Muku | … |
Juza | So you’re here, Muku. |
Muku | What’s wrong, Juchan? |
Juza | …You couldn’t concentrate on today’s rehearsal, right? |
Muku | Sorry. I must have caused troubles for the others. |
Juza | Did something happen? |
Muku | … |
| …My former teammate asked me to return to the track and field club. |
| They’re lacking members for the next relay match. |
Juza | But isn’t your foot–. |
Muku | Doctor said it’s completely recovered now. |
Juza | You serious? |
Muku | Yep, they gave me the OK to participate in track and field matches again. |
| At the time, returning to track and field didn’t cross my mind at all. |
| I’ve completely gotten over track and field. And I had a lot of fun performing plays with everyone. |
| Theater is the most important thing to me right now. |
| But I won’t deny I contemplated a bit after knowing my foot has recovered, and my friend asked me to go back to the track and field club. |
| During my P.E. class today, I sprinted with all my might. It felt so good, as if I was back to my old self. It felt so good that I wanted to go back even for one time. |
| But I already parted ways with track and field. Can I really go back now after all this time? |
| I wasn’t lying when I said theater is important to me. I felt kind of bad to have the other club members welcome me with open arms when my focus was split into two… |
| I considered joining after our play wrapped up. But after much thought, I realized I would not have enough time to practice. |
| Can I really help them after taking a long break? I’m afraid I’d end up taking a step forward with anxiety. |
Juza | … |
| I… If I were you, I wouldn’t go back with a half-hearted feeling. |
Muku | Juchan… |
Juza | It won’t do me or the others any good if I’m filled with anxiety. |
| If it were me, I’d pour all my attention to the upcoming performance. Even more so if I were the lead actor. |
Muku | –. |
| Yeah… You’re right… |
Juza | “You really came…” |
Muku | “Hey.” |
Juza | “Tch. Didn’t you go home, King?” |
Muku | “It’s been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me.” |
Izumi | (I don’t know why but King and Jack seem awkward today. I can feel the distance between them.) |
| (Did something happen?) |
Sakyo | Hey, you two. Focus. |
Juza | …. |
Muku | I’m sorry…! |
Sakyo | Goodness… |
Izumi | (Their awkwardness is affecting the rehearsal’s atmosphere…) |
Izumi | …Nngh. |
| (I did wonder what happened to Juza-kun and Muku-kun in the end.) |
| (I asked Juza-kun to talk to Muku yesterday, Maybe something did happen at that time.) |
| (Muku-kun seemed to find it hard to talk about it when I asked him the other day. It may not be good to pry into it…) |
| (But I can’t keep things continue this way. I should ask.) |
Izumi | (I didn’t find them in their rooms. Are they here?) |
Muku | … |
Izumi | Ah. |
| (What’s he reading? A manga?) |
Muku | Oh, Director-san. |
Izumi | Reading manga? |
Muku | Yes… |
| I’m sorry for what happened today. I already promised to move on, and yet… |
Izumi | It’s fine. You’re not the only one. |
| …Did something happen between you and Juza-kun? |
Muku | … |