruin my desire to perform onstage. |
| I should’ve told you, “If you’re gonna do it, give 110 percent at both of them. I’ll support you.” |
| It’s my job as your fellow troupe member, your family and your co-star, to support what you wanna do and back you up. |
| Sorry for being harsh on you the other day. |
Muku | ...It’s alright. I should thank you instead, Juchan. |
| I know you said those things because you were worried about me. |
| I could make up my mind because of your words. I finally realized my own feelings. |
| I’m sure there’s still a part of me who longs to participate in a relay race with my clubmates... |
| I thought I’d moved on, but... |
| Maybe I thought that way because somewhere in my heart, I was sure my leg hadn’t recovered, because I felt like I couldn’t go back to track and field. |
| This time, I won’t regret it even if I can’t manage to bring the best outcome after practicing. I just want to do my best to take part in the race with the others, just like before. |
| I want to do my best until the end. And I want you to watch me run. |
Juza | Sure. Show me how you run as the Ace of the club. |
Muku | Okay! I’ll give it my all. |
| And you see, I’ve never thought about leaving the theater. |
| Mankai Company is a precious place that everyone gave to me when I was still unable to go back to track and field. |
| And I don’t think I can ever quit now that I know how much fun acting is. |
| Juza. ...I know, right. |
| I have to focus on our upcoming play first before the race. |
Juza | We’ve gotta catch up after causing troubles like that. |
Muku | Let’s do our best! |
Juza | Man, this place sure is out of this world... |
Azami | Freakin’ spacious. |
Izumi | It’s more gorgeous than the photos... Oh, right. Thanks for coming with us, Azami-kun. |
Azami | Nah, no need to thank me. I wanted to see the dressing room since I’ll be doing y'all makeup. |
Kazunari | Mukkun, you’re not getting seasick or anything, right? |
Muku | Yep. I’m alright. I already took some medicine, and it’s not like we’re riding a small boat where we can feel its motion. |
Saionji | I’ve been expecting you. My name is Saionji. |
Izumi | My name is Tachibana. Nice to meet you. |
Muku | (Hm? I feel like I’ve seen this person before...) |
Saionji | I’d like to offer my gratitude for accepting our request. |
Izumi | I should be the one thanking you for offering us such an amazing request like this. |
| It’s not everyday we get the chance to perform in a place like this. I’m grateful for it. |
Saionji | I’m also attempting a lot of new things. I don’t usually hold a jewel showcase... |
| Since this is the first time it’ll be showcased in Japan, I chose this ship as the venue so that a lot of people can see it. |
| And because I want people to also enjoy the cruise, I decided to hold it for several days and considered adding more activities throughout the journey. |
| That was how someone suggested I hold a stage play here. |
| Due to that, I went around the Veludo Way by myself in search of a theater troupe. |
Izumi | I see. |
Muku | Oh! Are you perhaps the person who dropped his cufflinks the other day...!? |
Saionji | Thank you for picking it up at that time. |
Muku | N-No problem! |
Sakyo | You know each other? |
Saionji | He helped me when I was walking around the Veludo Way. I’ve got to know MANKAI Company because of him. |
| I looked it up afterward and decided to offer you a request to perform here. It just so happened that my acquaintance was also bringing you up. |
| I believe it might be fate after knowing that my acquaintance’s son is also a member of your theater troupe. |
Kazunari | Are you talking about my papi!? |
Sakyo | Receiving an offer after helping someone... |
Yuki | That’s just so Muku. |
Banri | Sounds like something that comes out of the Straw Millionaire[1]. |
Muku | Ehehe... |
| Come to think of it, I remember some jewels are embedded in the cufflinks. |
Saionji | That’s right. You have a good memory. |
Muku | I remember it because it’s so beautiful. |
Saionji | Right. Why don’t you all participate in the jewel unveiling while we’re at it? |
| Since the unveiling will be held a day after the closing show, I’d like you all to stay one day longer here... |
Muku | Can we, really? |
Izumi | Thank you so much! |
Juza | Jewels in a luxurious ship... That’s just like our play. |
Kazunari | It won’t be weird if some thieves come to steal it. |
Sakyo | The setting is just perfect. We won’t have any issues making the audience immersed in the play like this. |
Muku | Now we only need to do our best! |
Juza | We’ve gotta focus. |
Saionji | ...Oh, I almost forgot. Tachibana-san... |
Izumi | Yes? |