Special Edition: Veludo Job Challenge/Episode 5

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Special Edition: Veludo Job Challenge
Episode 5
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IzumiPleased to work with you today.
YamazakiThank you for coming all the way here. Same here, pleased to work with you as well.
The job shadowing won’t include any complicated parts, so don’t worry.
JuzaBut, since we’re doing it, I would like you to let us help as much as possible.
SakuyaI’ll do my best!
YamazakiThen, let me guide you around as a starter.
*start walking*
YamazakiWe apologize for the cardboards lying around here. We should be getting rid of it soon.
OmiNo, please don’t mind it.
YamazakiThank you so much.
For starters, I would like for everyone to receive the visitors.
StaffThen, I’ll start shooting from now on.
IzumiSo, who would like to try first?
KazunariI want to try!
SakuyaAh, can I try it as well?
YamazakiWhen the visitor is here, this part of the phone will start blinking, and that would be the cue for you to pick it up.
At that time, please request for their company and their name.
KazunariI’m so excited~!
*phone rings*
SakuyaAh, it’s here.
KazunariThen, it’s my turn to appear!
Yes. ...Can I have your company name and your name please?
Understood. Please wait for a moment.
*phone beeps*
KazunariMr. Sasazuka from Uchida Post Office said that he has an appointment with Mr. Yamamoto from Sales!
YamazakiAlright, thank you so much.
IzumiAs expected of Kazunari-kun.
JuzaIt’s in his nature.
TasukuThere's a huge gap between how you act when answering the phone and how you usually are...
YamazakiThen, let’s guide the visitors to the conference room.
SakuyaThen, It’s my turn next!
KazunariSakusaku, good luck!
*door opens*
SakuyaA, apologize for the wait! This way!
VisitorA new hire? Do your best.
YamazakiAh, apologies for the inconvenience. Actually, we’re having a job shadowing as part of a collaboration with a magazine.
VisitorI see. My bad, you really tried your best that I mistook you for a new hire.
SakuyaN, no, it’s alright! Then, excuse me!
KazunariSakusaku, how is it?
SakuyaUmm...I was mistaken as a new hire.
KazunariI wonder if it’s Sakusaku’s innocent feel that made them think so~
HisokaI think I can understand their feeling of mistaking you as a new hire.
JuzaYou looked quite nervous after all.
YamazakiIt will be a different person from the previous visitor, but would you like to try serving some tea?
KazunariDon’t you want to see Tax serve some tea?
TasukuI don’t know how you decide what you want to see. Even so, you won’t be able to see anyway if you stay here.
OmiWell, it’s fine isn’t it.
SakuyaTasuku-san, please do your best!
Tasuku...I guess since I’m given the opportunity, I’ll try it.
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