The Floral Prince/Episode 7

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The Floral Prince
Episode 7
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IzumiHow is it? Did you find him there?
IzumiI wonder where Muku-kun and Kumon-kun went.
JuzaI’ll go look at the station.
MisumiI’ll go there too~!
TenmaI’ll go look at the theater once again, then.
YukiThe theater isn’t that way.
KazunariTenten, it’s this way.
YukiWhat are we gonna do if you get lost?
TenmaI just made a little mistake!
IzumiI’ll also try searching around here a little bit more!
(Is Muku-kun all right…)
GirlWhich one should I pick….
Izumi(Huh? Where did I see this girl before…)
(Ah! She’s the child who was taking her dog for a walk the other day--the one who was about to be hit with the bicycle!)
GirlMom, what flower color does a prince like?
MomFufu, I wonder what color he likes.
Kumon*pants* *pants*.... I’ve finally caught up to you.
KumonMuku, you’re as fast as ever.
KumonAh, sorr--.
Muku….No, it’s okay.
You see, I’ve done the same thing I did before.
Just as I thought, someone like me can’t become a prince. Be it in track and field or a play….
Even though I’ve worked hard, the result is still the same in the end. Everyone is cheering me on and looking to me, and yet….
KumonMuku is a prince!
GirlIt’s the prince!
MukuYou’re from the other day--.
GirlAs I thought, it’s the prince! Ah, are you his retainer?
MukuUh, you see, these are the costumes for our pla…
MisumiSo you’re here, Prince Florence.
YukiWhat are you doing, geez.
KazunariWe’ll be troubled if you disappear on your own.
TenmaIn the first place, why do I have to bother looking for a prince from the borderland?
GirlAmazing! There are so many princes…!
MisumiPrincess, please give me the honor of receiving that flower.
KazunariI think I’m more suitable for the princess.
TenmaWhat are you saying? There’s no other prince who is suitable for the princess than me.
IzumiPrincess, to whom are you going to give the flower?
GirlMy prince is only him.
MukuM… Me?
GirlThank you for saving me, prince.
GirlAre you crying, prince?
MukuI’m greatly honored by your words, princess.
Passerby AIt’s rare to see a Street Act about princes!
Passerby BThe combination of the girl and the princes is cute~!
Muku--Th, Thank you.
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