The Great Camp Bonding Strategy/Episode 7

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The Great Camp Bonding Strategy
Episode 7
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Yuki——And so, why are the both of you absolutely drenched?
MisumiDid the two of you play in the river~?
TsuzuruOf course not!
ItaruI'll take a pic for memory. Okay, say cheese.
TsuzuruHey, Itaru-san, what are you taking anyway.
ItaruI'm joking. I'll lend you my jacket since it's dry.
IzumiHere, I brought towels. Both of you, wipe down properly so you don't catch a cold.
TsuzuruYeah... Thank you very much.
SakuyaI've started a fire over here so please come get warmed up!
KazunariThanks! Ha~ It's warm over by the fire after all~!
... Achoo!
IzumiAre you all right? Kazunari-kun.
KazunariOh— I'm fine! My nose just got a little irritated!
MisumiUwah~ you got me~!
ItaruThen it's my win.
TenmaItaru-san's the demon again huh, moreover, he's strong too.
MukuWink Killer is surprisingly hard...
CitronItaru also does a really nice wink! It makes my heart skip a beat!
ItaruMaking your heart skip a beat isn't really...
YukiAre the two of them all right? They're both still wrapped in blankets and sitting beside the fire.
IzumiYeah...I called out to them earlier but they said that they had wanted to warm up a little more.
MasumiIt's the first I've ever seen them this quiet.
ItaruCertainly. Especially Kazunari being silent, it's an SSR occurrence.
Muku...C-Citron-sama...what should we do?
CitronHm hm hm...if it's come down to this then it calls for the last resort!!
TenmaOi! I never heard anything about a test of courage!!
CitronI was preparing for times like this! I'm a good secretary!
MisumiSeems fun~!!
YukiWhat a sticky development...
CitronTsuzuru and Kazu will participate too! Muku and I will be acting as the ghosts.
KazunariOh, yeah, I'll participate~ I'm reaally looking forward to it!
MukuIn "Your Colour ✩ Four Seasons", the heroine created a really good atmosphere together with the boy in a test of courage. If it's this then, I'm sure that it'll work out...!
CitronThe lottery preparation's all done and well too! Kazu and Tsuzuru will test their courage as a pair!
CitronWrite your name there when you reach the temple on the back of this mountain and come back!
MukuCitron-sama and I will go ahead first as we're acting as the ghosts. Once 20 minutes are over, please head on in order on your own!
MisumiGot it~! Take care!
Izumi... It'll be 20 minutes soon, I think? The first pairs Sakuya-kun and Tenma-kun.
SakuyaYup! Then we'll be heading off!
TenmaHmph, there's no way that there are ghosts or anything. Let's hurry and go, Sakuya.
YukiWe're next huh. Thank god I wasn't together with the worn out actor.
ItaruYuki, call me when it's time.
YukiDo something about it by yourself.
IzumiWell then, we should go soon.
MasumiI'll protect you.
MisumiIt'll be great if the ghost's face had triangles on it~!
Tsuzuru... No choice, let's move soon too.
Kazunari... Yeah.
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