The Master Likes a Mystery/Episode 8

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The Master Likes a Mystery
Episode 8
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HomareGrandfather, what are you doing?
Homare’s GrandfatherI’m repairing a watch.
HomareI also want to try!
Homare’s GrandfatherThis watch is delicate, so it might still be a little too difficult for you. Go on and play with your grandmother over there.
Homare...I can’t deal with grandmother very well.
Homare’s GrandfatherOh? Why is that?
HomareShe always looks sullen even when she’s with me.
Homare’s GrandfatherAh... that’s because she’s an awkward person.
Don’t you worry. She loves you after all.
Hisoka...Why are you sleeping in a place like this?
HomareI do not wish to hear that from you, of all people.
Oh? This blanket——
Hisoka...I borrowed it from Azuma.
HomareCould you have been the one who draped it on me?
Hisoka...What were you doing?
HomareI was contemplating my role once more.
Hisoka...You’re weird. Lately, you haven’t been Arisu sometimes.
HomareWhat do you mean by that?
Hisoka...You’re always brooding, and now you’re sleeping alone in a place like this.
HomareWell similarly, draping a blanket over me does not seem like you either. A Shiki who bosses his butler around is more typical of you.
Hisoka...Back at you. A Sagishima who recites poems as he pleases is typical Arisu.
HomareYou’d prefer if I recite poems?
HomareI jest.
Hisoka...Besides, your job is to always stand behind me and give me marshmallows.
HomareNow that you mention it.
...Hm, I see. Typical me, huh.
It appears that I took a considerable detour. My version of Sagishima has always been just around the corner.[1]
HisokaArisu, you really are simple and an idiot. But we should go back soon. ...I feel sorry for the flowers Tsumugi gave you.
HomareIndeed. We must hurry and arrange them.
HomareThe morning of beginnings, a refreshing sour serenade... How vigorous, c’est bon symphony...!
IzumiGood morning, Homare-san.
TasukuHe’s at full throttle.
TsumugiIt’s typical Homare-san, so isn’t that fine?
AzumaLooks like he’s returned to his usual.
Hisoka...So noisy first thing in the morning.
TasukuArisugawa, here.
HomareWhy, this is my pocket watch...! So you were the culprit!
HisokaNo, I was the one who had it.
HomareThe balcony is not an entryway!
TsumugiOh, there you are. The meeting is about to start soon.
HomareGood grief. What if I had strained my back?
MisumiA creaky freaky triangle~
HomareHm, that is quite a nice phrase.
(It’s Arisu’s pocket watch... It’s broken...)
TsumugiWhat’s wrong? Let’s go, Hisoka-kun.
(I’ll give it back to him later...)
HomareOh... No, I did not send it for repairs.
HomareI was simply taking a peek since I happened to pass by.
IzumiIs that so...
Hisoka...What’s this about?
HomareAh, you don’t know what happened because you were asleep. I lost my pocket watch.
(...Come to think of it, I forgot to give it back because I fell asleep.)
IzumiWe’ve looked everywhere, but we can’t find it...
HomareNo matter. That thing has been unneeded from the beginning.
(It’s unneeded...?)
Izumi...I think that if it really was something he didn’t need, then he would’ve thrown it away long ago. He wouldn’t have held it dearly wherever he went.
There’s no way he truly thinks of it as something unnecessary.
Hisoka...Then why did he say he didn’t need it?
IzumiThat, I don’t know...
Hisoka...You don’t know?
IzumiI don’t. I’m sure he must have some complicated feelings surrounding it.
IzumiI don’t understand, but I still want to find the pocket watch and give it to him.
Hisoka...Even though you don’t understand?
IzumiI guess it’s because I get the feeling that’s the best thing to do, when I think about Homare-san.
I can’t understand exactly what Homare-san is thinking, but I can put myself in his shoes, right?
I don’t know whether that’s the right thing to do though...
TasukuWhat’s wrong?
Hisoka...Can you fix this?
TasukuYou found Arisugawa’s pocket watch?
Hisoka...I’ll give it back to him when it’s fixed.
TasukuIt’s impossible for me. This isn’t something an amateur can fix.
Hisoka...You say that, but I heard you’ve fixed a TV before.
TasukuA TV is different from a pocket watch.
HisokaI have a feeling that we need this for tomorrow. ...Because it’s the last component.
TasukuTomorrow...? Fixing this in one night is even more impossible.
HisokaAs thanks, I’ll...
TasukuI don’t want your marshmallows.
Tasuku...*sigh*. Fine. But I’m telling you now, it’s not my fault if I can’t fix it.
I don’t need your marshmallows, so just act your best.
HisokaThanks, Tasuku.
HisokaI lost my memories, so I have nothing — no memories, no prized possessions. So I don’t understand those complicated feelings of yours.
...But I thought that watch was something you treasured.
HomareYou had it repaired for me.
Hisoka...I’d be troubled if you didn’t return to being Arisu. Six months’ worth of marshmallows is riding on this play after all.
TasukuEven so, why didn’t you get it fixed much earlier? If I was able to fix it, then an expert would’ve been able to do it in no time if you just asked.
HomareI thought of having it repaired many times. However, if it was impossible to fix it then it would truly become something unneeded.
That is why I never sent it for repairs.
TasukuEven if it can’t be fixed, it’s still important to you so it’s not unneeded. Do all geniuses think like you?
AzumaHomare’s thoughts are so extreme. That’s one of the good things about him though.
TasukuIt’ll probably break again because it’s old, but it’s a good watch so take care of it.
HomareIndeed... in the end it was not something unneeded.
TasukuAnd also...
This was engraved inside the pocket watch.
Homare“To the mechanical you, with love. Sakae” ...?
IzumiThis is...
Homare...Sakae was the name of my grandfather.
IzumiThen, the ‘mechanical you’ must have been referring to your grandmother.
AzumaMechanical, huh? For some reason that sounds romantic.
TsumugiBut why ‘mechanical,’ I wonder?
Izumi(...It’s a bit similar to how Homare-san calls himself a cyborg.)
My grandmother told me that I was the same as this watch. That because I cannot understand people’s feelings, I’m the same as this broken watch...
HomareWhen she told me that she would give me this watch because she no longer needed it, it felt like I was told that broken things like me were no longer needed.
That’s not it. I’m sure your grandmother wasn’t trying to say you’re unneeded.
Izumi(I’m sure his grandmother, who was called mechanical, was the same as Homare-san. That’s why...)
HomareI do not understand what grandmother was thinking. I cannot understand people’s feelings——
IzumiI’m sure you understand, Homare-san. If you were your grandmother, what would you have been thinking? Please think about it.
HomareIf I were grandmother...
Hisoka...Even if you can’t exactly understand the other person’s feelings, you can put yourself in their shoes.
Those are deep words coming from you, Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka...Or so Director said.
HomareSecond-hand knowledge, I see.
Hmm, putting yourself in one’s shoes is similar to acting.
The mechanical you... Cyborg...
——I see.
Grandmother and I are the same.
She entrusted me the present she received from grandfather, her beloved, for I am similar to her.
IzumiYou were troubled over not being able to understand people’s feelings, so I wonder if your grandmother was the same.
HomareHm... That may be so.
But my grandfather loved my awkward grandmother from the bottom of his heart.
Entrusting the proof of that love to me may have been my grandmother’s way of showing her love.
IzumiI’m sure of that.
(I think that Homare-san’s grandmother may have been hoping that Homare-san also finds someone like his grandfather...)
(Someone who would accept Homare-san, and love him for who he is...)
TsumugiI believe so too.
Hisoka...Arisu is thickheaded.
AzumaWhat an awkward family.
TasukuSeriously. What a roundabout way to put it.
Homare...I will do just fine even without the truthful magnifying glass now.
IzumiTruthful magnifying glass?
HomareIt’s nothing. Just talking to myself.
IzumiOkay, it’s almost time.
HomareEveryone, gather round!
After consulting the other troupes, I, as the leader, have come up with a huddle unique to the Winter Troupe.
TsumugiSounds good.
AzumaWhat do we need to do?
HomareFirst, raise one hand up high. Then, place one foot like this, tendu, and then extend it up high — arabesque![2]
TasukuAs if we can do that!
HomareHold this pose!
AzumaIt’s difficult.
HomareNow, let us blossom in full glory and soar high across the sky together, Winter Troupe...!
TsumugiErm... Let’s do our best.
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  1. Homare said ワタシらしい鷺島, which literally means the ‘me-like Sagishima’ or ‘the Sagishima that is like me’
  2. Tendu and arabesque are ballet terms. It’s probably best to just google what they look like instead of having me attempt to explain...