The Liar Night is Forever/Episode 9

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Trigger warning: A section of the performance in this episode depicts self-harm and suicide. Reader discretion is advised.
The Liar Night is Forever
Episode 9
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KamoPleased to work with you today!
IzumiSame here, pleased to work with you.
KamoEveryone looks great with your costume!
As expected, they’re pretty stylish~!
TaichiIt fits the survival theme, it’s so cool~!
AzamiThe design’s not bad as well.
HomareYou can delve into the atmosphere even more with the costume on.
ChikageIt makes you motivated to do the performance indeed.
TasukuThat smile is just going to make me think that you’re the EBE even before you pull the role card.
KamoAs per mentioned yesterday, please do it as if you’re doing the actual performance on stage!
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, do you think you’re going to be alright today?
TsuzuruYeah. I’m still not really sure…
But I’ll get through it somehow.
I will have to see by myself if this way of doing the performance is the correct answer or not.
Izumi(I wonder if he was able to get some kind of hint from everyone)
KamoThen, let us start the shooting~!
Everyone, pleased to work with you!
<Short Time Skip>
Izumi(Earth, year 2XXX. Humanity and extraterrestrial life forms exist… And the battle with EBE will finally unfold.
Minase, a Lower Rank Combatant from EBE Subjugation Unit, ran away towards an abandoned ruins in the middle of the intensifying conflict…)
KutouWho is that!
ShisuiOh? That look… Seems like he’s one of our companions.
MinaseMembers of EBE Subjugation Unit?
So everyone ended up running over here…?
NanamiI was trying to get away from the conflict and I ended up in this abandoned ruins.
EhatoAs for me, I came here thinking that I might find my companions.
The other guys, everyone was done in.
AmamiyaI was running for my life…
I was saved by Kutou-san whom I met along the way.
ShihoAnyway, we’re all members of EBE Subjugation Unit, but it seems like this is our first time meeting each other.
KutouEBE can mimic human.
That’s why, even for the members of EBE Subjugation Unit, there are only a few people who actually know each other.
Carelessly getting along with each other will just invite danger.
Nanami… Excuse me. Ehato-san is an enemy.
EhatoWhat’s this, I haven’t done anything and I’m already gathering suspicion.
And I thought I can finally meet my companions.
ShihoHmm. I’ve only heard about the rumors before…
But perhaps, you’re someone from the ‘Supernatural Force Unit’?
NanamiYeah, well. It’s pretty risky to just come forward at this point of time, but I can’t spare the time when danger is imminent.
AmamiyaBut, isn’t that the kind of thing that an EBE will say.
I, I… I have seen someone who deceived others and died right in front of my eyes before.
ShihoAh, you’re right? What bullshit, we just need to kill the dangerous looking guy right?
KutouIf that’s the case, we shouldn’t be trusting each other so easily.
NanamiIt’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not, but I’m not lying.
It’s dangerous to keep Ehato-san alive.
EhatoI don’t know how to feel, but I’m not happy being labelled as suspicious without any proof.
MinaseCa, calm down. We still don't know whether there’s actually any EBE among us.
ShisuiYou’re right. We finally managed to get a place safe from the rain and wind. For the time being, let’s rest here tonight.
EhatoIf you’re worried, it’s fine for everyone to sleep in different rooms.
This mansion seems to be quite large after all.
MinaseRight. The conflict should be ending in a few days…
It should be safe to hide here for a while.
<The Next Day>
Izumi(The next day, however, Nanami was brutally murdered and his body was found…)
AmamiyaAs I thought, there’s EBE among us...
ShisuiI see. Seems like he really is one from the ‘Supernatural Force Unit’.
MinaseHow do you know that?
ShisuiI belong to the ‘On-site Disposal Unit’. I was working on dissecting the corpse.
MinaseThat’s an amazing ability you have there.
Shisui… I can only deal with the dead.
Isn’t it too late to only know of the truth after they’re dead.
ShihoWell, even that might be a lie.
AmamiyaIf Nanami is dead, does that mean that Ehato-san is an EBE…?
KutouIf what Shisui said is true, that seems to be the case indeed…
On the other possibility that he might be lying, he just becomes another suspicious one.
AmamiyaThat’s enough, I don’t understand anymore...
ShihoThen, we just need to choose the most suspicious person among us and kill him, it’s that simple.
For example… The person that Nanami suspected.
MinaseIt can’t be…!
KutouMakes sense. We cannot determine whether anyone is a human or EBE just by looks alone.
If that’s the case… It might be more effective to just remove that possibility.
AmamiyaBut that… That means we’re going to kill someone?
They might still be our companions, we can’t just easily...
EhatoJust decide by the majority vote.
By doing that, everyone would share the responsibility.
ShihoThen, let’s kill Ehato.
KutouBut, there might still be a chance that Shisui is lying.
AmamiyaIf Shisui is an EBE, maybe he’s leading us to kill Ehato...
ShisuiThen, let me sacrifice this body of mine!
If everyone’s suspicion can disappear through my death, my death will not be in vain.
MinaseWait… No, what are you saying!
ShisuiFufu… I’ll be watching over your fate from heaven.
Izumi(Shisui cut himself with the broken glass fragment…)
AmamiyaThis, it’s too cruel...
ShihoWhat a crazy guy~
EhatoThat’s what happened if you deal with brutally murdered corpses on a regular basis, you might just become like that.
<Short Time Skip>
Izumi(After Shisui’s death, there’s no other casualties, the members taking shelter in the abandoned ruins approached the next day safely…)
MinaseThere’s no more casualty.
That means Shisui is indeed an EBE...
EhatoI wonder. There’s a possibility that the other EBE is just caught off guard?
Izumi(‘Special EBE Breed’ does not side with either human or EBE, it’s the third force playing in this scenario.
Whichever side survives, if this third force is not eliminated, the ‘Special EBE Breed’ will annihilate everyone)
EhatoPerhaps, a certain someone was to become the scapegoat after Shisui’s death, it would increase the credibility of his and Nanami’s prediction.
Which means, the suspicion on me who has been suspected to be an EBE from the beginning is getting higher.
AmamiyaBut, if there’s no other casualty--
KutouNo, I actually thought of the same thing as Ehato.
The different races of EBE can’t kill each other despite wanting to kill one another.
I’ve waited for this moment, I’ll use my special weapon…
I won’t be able to kill you if I don’t use another method.
MinaseBy that, you mean...
KutouThat’s right. Minase, Ehato, Shiho… Someone out of the three of you is an EBE, one of you is the ‘Special EBE Breed’ right?
Ehato… I see. There’s no casualty because the EBE are in conflict with each other. That’s what you thought.
KutouI’m not too happy knowing that there are two kinds of enemies mixing in this bunch.
ShihoHuh. So you just dismissed us as your companions so easily.
What a convenience.
KutouI have a special weapon. I was always with this unarmed guy the whole of last night. At least, I know that we are not EBE.
Amamiya… Do we have to choose another suspicious person among us?
KutouYeah, we have to. In order for us to survive...
ShihoThen, Ehato who was suspected by that guy with special ability is the EBE.
Minase… Why do you not suspect the special ability of that person.
ShihoI’m just talking about possibilities, it’s not that I don’t doubt him.
EhatoEBE has a curse, a weakness on them.
On the other way, Shiho, aren’t you the EBE?
You don’t doubt him, and you who thought that Nanami has that special ability, killed him due to fear of getting caught, no?
KutouYou’re suddenly quiet. So, that’s how it is.
Shiho… Whatever. Kill me if you want.
Well, anyway, it’s you guys that will end up regretting killing me instead of that Ehato.
Minase… Even if he might be an EBE, it’s not pleasant to see someone killed right in front of your eyes.
KutouIt’s kill or to be killed world.
You won’t be able to survive if you keep being that naive.
MinaseUhh… You’re right.
AmamiyaBut, if what Kutou said is right, that means there’s still an EBE among us...
KutouIt’s alright. Everything will be settled tonight.
KutouYou’ve finally appeared… As I thought, you…
Amamiya, stay behind me.
EhatoToo bad.
You… will be my prey this time.
AmamiyaAh, waaaaah!!
Mi, Minase! Kutou was killed by Ehato…!
The other EBE is really Ehato…!
If we don’t run away from here, we’ll end up getting killed as well…!
Minase… The outside is roaming with EBE, even if we run away, we’ll still end up dead.
AmamiyaWhat are you saying…!?
Anyway, we have to run away from Ehato now…!
We’re just lower rank members, we’re weak…
But, if we combine our power together, even us might have a chance against an EBE--
Amamiya… Eh? Mi, nase… That mask is…?
MinaseIf the weak don’t fight as the weak is supposed to, they’re just going to get eliminated.
EhatoIt is as it is, as he is wise.
EhatoAmamiya, this is the end for you.
I didn’t think that I will be cooperating with you.
MinaseWell, that’s the end of humanity. They should have just surrendered earlier, then they could have lived slightly longer if they just chose to submit under the strong .
EhatoAs expected, you are a wise one.
… This guy’s already dead.
With this, it’s my… It’s our win.
MinaseYeah. This planet… Let’s make it ours.
Izumi(Minase and Ehato rejoiced over their win. And the curtain falls with the victory of EBE...)
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