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The Great Camp Bonding Strategy
Episode 8
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Tenma | GYAAAAA———!!! |
Sakuya | Tenma-kun, it's alright! It's just jelly! |
Tenma | J-Jelly!? W-What, so this was what scared me huh... |
| That's not it, I was just caught by surprise because something cold had suddenly touched my neck! |
| L-Let's hurry on, Sakuya! |
Sakuya | Whoa, Tenma-kun, wait up! We're gonna get separated! |
Muku | T-Tenma-kun was so surprised that I was about to scream myself as well, even though I was supposed to be the one doing the scaring. |
| |
Yuki | My shoes seem like they'll get dirtied... |
Itaru | Hmm, there's no Wi-Fi here as well after all huh. |
Yuki | We're in the mountains after all, of course there wouldn't be any Wi-Fi up here. |
Itaru | Oh, a fireball. |
Yuki | What? Where? |
Itaru | Look, over there... Was a prop there or something, again? |
Yuki | It might have been there. Or rather, doesn't it have some rather bad colours? I'll have to make adjustments if I'm going to use it on stage. |
Itaru | Maybe. I guess we should consult the director... Oh, Citron. |
Yuki | Good work— |
Citron | ... Oh, it would be great if those two were even a little bit more surprised. They're both so dry~! |
| |
Misumi | Runr~un! I wonder if there are any ghosts~ |
Masumi | I'll protect you... |
Izumi | Thanks, Masumi-kun. But could you walk a little further away from me? |
Misumi | There's a sign! There's an arrow drawn on it~ |
Masumi | Right huh. |
Izumi | Muku-kun and the rest even prepared these huh. They're really working hard as secretaries. |
Misumi | Oh———!! |
| That leaf's triangular~! |
Masumi | Shut up, you're making too much of a fuss. |
Izumi | The wind was too quick and it was gone in a second... Hm? Did you hear a sound just now? |
Masumi | ——? I didn't hear anything though. |
Izumi | ... I wonder if it was my imagination. Well whatever, let's go. |
| |
Tsuzuru | ...... |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | The sign... This is it huh. It's been somewhat toppled over though... |
| It signals to the right so it's here, right? |
Kazunari | ...... Yeah, probably. |
| |
Tsuzuru | ...... |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | ...... Um. |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | Err... Sorry about today. I yelled at you during fishing too... |
| I thought about various things but... We can't go on creating inconveniences for everyone too, right? |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | That's why, err... I wasn't being too adult-like about it either and... |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | ...... Miyoshi-san? |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | ...... Hey, that shouldn't be the attitude you take even when someone apologises to you, right. |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | Are you listening to me!? |
Kazunari | ......Haa...... |
Tsuzuru | Huh? |
Kazunari | ...... |
Tsuzuru | M-Miyoshi-san......!? |
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