The Master Likes a Mystery/Episode 6

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The Master Likes A Mystery
Episode 6
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Tasuku“You over there. Do you have a moment?”
Hisoka“Do you need something?”
Tasuku“I’m investigating the case of serial robberies targeting women around here recently.”
Hisoka“Oh, I’ve heard about that.”
Homare“Yes, Shiki-sama. I have it here——”
Hisoka“You mean the case discussed in this article, no?”
Tasuku“It saves us time if you know about it. I’d like to hear what you have to say.”
Izumi(Yup, the Winter Troupe members are all in sync.)
(Hisoka-san seems to have relaxed a little too. Just a little more and he’ll be fine, I think.)
(Now we just need some sort of impetus in order for Homare-san to get a grasp of his character...)
Passerby AThat was interesting!
Passerby BI’m coming to watch your performance tomorrow!
TsumugiThank you very much.
HomareThank you, thank you!
TasukuDon’t just sleep on the street as soon as we’re done!
TsumugiHis clothes will get dirty.
Tasuku...I’ll carry this home first.
AzumaWe’ll leave him in your hands.
Izumi(Tasuku-san has completely turned into Hisoka-san’s taxi...!)
Man With Glasses...Can I have a flyer?
IzumiOh, yes! We’ll be selling a few same-day tickets as well, so please come watch if you like.
Man With Glasses...Thanks.
Izumi(That person kind of had a mysterious air to him...)
IzumiOkay, we’re done cleaning up so let’s head home.
Azuma*phew* It sure is hot. It’s summer all right. I feel like going out to have some drinks.
TsumugiThe performance is tomorrow, so please drink in moderation.
AzumaLet’s all go out for drinks after the final performance.
IzumiSounds good!
TsumugiI guess I’ll abstain from alcohol for a while starting today.
AzumaI didn’t say to go that far...
TsumugiI do it sometimes with my prayers for the performance.[1]
HomareI see. Then I shall abstain from alcohol starting today as well.
AzumaI’ll have to turn down Sakyo-kun’s invite for evening drinks then.
Let’s make the performance a success, leader.
Izumi...It’s finally tomorrow.
(The Winter Troupe members are all adults after all; somehow they all seem calm and collected as the opening day approaches...)
(But the fact that there’s still a problem hasn’t changed... And in the end we weren’t able to find Homare-san’s pocket watch.)
(I wonder where it could be... We’ve searched everywhere possible.)
Hisoka...It’s me.
IzumiWhat’s the matter, Hisoka-san?
Hisoka...It’s about the pocket watch.
IzumiOh, I was just thinking about that. So it’s on your mind too?
Hisoka...To Arisu, is that watch necessary? Or unnecessary?
Hisoka...He seemed to have treasured it, but then he gave up right away when he lost it. He even said it was unneeded.
IzumiThat was...
HisokaArisu is always simple and he’s an idiot, but I don’t understand.
Izumi...I think that if it really was something he didn’t need, then he would’ve thrown it away long ago. He wouldn’t have held it dearly wherever he went.
There’s no way he truly thinks of it as something unnecessary.
Hisoka...Then why did he say he didn’t need it?
IzumiThat, I don’t know...
Hisoka...You don’t know?
IzumiI don’t. I’m sure he must have some complicated feelings surrounding it.
IzumiI don’t understand, but I still want to find the pocket watch and give it to him.
Hisoka...Even though you don’t understand?
IzumiI guess it’s because I get the feeling that’s the best thing to do, when I think about Homare-san.
I can’t exactly understand what Homare-san is thinking, but I can put myself in his shoes, right?
I don’t know whether that’s the right thing to do though...
The pocket watch is——
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  1. Gankake (願掛け) are Shinto or Buddhist prayers. With gankake people usually make vows to change something in their own life in return for a favor from the deities — in this case, it would be abstaining from alcohol in order to have a successful performance