The Key to Daydreaming/Winter/Episode 4

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Chiaki here.
The Key to Daydreaming
Episode 3: Winter's Door
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Izumi(Ah, I kinda forgot to talk to Tasuku-san about the clock, it just doesn’t seem to be the right time. I’ll go and ask him next time.)
*circus music starts playing*
! There’s lively music coming from the next room somehow...
(As I thought, the story from before was most probably about Luminous Circus Troupe.)
Izumi(Ah, Room 205 also has a paper written “Unlocked” on it.)
*knocks and opens door*
George?“Thank you so much!”
Holmes?“That was pretty interesting.”
Izumi(It’s George and Holmes this time...!)
Holmes“Hi, my lady. What a pity, you were just slightly late. George was performing his show until just a minute ago.”
George“If you come to our Circus, I’ll show it to you as much as you want."
"Please come to Luminous Circus Troupe next time.”
IzumiEh umm, alright...
Holmes“Then, you were saying that you have something to consult with me.”
George“Right. I want you to look at the “Mysterious Visitor” rumor that has been floating around here recently.”
Holmes“That rumor huh, I recently heard about it.”
George“The number of customers tend to decrease when there’s a creepy rumor floating around. That’s why, I would like to ask for Mr Detective to unravel this mystery.”
Holmes“I’m not really interested in strange rumor like this, but I guess I’m a bit curious this time, I’ll take a look at it.”
George“Right. As expected of a great detective.”
Holmes“Apparently that visitor only appears once a day.”
“They’ve been visiting the houses around here in turn, and the next one that they’re most likely going to visit seems to be the empty building over there.”
Izumi(Eh? That one was probably the building that Miyagi mentioned just now...)
Holmes“But, I don’t know when that visitor will make their appearance. If there’s someone there it would be easier, at least I would be able to hear from him.”
George“I’m also quite concerned that the visitor will make an appearance at that empty building.”
IzumiExcuse me...I think there’s someone there today. I was told by my acquaintance that he came to visit that building today.
George“Is that true! So this kind of coincidence do happen.”
Holmes“I see, there’s a possibility that my lady’s acquaintance has met with this mysterious visitor.”
“Thank you for the information. You’re faring better than my assistant.”
George“That was a great help, my lady. If there’s a way we can extend our gratitude to you...”
IzumiAh! Then, can I ask you just one question?
George“Of course, I don’t mind. Ask us anything.”
IzumiI’m looking for the owner of this key. Do you know anything about it?
George“Hmm...It’s a key that I haven’t seen before. It’s a pity, but it’s not mine.”
Holmes“I don’t recall anything either.”
“But, if you’re talking about a key...I saw a mysterious room with a paper stuck on its keyhole.”
“It’s a room just opposite from here.”
George“Oh, I think it might be a good idea to check it at once. Why don’t you go and see?”
Izumi(The room opposite from here is...Room 206)
Right, I’ll go check it out. Thanks for telling me!
Holmes“Of course, you’re welcome.”
George“Good luck to you. My kind lady.”
*door closes*
Holmes“Now that that’s gone...”
“Should we eat some marshmallows?”
George“Aren’t we going to check that building?”
Holmes“...It’s just a joke.”
Izumi(Like I was told to, I ended up coming to Room 206...)
(It’s true, there’s a yorishiro-like paper[1] stuck on the keyhole. Furthermore, it’s the same “Unlocked” written on it.)
(This yorishiro...The mysterious visitor that everyone was talking about, could it be–)
*knocks and opens door*
Izumi(As I thought, inside is Kou and Hisui)
Kou“Geez, you never get tired of it every day.”
Hisui“This world is clearly very different from the world that we live in.”
“I thought if I can continue to exist like this, Master might exist in a different form here as well.”
“Is it a sin for me for just wanting to see him one more time...”
Kou“No, I never said that it’s a sin.”
Kou“But, rather than doing this troublesome thing every single day, why don’t you get it all over and done with.”
Hisui“I have to look at each one of them carefully, otherwise I might miss it.”
Kou“Geez, what a troublesome matter.”
Izumi(I thought the mysterious visitor would either be Kou or Hisui, but looking at this situation, it seems to be Hisui.)
(After listening to their story, I think they’re looking for Geppaku.)
Kou“So, where are you going today?”
Hisui“There’s an unoccupied house over there.”
Kou“That one huh...You said it’s unoccupied, so there’s no one inside right.”
Hisui“I know that, but...”
Izumi(What a dejected expression he has. I feel a bit sorry for him...)
Umm...Excuse me–
Kou“Little girl, you finally opened your mouth.”
IzumiUhh, so you found me out...
Kou“Of course, it’s a given.”
Hisui“What business do you have with us.”
IzumiThat empty building, there should be someone coming there today.
But those people are my acquaintances, so I don’t think it’s the person you’re looking for.
Hisui“I see.”
“But master might not be the same master as before. There’s a possibility that his form has changed.”
Kou“If it’s her acquaintance, isn’t it faster just to bring her along with you?”
Hisui“You’re right. ...Can I ask for your assistance?”
IzumiYeah, I don’t mind.
Hisui“I’m really grateful.”
Kou“Hmm, today sounds more interesting than usual. Let me go along with you.”
Hisui“Then, let’s head out.”
IzumiAh, before that...Does this key belong to any of you two?
Hisui“Key? ...So a key can take this kind of shape.”
Kou“I don’t know. It’s not mine.”
Hisui“My bad, I have no idea either.”
Izumi(So keys don’t really exist in this form in their era...)
(Well, there are still places that I haven’t confirmed yet, I guess I just have to look patiently.)
Understood, thank you so much. Then, shall we go?
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  1. Yorishiro (依代) refers to an object capable of attracting spirits. You may read more about it here