Izumi | Then, let’s select those who will likely be able to make it according to the performance’s schedule. |
Sakuya | What kind of performance will it be? |
Izumi | Everyone’s role will be combatants from an organization meant to subdue the extraterrestrial lifeform, “EBE”. |
| They are, “EBE who impersonates a human”, “Lower Rank Combatant”, “Special Force Unit”, “Supernatural Force Unit”, “One who has assimilated with EBE”. |
| In addition, “Special EBE breed who impersonates a human” and “On-site Disposal Unit” will be the settings assigned to the 7 people. |
| Anyway, the roles will be randomly assigned during the performance and you won’t be able to know other people’s roles. |
| Only the prologue will be the same for each performance, but there will be no script for the following performance and it is necessary to continue the performance with ad-lib. |
| Humanity and EBE, it’s a life-betting tactic for survival… |
| That’s the rough content of the story. |
| Even the actors won’t know what will become the ending, it’s a really big difference from the usual performance. |
Tasuku | I’ve seen a similar performance before. |
Taichi | Me too, I did a game similar to that before! |
Azami | I was involved together with Taichi-san, but I ended up getting into it as well. |
Izumi | Really? I would be grateful if you can participate in this performance. |
Tasuku | I have no issue with it. |
Taichi | I want to try it as well! |
Azami | It sounds really interesting, like a game. |
Homare | Hmm. If that’s the case, let me participate as well. |
| The kind of ending we get will depend on the choices we made along the way… Isn’t it pretty interesting! |
Tsuzuru | Ah… Is it alright if I join too? |
| I think a performance without a script is pretty interesting. |
Izumi | Of course. There’s no reason to decline! |
| Looking forward to work with the two of you! |
Itaru | By the way, that means we have to proceed with the story while looking for the person who’s actually an EBE right. |
Izumi | You’re right. |
Tenma | You don’t want to be suspicious so you have to act, it will have that kind of realism in a sense. |
Homare | In other words, there will be times when you have to deceive each other. |
Banri | Someone who’s good at deceiving others… Chikage-san sounds like he’ll be good at it. |
Chikage | Don’t casually bad mouth other people like that. |
| But, I have no problem with the schedule. |
| I should also still be able to take a day off at this time if necessary. |
Yuki | It will be boring if it’s full of people who are good at deceiving others, on the contrary, why not put someone who’s easily deceived. |
Kazunari | Like Tenten for example- |
Tenma | Huh!? |
| Well, I don’t have any problem with the schedule… But I’m not satisfied with that reasoning. |
Izumi | Ahaha… I think it will be a good learning experience though. |
Tenma | There’s no other choice. I have no issue with it, but I’ll check with Igawa just in case. |
Sakyo | With this, our line-up is complete. |
Izumi | Everyone thank you so much! |
| Let’s start practicing starting from tomorrow. |