The Luminous Circus/Episode 1

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The Luminous Circus
Episode 1
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Spectator AThe trapeze act was amazing!
Spectator BRight? My heart was fluttering!
Spectator CIt all looks like a dream!
ManIsn’t this fun?
WomanOh sure, if your idea of “fun” is watching people dangling in the air within inches of their lives. It’s dangerous, I don’t think it’s very fun at all.
RingmasterNow! Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome onto the stage...the clowns!
Woman...!! think...that it would come to this....
WomanWhat? What is it?
ManIt’s just, this is the first time I’ve seen your smile. Yes. It was a blessing to have come here.
WomanA blessing?
ManI will never forget this wonderful and precious day.
MisumiThat movie sure was interesting...
KumonRight? The circus scene was even done without special effects. Real stunts!! So amazing!
TenmaThat scene felt like it existed outside reality.
YukiThe costumes were good, too.
MisumiMy favorite part was the huuuuge triangle!
TenmaOf all the things in the movie, your favorite part was the freakin’ circus tent?
MukuI liked the story of the lovers in the audience. They were a wonderful couple.
KumonAh, it was so romantic that the clown could make their love blossom!
MukuWasn’t it?! I hope that destiny has something like that in store for me.
YukiNo such chance, this is reality.
MukuBut, the romance in the movie Tenma starred in was based off a true story, right? So something unexpected might happen like in the movie!
TenmaAh...”true stories” are often exaggerated for movie adaptations.
MukuAww, really...?
YukiOh come on.
KumonYeah but, it’s good to believe in it!
MisumiYeah yeah! I think it’s gooo~d to believe! Like, in the biiiiiig triangle that can touch the clouds~!
TenmaTriangles and destined love are two completely different things...
AzumaFufu, oh to be young...
GuyRomance like in a film, huh...
TasukuLove like that couldn’t have been common in the royal palace.
GuyActually, there was one incident in which careers ended over an affair.

It became a problem for the palace guards to protect a certain esteemed mistress, so professionals were hired to take them out.

A cover-up story was fabricated that painted them as enemies of the state. But perhaps this is a weak premise for a film...
TenmaNo that’s dramatic enough!
YukiSounds like a mess.
GuyHowever, it is not the kind of love story that Sakisaka speaks of...
MukuWell, something more romantic would be better...
HomareHumu, love befitting of a movie?

According to a family legend, my grandparents’s marriage was one of great love. My grandfather was already betrothed to marry a woman as arranged by the parents on both sides. Despite this, he chose to wed my grandmother, an up-and-coming young woman, extroverted, and unafraid to speak her mind. For the time, this was unbefitting behavior for a bride, but he loved her all the more. Just perhaps...there could be a love story like theirs written for you in the great poem of destiny, Muku-kun.

Ah, how romantic.
MukuReally? Please, tell me more about it!
HomareAlthough I want to, I know not more. My grandfather died a young man. When I asked my grandmother to tell me stories about them, she would not speak one word of it— oh? Ah, looks like my timepiece has gone wonky again...
TasukuAgain? Isn’t it about time you let go of it?
HomareI’d rather love for it to be touched by the mechanic’s loving hand before I see it tick its last tock. May I ask you to do the honors?
TasukuWell, all right then...
Homare(Homare’s cell phone buzzes)

It’s...from my parents’ house? How incredibly out of the ordinary. I must answer at once.

Hello? ...mhm... ——

—What on earth?!!
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