Student A | Man, he’s late even on the last day! |
Student B | I mean, shouldn’t they have already told Kabuto-san the start time? |
Student A | You got that right. |
Banri | (I actually wanted to cut class and focus on the play, but a chance like this doesn't come often.) |
| *door opens* |
Kabuto | Alright, let’s get the last day of the workshop started. |
| |
| … |
Banri | Hey. I found the answer to your question. |
Kabuto | … |
Banri | "I want to act! Here, on this stage, for now and forever!" |
| Wha…!! |
Kabuto | I would’ve scouted you on the first day if you showed me this side of you. |
| You've become an interestin' actor to me now. |
Banri | … |
Kabuto | You’re feeling good and refreshed now, but who knows? You’re bound to find yourself blubbering time and time again in the future. |
Banri | Who’s blubbering?! |
Kabuto | Your suffering isn’t going to end. You’re gonna keep struggling and hitting rock-bottom. Welcome to hell. |
Banri | Bring it on. I’m hyped for a hard-to-clear challenge |
Kabuto | How old are ya, punk? |
Banri | …Twenty. What about it? |
Kabuto | "Every man experiences his greatest level of maturity during the period when he changes from young man to adult." |
Banri | What? |
Kabuto | …*sighs*. It's one of Ango Sakaguchi's quotes. Basically, he says that maturity at twenty is nothing but a lie. |
| Here. Read more books. Put yourself in other people's shoes. |
Banri | Is this your autographed autobiography or somethin’? |
Kabuto | No. |
Banri | "Wind, Light, and the Twenty-Year-Old-Me"…? |
Kabuto | You can say that book is Ango Sakaguchi's portrait. |
Banri | What…? |
| Hm…? What’s with the numbers on the cover…? |
Kabuto | If you want me to direct your performances, feel free to hit me up. |
| *Kabuto walks away* *door closes* |
Banri | …The heck? Who would call you, anyway? |
| |
| … |
| (Guess I need to restrain myself during this line…) |
Sakuya | Banri-kun. |
Banri | ? |
Sakuya | Checking the script? |
Banri | Yea. |
Sakuya | Oh. That's the scene you mentioned in the "Spotlight" interview, right? |
| I think you’ve improved your performance so much since the first time. |
| …I guess you've found your "answer." |
Banri | Well, yeah. |
| It’s weird ‘cause he’s constantly dragging me, but that guy actually acknowledged my answer. |
Sakuya | Really? What a relief! That means he finally saw your good points. |
Banri | While I caused trouble for you guys and my family, I ended up finding the truth I've been looking for. |
| The whole, "Why does it have to be theater, out of everything else out there?" |
| I'm truly thankful that I know the answer from the bottom of my heart. |
| I have a feeling it’ll be some sort of pillar as I continue to walk on this path. |
Sakuya | I actually wanted to help you at that time… Sorry I couldn't do anything. |
Banri | Nah. You did enough by rehearsing and performing with me. It helped that I didn’t have to worry about other things. |
Sakuya | I see… I’m glad, then. |
Banri | To be honest with you, I once thought that if my presence only brought trouble to the troupe and even ruined our performance, maybe I just didn’t belong here. |
| But y'all let me take the lead role and continued acting on the stage with me. |
| It made me feel like there's a place for me in the rehearsal room that no one else can fill. |
Sakuya | I really get your feelings. |
| But, regardless of whether it's the rehearsal room, or anywhere else—I'm sure there are more spaces in this theater troupe that only you could belong to. |
| Everyone is protecting those spaces made for you. |
Banri | I guess, yeah. I can't help but feel uneasy over all that fuss, though. |
Sakuya | But they'd do the same thing if someone else happens to be in your shoes. You’d do it too, right, Banri-kun? |
Banri | …Well, yeah. |
| Now that I’ve renewed my determination towards acting, I feel like I’m finally at the start line. |
| Even Kabuto-san told me, "Welcome to hell." Looks like I'm going to begin my real journey soon. |
Sakuya | Journey, huh. I like that. |
| I don't know if it's because I'm playing Saku, but I want to go on a journey by myself. |
| I've only gone on school trips, after all. |
Banri | Heh, by yourself? In that case, why don't you go out before the latter half's opening show? You can consider it role-building as well. |
Sakuya | I'm gonna ask Azuma-san after this. He's a pro at traveling alone. |
Banri | Well, before that, we've gotta focus on the first half. |
Sakuya | Yep! Let's create the best play ever with the remaining time we have! |
Banri | Totally. Gotta fire ourselves up. |
| |
Taichi | …Oops. Sorry. |
Sakyo | Stop loitering around! It's freakin' cramped here! |
Azami | Hey. Y'all done with the base makeup? |
Juza | I'm done. |
Azami | Too thick! Do it again! |
Azuma | Because of the number of the cast, all of us have to apply the base makeup by ourselves. Those who are not good with makeup are having a hard time. |
Tasuku | We used to do it ourselves before Izumida joined, though. |
Homare | I do believe that is my costume. |
Hisoka | …I took the wrong one. |
Omi | I feel like we've overestimated the dressing room's capacity... |
Izumi | We've gotta be ready for the latter half at this point. |
| (Some of them are nervous because it's different from our usual plays. Meanwhile, our lead actor Banri-kun is…) |
Banri | … |
Izumi | Replying to people's comments? |
Banri | Yea. I've done my makeup. Got time to kill. |
Izumi | (Banri-kun is calm. I’m relieved to see he’s so relaxed.) |
| (More people followed us since the solo livestream. Our popularity is growing, not only for Banri-kun, but for the rest of the troupe as well.) |
| (Our sales for the first half went well thanks to the people who watched Banri Settsu's performance. Banri-kun being the lead helped too..) |
| (The livestream tickets sold especially well… That's why we have to make this play a success so that even more people are interested in the latter half!) |
| |
Juza | It's freakin' cramped here too. |
Taichi | I think this is my first time being unable to move around back here! |
Tasuku | Looking at the number of the performers, I guess we're going to have a hard time getting on and off stage… |
Tsumugi | We'll have even more performers in the latter half… |
Hisoka | …It's gonna overflow. |
Izumi | It's almost time. |
Sakuya | Then, captain, a word please! |
Banri | Do I really have to do it bunched up like this? |
Izumi | Since we're all here, should we call the Spring Troupe members as well? |
Sakyo | Think about the available space. |
Azuma | Now, now. I think it's a good idea. It's not everyday we get this opportunity. |
Banri | Shall we form a circle, then? |
| I feel like I caused y'all a lot of trouble as the lead actor. And I still have a lot to learn as the assistant director. |
| But I'm definitely going to make it up to you on the stage. |
Juza | Hell yeah! |
Sakuya | Let's go! |
Omi | Yeah! |
Taichi | Let's go! |
Sakyo | Sure. |
Hisoka | …Okay. |
Tsumugi | We're getting caught in Autumn Troupe's pace, huh. |
Azuma | It's such a fresh feeling. |
Homare | Experiencing things like this once in a while is not bad! |
Izumi | (Because we have more people than usual, their voices are also louder…) |
Audience Member A | Kyaa! |
Audience Member B | I heard Banri-kun's voice! |
Manager | Don't be so loud, please! It's almost time for the show! |
Banri | Whoops, heh. My bad. |