The Luminous Circus/Episode 7

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The Luminous Circus
Episode 7
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Homare’s GrandmotherOh, that painting, is it already fixed?
HomareNot yet–
Homare’s Grandmother?
HomareFor grandmother, the thing that you treasure is not the painting itself, but the memories within the painting right.
About the repair, sorry for saying something irrelevant.
Thanks to Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun, I realized that the most important thing is not the item itself.
Homare’s GrandmotherIt’s because of those 2 over there right.
SakuyaNo! I did nothing!
MukuI also didn’t say much.
Homare’s GrandmotherI see…
Though, you guys are quite stubborn for a poet and a painter.
Homare’s GrandmotherWell, I also don’t understand people much.
HomareAbout this painting, is it something that grandmother gave to grandfather as a present?
Homare’s Grandmother…Yes.
*Recall Memories at Mansion’s Garden*
Homare’s GrandfatherMiyako-san, why don’t you come over here.
Homare’s GrandmotherWhat is it?
Homare’s GrandfatherThere you go.
Homare’s GrandmotherThis is?
Homare’s GrandfatherThey’re art materials.
Homare’s GrandmotherI can see that myself. Who’s going to use it?
Homare’s GrandfatherIt’s going to be you and me.
Homare’s GrandmotherI’m a poet, I don’t have any interest in painting.
Homare’s GrandfatherI’m the same.
Today’s joyful feelings, I was thinking of painting it so we won’t forget.
Homare’s GrandmotherWe can take pictures for that.
Homare’s GrandfatherThat would be boring.
Anyway, we cannot leave our feelings in a picture.
I just want to leave behind this inspiration swelling inside of me right now.
Homare’s GrandmotherIf that’s the case, it’s enough to just put it in a Haiku.
Homare’s GrandfatherI already made too many Haikus for you.
Homare’s GrandmotherIs this a punishment game or something?
Homare’s GrandfatherIt’s not, I just thought it would be fun to trial and error together on something new.
Homare’s Grandmother…Sigh. I understand.
Homare’s GrandfatherThank you.
Homare’s Grandmother
Homare’s GrandfatherHmm, between you and me, we have around the same skill in painting.
Homare’s GrandmotherThis painting, never show it to anyone else.
Homare’s GrandfatherOf course not.
You actually managed to draw that bear well.
Homare’s GrandmotherIt’s an elephant.
Homare’s GrandfatherI see it now that you say it.
Anyway, if we just practice in a few sheets, we’ll definitely get better.
Homare’s Grandmother…Hah.
*Short Time Skip*
Homare’s GrandmotherIsn’t this enough already?
Homare’s GrandfatherHmm…. I like this painting the best, is it a clown?
Homare’s GrandmotherYes, so you can see it.
Homare’s GrandfatherOf course.
Then, this one is an elephant.
Homare’s GrandmotherIt’s a circus tent.
Homare’s GrandfatherI see it now that you say it.
Homare’s Grandmother
Homare’s GrandfatherYep, it’s really great.
Do you mind if I receive this from you?
Homare’s GrandmotherI don’t get how you can call this horrid painting great.
Homare’s GrandfatherI feel that I can see that rare smile of yours here.
Homare’s Grandmother…Hah. I understand.
Then, I’ll give it to you as thanks for today.
*Back to Present*
Homare’s GrandmotherIronically, I even left such a message behind…
In return for the painting, he gave me the pocket watch.
HomareI see.
Homare’s GrandmotherWe painted this painting together, and it contains the memory of that person who gave me such happiness, that’s why, for me, it is my precious treasure.
There’s no value in such a horrid painting.
I thought that way too, but… I guess you’re right.
Homare’s GrandmotherThere are feelings contained in this painting.
That is something that should not be thrown away easily.
Thank you for saying that you won’t give up on it.
Instead of repair, I think I’ll keep it as it is.
Even if it has become like this, the important thing won’t change.
Rather than getting repaired by someone else, I think it’s better as it is.
KazunariI see. I understand.
Homare’s GrandmotherThank you for making it dry and clean.
You should show me your painting next time.
KazunariOf course!
TakaoSorry to disturb you, Homare-sama.
HomareWhat is it?
TakaoI found a picture of the painting.
TakaoI received the picture from the remodeling contractor who took it for his reference.
IzumiThi, this is…
HomareSee, it looks the same with the one I drew doesn’t it?
KazunariYou’re right! Aririn, that’s amazing!
Izumi(I didn’t expect for the painting to be really like that…
Now I understand grandfather’s feeling who thought it was an elephant.
Homare-san’s talent is really similar to his grandmother, the literary talent too.)
*Shifts to Mansion’s Living Room*
HomareThanks to you guys, I managed to understand grandmother’s feelings.
Thank you.
SakuyaThat’s… I’m sure that it’s Homare-san’s feelings towards your grandmother that has been conveyed.
MukuHomare-san really thinks a lot about your grandmother.
HomareNah, I still don’t really understand people’s feelings.
It’s really difficult, there’s still so much to learn.
KazunariIt’s not only Aririn!
I’m the same too, the same!
HomareHmm… Even for Kazunari-kun whom Yuki-kun claimed to be the Communication Guy.
KazunariYep yep, but, even if you don’t understand, make sure you talk a lot with the other person, and everything will be alright!
HomareI see… You’re right.
MukuIn the end, what happened to the reformation?
HomareWe’ll keep that place as it is.
It’s a bit barren, but it’s full of memories for grandfather and grandmother.
I thought grandmother will definitely be the happiest if I leave it as it is.
IzumiI see…
I’m pretty sure your grandmother will be glad.
At grandfather’s funeral, I saw my grandmother, who already wiped her tears, looking forward with such determination. I always thought she’s a strong and cold person.
But, surely, it wasn’t the case.
When my grandfather passed away, when the painting was ruined too, I’m sure she was filled with a lot of sadness.
I cannot do things like making the typhoon never happen, but I wonder if I can do something to return the smile back to grandmother’s face…
KazunariIf you want the big smile back on her face, I think you can do so by making new memories with her.
Izumi–If that’s the case, I think I know of a perfect method. Right, Sakuya-kun.
IzumiI mean, if it’s the circus…
HomareWhat is it?
SakuyaThere is!
A method to make her smile again!
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