Special Edition: Veludo Job Challenge/Episode 4

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Special Edition: Veludo Job Challenge
Episode 4
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Izumi...So, that would be the flow for the actual day. Everyone, I’m counting on you.
TasukuSo, it will only be a day.
SakuyaBut I’m really looking forward to it!
Tasuku...Is it going to be alright with this guy?
KazunariThere should be no problemo!
SakuyaI got a secret weapon from Homare-san!
TasukuMarshmallow...? But, you can’t eat in the middle of working.
HisokaChew chew... I will do my best to stay awake tomorrow.
TasukuThat’s just how it’s supposed to be isn’t it.
OmiWe have to bring our own lunch huh...
JuzaOmi-san, is anything wrong?
OmiNothing, it seems like we need to bring our own lunch, I was thinking that I would like to make bento for everyone if everyone doesn’t mind, how about it?
KazunariOmimi’s making it!?
JuzaIt’s definitely going to be delicious.
TasukuBut, won’t it be hard for you to make 7 people’s worth?
OmiIt’s not much different from making regular meals. It will be alright.
KazunariAh, right! Why not we make it with everyone?
SakuyaThat sounds fun too!
HisokaI want to make marshmallow dessert.
JuzaI’ll help out as well.
IzumiThen, let’s make it together now!
OmiDoes anyone have any request?
KazunariAs I thought, I would like something like cheese hamburger inside~
IzumiSounds good!
HisokaThe meat...You don’t need to put those on my share.
OmiThen, I’ll put tamagoyaki and some other stuffs on Hisoka-san’s share.
HisokaPlease make it sweet.
OmiOthers too, if you have anything you want for the side dishes or dessert, please let me know.
SakuyaThen, if it’s possible, I would like to have Napolitan inside.
KazunariOh, a bit of Napolitan in the corner of a Bento is always delicious~!
OmiNapolitan huh, understood.
JuzaI want to eat some cream anmitsu for dessert, but as I thought, it’s not something that goes into a lunch box...
OmiHow about milk agar with tangerines? You can carry it around in room temperature.
Juza! Please do so.
KazunariI also want wieners, fried chicken, and some sardines!
SakuyaSounds good!
OmiTasuku-san, do you have anything you want?
TasukuNo, it seems like the bento would already be full from everyone’s request anyway.
OmiHaha, you’re right.
Omi-san, I tried packing them in the box, is this alright?
OmiYeah, that’s perfect. Thank you.
...Right. Only that hamburger, would you be able to shift it to the side?
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