Welcome to Akebono-so!/Episode 10

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Welcome to Akebono-so!
Episode 10
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Riku"I used to always play at the Akebono Inn... It was never this run down."
"And geez, Mom wants me to be the manager of this place? There's no one here to manage!"
"At least the electricity and gas work. It'll do for now."
"Hello? Mom? I just arrived. ...Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, I know. I told you, I'm thinking about it."
"Yeah, I know. Okay, I'm gonna hang up."
"Man, even I have no idea what to do from now on..."
"I'm hungry..."
Izumi(Omi-kun's very composed. His cooking also looks very natural on stage.)
Riku"...All right, it's done. Now, where's the beer..."
Klaus"Who goes there?! Whence did you come?"
Riku"That's what I want to know!"
(He slashes at Riku)
Klaus"What a peculiar sword and shield. What kingdom arms its soldiers with the likes of those?"
Riku"Whoa, calm down! How about you explain yourself first? And what's with the costume?"
(Klaus slashes at Riku again)
Klaus"You're quite the fighter."
Riku"I'm just a guy trying to have his dinner in peace!"
(Klaus' stomach grumbles)
Riku"You're hungry, aren't you?"
Klaus"What is this... fragrance? What is this room?!"
Riku"Hey, you're tracking dirt into my kitchen!"
Klaus"Oh, my apologies."
"What is in the pot? Some sort of... thin liquid... I've never seen a dish like this before."
Riku"...You want some?"
Klaus"But, what is it?"
Riku"You'll find out if you put that sword away."
Klaus"For a pot of such suspicious nature? I'm not sure that's wise."
(Klaus' stomach grumbles again)
Riku"Fine, then don't have any."
Klaus"Ggh... Fine. I shall partake."
"This flavor... is most exquisite! Every ingredient melts in perfect harmony; each flavor distinct, yet perfectly balanced... Just like a symphony in the hands of a seasoned orchestra!"
"Never has my tongue been graced by something so delightful, nor have my eyes witnessed such a perfect marriage."
Riku"It's just pork miso soup, nothing fancy."
Izumi(Yep, this scene looks good, too.)
(Sakyo-san's Klaus looks even happier than before. You can really feel Klaus' amazement at the dish.)
(Omi-kun's Riku is still a little suspicious of Klaus, but is happy that Klaus likes his cooking. You can really get a feeling of how their relationship will develop.)
Klaus"Allow me to apologize for my outburst. I am sorry."
Riku"It's fine. My hunger got the better of me, too."
Klaus"We should probably figure out what the situation is here."
Riku"I agree."
Klaus"I am Klaus, a border guard. What is this place, and who are you?"
Riku"I'm Kondou Riku. You're in the kitchen of the boarding house, Akebono Inn, in Japan."
Riku"I'm guessing the border you guard isn't Japan's border."
Klaus"What in Heaven's name is happening...?"
Riku"Anyway, looks like what we do know is that my fridge is now a portal."
Klaus"This is most peculiar... I don't think it's supposed to be there."
(The portal lights up, and Klaus disappears)
Riku"He's gone...?"
"What the hell...? I don't... think I'm drunk..."
Riku"Now even opening the fridge is scary... Last night was a weird night."
(Some footsteps resound through the Akebono Inn)
Riku"What was that noise?"
(More footsteps...)
Riku..."I hope I don't get jumped with a sword again."
Riku"And who are you?"
Eita"Who, me? I'm a tenant here, and—"
Riku"Don't lie to me. I'm the manager."
Eita"Man, what the hell? What does Akebozo Inn need a manager for?"
Riku"It's Akebono. You sure have a lot of attitude for someone who's trespassing. You want me to call the cops?"
Eita"You gonna eat that omurice?"
Riku"Shameless, aren't you?"
Eita"I haven't eaten for two days..."
Riku"Did you run away from home? Should I call child protective services instead of the cops?"
Eita"W-Wait, don't! I'll do anything! I-I could clean the place!"
Riku"No take-backs. All right, you can have the omurice."
Eita"Hell yeah! Now, where's the tomato sauce..."
(He opens the fridge, and the portal opens once again.)
Eita"Whoaa! Who the hell are you?!"
Camilo"Gimme that!"
Eita"What the— Did you just come out from the fridge?!"
Riku"Not again..."
Eita"Whoa, man, what the— That sword's illegal!"
Riku"I guess not in their world."
Camilo"This is... so good...! Could this be... ambrosia?!"
Eita"Hey, that's mine!"
Riku"Are you a friend of Klaus'?"
Camilo"Oh, you're... nomnom... the guy... nomnom... Major Klaus mentioned... nom."
"I'm... nomnom... Camilo... nomnom... Major Klaus'... nomnom... aide-de-camp."
Riku"Don't talk with your mouth full."
Izumi(Taichi's Camilo looks like he's really enjoying his food... Just watching him is making me hungry!)
(Ever since the ban lifted, everyone's been saying how Omi-kun's food tastes even better, so I guess that kind of helped?)
Eita"That's my omurice! Give it back!"
Klaus"Camilo, what are you doing?!"
Camilo"Ah! Major Klaus!"
Riku"You need to keep a tighter leash on him."
Eita"Your guy stole my omurice! What are you gonna do about it, huh?"
Camilo"I'm sorry, Major, but it just smelled too good..."
(Eita's stomach grumbles)
Eita"My omurice..."
Riku"I've still got some chicken rice left, so I'll make you a new one. You'd better sweep this place until there's not one speck of dust left."
(Someone else's stomach grumbles...)
Riku"Who is it now?"
Riku"Geez, when was the last time you ate?"
Eita"Hell yeah, chow time."
Camilo"I feel so alive! We haven't got a cook in our barracks, so we're always going hungry."
Klaus"That doesn't mean you can take someone else's food. You're no better than a thief."
Riku"You're one to talk."
Klaus"I already apologized, did I not..."
Eita"This is really good."
Riku"So, um, who are you, anyway?"
Eita"Oh, did I not say? I'm Eita Nakagawa. I've been living here since I ran away from home."
Klaus"And why did you do that?"
Camilo"When I was around your age, I was already out of home and in the army."
Eita"You're in the army? I thought you guys were just cosplayers."
Camilo"What's a cost player?"
Riku"Uh, anyway..."
Eita"Wait, they just... disappeared? How the hell...? Aren't they technically tresspassers?"
Riku"You're one to talk... Anyway, you promised to clean the place, remember?"
Eita"Yeah, yeah, I remember."
Izumi(Klaus and Camilo start to join Riku and Eita for meals every day...)
Klaus"I'm very much enjoying your company at mealtimes."
Eita"Okay, freeloader."
Riku"You're a freeloader too, though..."
Camilo"The other guys are starting to get a little suspicious 'coz we keep running off to eat Riku's food, hey, Major?"
Riku"Please don't bring all of them here, too. I'll shove them back in the fridge."
Klaus"That, I'll keep in mind. However, if we could somehow recreate Riku's food in our kitchen back home, we could boost everyone's morale..."
Takumi"Eita! I know you're in there!"
Klaus"Who is it?"
Takumi"Eita! Why won't you pick up your phone?"
Eita"It's my brother..."
Camilo"Your brother?"
Takumi"We're going home."
Eita"Let go of me!"
Takumi"Mom's really worried about you."
Riku"See ya."
Takumi"Thank you for taking care of my brother, but I must ask that you not involve him in your strange affairs any longer. Please don't speak to him ever again."
Riku"Fine by me. Don't you go running away from home again now, Eita."
Takumi"Let's go, Eita!"
Klaus"Are you sure about that, Riku?"
Riku"About what?"
Klaus"That was very cold of you."
Riku"That's something for their family to sort out. It's not my problem."
Klaus"People your age aren't usually this unsympathetic. I feel you have the tendency to keep your distance from others."
Klaus"Sorry, that was most uncouth of me."
Riku"It's fine. I've always been this way. I can't seem to care too much for the people around me. Or anything, really."
Klaus"Is that so... I hope you can find something you can truly care for. I'm sure you will."
Riku"Why did you enlist in the army?"
Klaus"I was born to. I come from a family of proud soldiers. I feel great honor in defending the livelihoods of our citizens with my body and soul."
Riku"I can't imagine what that feels like."
Izumi(Riku's detachedness and his kind nature despite that remind me of Omi-kun, when he first joined us.)
(The way Klaus is so proud of his profession also reminds me of someone...)
Mita"You sure this is the place, fam? It looks abandoned! I bet only, like, ghosts live here."
Eita"I told you, I'll be fine here."
Mita"Yeah, but like, the boss told me to—"
Riku"Pipe down! What's going on?"
Mita"Oh, heya! I'm Mita. I, like, work with Eita and stuff."
Riku"He works with... a host?"
Mita"Yeah, fam!"
Riku"You're way too loud for this time of night."
Mita"Dude, something smells totes amazing!"
Riku"You can have some if you promise to be quiet."
Izumi(Banri-kun's party animal vibe is on point. You can't help but be drawn in by him. He looks like he's really enjoying Riku's food, too.)
Klaus"Oh, this is most excellent... Superbly so! Behold its golden crust, its delicate sweetness! O lovely dish, embodiment of rapturous ecstasy!
Camilo"This stuff could start a war!"
Riku"It's just a piece of French toast..."
Riku"You're still here?"
Mita"Gotta take care of our newbie and stuff, ya know?"
Riku"Don't tell me you want breakfast, too?"
Mita"Ooh, yes, please!"
Klaus"So Eita is now working at this... 'host club'?"
Camilo"Sounds like fun! I wanna give it a try!"
Klaus"Soldiers are forbidden from taking a second job."
Camilo"Haha, I know."
Riku"What'll you have?"
Eita"Just a coffee."
Klaus"Is he all right?"
Mita"Ya, he just didn't get enough sleep. Could tell from a mile away. If our club were that big, anyways."
Klaus"Why did you choose that job, Eita?"
Eita"It's quick money, and they have a dorm."
Riku"You ran away from home again?"
Eita"Back off."
Camilo"I think you should spend time with your family while you still can."
Eita"Don't tell me what to do."
Camilo"My family died in the war when I was little."
Takumi"Eita, enough is enough!"
Eita"I told you to leave me alone!"
Klaus"May I suggest you hear him out, rather than drag him back by force?"
Takumi"This has nothing to do with you."
Riku"He's just going to run away again, you know."
Klaus"Hear your brother out."
Takumi"...Is there anything you're unhappy with at home?"
Eita"Not really."
Takumi"Then why—"
Izumi(With encouragement from Klaus and the others, Eita starts to reveal why he's been running away from home...)
(He got into a fight, and the other person's gang has been hounding him ever since.)
(So, he decided to stay away from home until they gave up on him.)
Riku"So you're running away from home because you don't want your family to get caught in the mess?"
Klaus"You're a good kid, Eita."
Eita"I'm not a kid."
Camilo"If that's all it is, then that makes things easier!"
Takumi"Let's go to the police."
Mita"You'll just make them, like, even more mad, don'tcha think?"
Takumi"Then what should we do?"
Klaus"We take them down. All of them."
Riku"If they're gone, then you won't have to worry about them going after your family, right? Problem solved."
Takumi"That's— That's preposterous!"
Riku"I could do with one less mouth to feed, anyway. Just get rid of those guys."
Klaus"I'll give you a hand. I owe you, after all."
Camilo"I'll help, too!"
Riku"So, we're all on board? Let's go."
Mita"Y'all hitting me right in the feels, man."
Riku"You're coming, too. You also ate my food."
Eita"I told you to stay home."
Takumi"I can't just abandon my brother. I also want to protect my family."
Eita"Whatever you say, teacher's pet."
Klaus"We'll all storm them at the same time."
Riku"Yeah, we gotta get this over with while the fridge is still open."
Camilo"Well, if we can't get back, I don't mind living here!"
Punk"The hell're you guys here for?"
Eita"You have a problem with me, don't you? Come at me."
Punk"Look who it is! It's Eita Nakagawa! Get 'im, boys!"
(They all begin to fight)
Izumi(This fight has got it all! Punks, ex-delinquents, and knights! It's all so Autumn. They look like they're having a lot of fun.)
(Just as Juza-kun said he wanted a new challenge, he's giving us a new kind of performance as Takumi.)
(You can really tell that even though Takumi's more brains than brawn, he's doing his best to protect his little brother.)
(Even though Juza-kun doesn't look like the studious type at first glance, his commitment to acting translates well over to Takumi's serious personality.)
Riku"You stay away from Eita Nakagawa now, you hear?"
Punk"Y-Yes, of course!"
Mita"Y'all are super strong!"
Klaus"You're not bad yourself, Mita. You could become a fine fighter with the right training."
Takumi"Is Mr. Klaus not here today?"
Riku"Now you're also going to join us here?"
Takumi"Here's a little something from us. Our mother sends her gratitude."
Riku"Uh, you told her about what we did? I mean, thanks for the groceries."
Eita"Camilo's not here either. Should we go get him?"
Mita"Maybe they got stuck or something?"
Eita"They told us not to go to them because it's dangerous, but..."
Riku"Seems to me their army's got a lot of free time, though, with how often Klaus and Camilo come here."
Eita"Can't blame them. It is a nice place, even if it is in the middle of nowhere."
(The fridge opens)
Klaus"Sorry we're late."
Takumi"Speak of the devil."
Camilo"I'm starving!"
Eita"What, did you guys sleep in or something?"
Camilo"Nah, we had work!"
Klaus"We caught an agent from the neighboring kingdom. He was guilty of espionage."
Mita"Dude, like the sports thing?"
Takumi"It sounds like things are taking a turn for the worst."
Klaus"Yes. They've also started sending more and more troops."
Camilo"War's about to break out real soon."
Eita"Man, seriously?"
Mita"Y'all really from a different world than us, huh."
Klaus"I almost forget that we are, because Riku's cooking always puts us at ease."
Riku"C'mon, flattery won't get you anywhere."
Klaus"I speak nothing but the truth."
Camilo"Your three meals a day are the only things that I get out of bed for now!"
Eita"That's a bit much, you guys."
Klaus"I just thought I'd say what I'm thinking while I still can."
Mita"Haha, you're so funny."
Takumi"Mr. Klaus taught me all about his kingdom, and it really is a far cry from here..."
Klaus"It's not the best, but it's also not the worst."
Camilo"Anyway, let's eat before the food goes cold!"
Riku"Oh, Mita and the Nakagawas aren't here today... I think I made too much. Oh well, I'll just save it for another day."
(He opens the fridge and goes into the portal)
Riku"Hey, Klaus! Camilo! Food's ready!"
"Huh, they're not here..."
Soldier"Who goes there?!"
Rikua"Whoa! Hey, wait! I'm a friend of Klaus—"
(The soldier slashes at Riku)
Riku"Hey, what gives?!"
(Klaus defeats the soldier)
Klaus"Are you hurt, Riku?!"
"I had a feeling something was wrong. Glad I made it."
Riku"What was that guy's problem?"
Klaus"They invaded us, but they didn't send that many men. We should be able to push back. We're going to wait and see."
Riku"Should I give you a hand?"
Klaus"No. And don't open that fridge anymore."
Riku"But, Klaus—"
Klaus"Your cooking is most wonderful, Riku. Be proud of yourself."
(Klaus runs off, back into combat)
"What the hell? How can I just not open the fridge anymore? Don't tell me what to do..."
Izumi(Riku's never been concerned for anyone before, but now he's starting to care for Klaus...)
Eita"This is way too salty!"
Takumi"This mapo tofu is strangely sweet..."
Mita"That's messed up."
Riku"Oh, sorry about that."
Eita"Just go help them if you're so worried about them."
Takumi"I, too, wish there were something we could do for Mr. Klaus..."
Riku"We'll just be in their way if we go."
Eita"How do you know? My brother insisted on going to that fight and he was fine."
Takumi"Oh... Yes, it's as Eita says. Let us go lend Mr. Klaus a hand."
Riku"Easier said than done."
Mita"How 'bout we go just to give them this gross mapo tofu?"
Riku"Man, you too? Fine, but I'm not responsible for anything that happens."
Izumi(Riku seems more sure of himself now. He reminds me of Omi-kun, when he took the stage as Wolf after overcoming his troubles.)
(The soldier slashes at Mita)
Riku"I can't believe they're already this far in."
Takumi"Things don't look very good."
Eita"Maybe Klaus already..."
Takumi"No, the enemy's getting desperate. They must still be fighting it out."
Riku"Right. Let's find Klaus as quickly as we can so we can help him."
Riku"We're here to help!"
Eita"Take that!"
Camilo"Wha— Riku? Eita?"
Eita"We brought some mapo tofu for you."
Mita"Tastes like crap, though!"
Camilo"Marble toe food...? Not sure what that is, but thanks!"
Riku"Where's Klaus?"
Camilo"He's been surrounded further up ahead! You gotta save him, Riku!"
Riku"Got it."
Klaus"Riku?! What are you doing here?"
Riku"Didn't you know? I've started a delivery service!"
Soldier A"Backup?!"
Soldier B"It's fine, we still outnumber them!"
Klaus"Well, now that you're here... Take that side. Do whatever you want with them!"
Riku"Leave it to me."
Riku"Take thiiis!"
Riku"We pulled through, somehow."
Klaus"There's still some time before the main force arrives, so we should be able to rest for a bit. You should take this time to return home, Riku."
Mita"Oh, I'm gonna stay."
Mita"I'm gonna, like, follow Major Klaus' footsteps and stuff!"
Takumi"You should think this through first..."
Mita"I just thought, like, this kinda life's pretty sick too, ya know?"
Klaus"Welcome, Mita. Camilo, teach him everything you know."
Camilo"What? Me?!"
Mita"'Preciate it, fam!"
Riku"We'll be heading back, then."
Klaus"Thank you, Riku, everyone. You saved my life."
Riku"You'd better not die on us."
Klaus"I promise I won't. Could I visit you again, once things have settled?"
Riku"Of course, but I'm going to start charging you for the food."
Klaus"That's fair."
Izumi(One year later...)
Eita"Two house special sets!"
Riku"Comin' up!"
Riku"Welcome, sir. Unfortunately, we haven't got any seats left—"
Klaus"I believe I have a reservation?"
Riku"Of course. For two? Over here by the counter, please."
Izumi(Riku greets Klaus and Camilo with a warm welcome...)
(He's never had any interest in other people, but through his cooking, he's gotten to bond with others... Just like Omi-kun.)
(Riku converted the inn into a restaurant, to put smiles on people's faces... That's exactly what it's like in the Mankai dorm, too.)
Nachi's DadYou were great, Fushimi-kun.
OmiThanks for coming today, I really appreciate it.
Nachi's MomYou looked so natural preparing the food, I thought you were actually cooking up there!
Nachi's DadThe action scenes were also really exciting. You've all outdone yourselves since The Stranger.
I can really tell that you've all been working very hard during practise.
Nachi's MomI'm sure Nachi's very happy with you, too.
OmiThank you...
Could I come over again for some pork miso soup, sometime?
Nachi's DadOf course! Come by any time.
Nachi's MomWe said that you're like a son to us, remember?
OmiI'd like to make something for you too... Something Nachi really loved.
Nachi's DadSomething Nachi loved...?
OmiI don't think it goes very well with pork miso soup, though...
Nachi's MomWell, we look forward to it regardless.
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