Welcome to Akebono-so!/Epilogue

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Welcome to Akebono-so!
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BanriWow, can't believe we have the whole place to ourselves.
AzamiAre you sure this is all meant to serve one troupe and not the entire Company?
ZenYou're all still young. You can handle it.
OmiI made pizza, too.
IzumiThere's pizza, too?!
SakyoThis always happens... Our leading man shouldn't have to be in the kitchen.
TaichiBut that's just how he is!
OmiI made the chicken and green pepper stir-fry, too. And we've got tiramisu and apple pie for dessert.
IzumiThat's gotta be the biggest tiramisu and apple pie I've ever seen...!
SakyoI think he's trying to make up for all the cooking he didn't do during the ban...
TaichiWow, we've got all of the Autumn Troupe's favorites here!
BanriOur chef is superhuman in the kitchen when he's in top form!
IzumiIt all looks so delicious... I worry for my stomach...!
OmiThis gateau au chocolat is delicious!
ZenIt's our signature dessert, after all.
JuzaI want to take it home with me...
ZenTakeaway costs extra.
Juza...I'll take ten, please.
BanriYou're actually buying?!
AzamiTen of them...
KamekichiI'mma eat up, too!
ZenI've made for you your own special meal with fruit for dessert.
KamekichiYou sure know what a bird likes!
BanriYou sure you can let a bird into the restaurant?
ZenI'll make an exception for Kamekichi.
Kamekichi'Coz we're besties!
TaichiWhew, I'm stuffed!
JuzaI'm gonna explode...
SakyoIt was a lot of food.
IzumiThank you for cooking for us, Omi-kun, Zen-san.
ZenHe did most of the work, though. He was up the entire night doing food prep.
OmiSakyo-san told me he liked my food, so... I felt really motivated.
IzumiHe did?
SakyoYeah, I suppose.
AzamiEw, gross. Can't believe shitty Sakyo was honest for once.
SakyoWhat was that?
ZenStill the same old, huh? Even when we could all hear his stomach grumbling, he'd used to pretend that he wasn't hungry.
He'd even cough to try and cover up the sound of it.
IzumiOh my god... That's so... kiddy.
OmiHaha, that sounds like our Sakyo-san, all right.
SakyoStop outing me like this.
OmiThank you, though, everyone. I was only able to work out what cooking meant to me because you all told me what it meant to you.
I feel really at ease in the kitchen, and I'm more certain than ever that this is where I belong.
Cooking is one of my ways of showing that I really love you guys, and I hope you'll all continue to let me cook for you.
SakyoOf course, chef.
TaichiThe Mankai dorm isn't complete without Omi-kun's food!
BanriYeah, it'd just turn into a curry dorm for half the week.
AzamiOr an onigiri dorm. Or a super spicy dorm.
JuzaI need my dessert...
OmiHaha, of course. Leave that to me.
IzumiThank you so much for having us today, Zen-san.
ZenIt's the least I can do as a Mankai alumnus.
IzumiThanks for teaching Omi-kun your stew recipe, too.
I think something in him changed, and he was able to really focus on the performance.
ZenAh... He brought up some memories of mine, so we had a chat about that.
It's amazing how small our wide world can be sometimes.
"Those who make their own place of belonging are often the most lonely."
ZenNothing, just something someone told me a long time ago. I think... that also applied to Yukio.
Izumi...You may be right.
(The place Dad created when he was feeling lonely, the Mankai Theater on Veludo Way...)
(I hope I can make it a place Dad can feel good coming back to.)
(And for that, I need to make the Newborn Mankai Company's name bigger and more established in the world of theater...)
JuzaThanks for the gateau au chocolat.
ZenWell, I figured I should just let you take the leftovers for free.
OmiSorry for all the trouble.
BanriThat's dinner set for a while.
SakyoWe're taking everything. It should last us for at least an entire day.
AzamiStingy ass...
IzumiWhat have you got there, Omi-kun?
OmiOh, a sunny-side up French toast I made with Zen-san. I'm bringing it to Nachi tomorrow when I visit his grave.
Sorry it's not the usual cheesy cod sticks, but a menu change couldn't hurt, right? I had a little help with this sunny-side up French toast.
"Didn't you know? I've started a delivery service!"
...Thanks again, Nachi. For putting up with me... For making a place where I could belong.
It all started because of a manga you liked, but...
...I know that deep down, you actually wanted to start the Wolves for us.
I know you're not here to tell me if I'm actually right, but... I'm sure I am, considering what Zen-san told me.
I trust the Nachi that's inside my heart. I hope you'll continue to watch over me.
Nachi"Dude, you've got my bracelet on! It looks good on you!"
Omi"Sorry I lost mine. I know we were meant to be matching and all."
Nachi"Relax, man! I've got it right here with me."
Omi"I think I've made a French toast that can beat the one I made you last time, too."
Nachi"Nice, I'm excited!"
Omi"I was pretty good in our last play, right? But I'm gonna keep practising and getting better."
Nachi"You'd better! Don't you ever stop!"
(It still hurts to think back on our past... There's a lot that my mind tried to shut out.)
(But in thinking about Nachi and trying to understand him, I've also been able to remember a lot of happy moments in time that I'd almost forgotten.)
(There's so much of me that wouldn't be here without Nachi.)
(I'm glad I was able to remember them before they faded away.)
I know you told me to just keep going forward and never stop, but... knowing that you've got my back is really important to me.
(I'll be sure to capture lots of memories and moments in the film roll of my heart, just for the two of us.)
I'll be back with the other Wolves soon. We're gonna be so loud that even you can hear us from all the way up there.
I'll bring some cheesy cod sticks then, too. ...See ya soon.
Nachi"See ya, partner."
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