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The Floral Prince
Episode 7
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Izumi | How is it? Did you find him there? |
Tenma | No. |
Izumi | I wonder where Muku-kun and Kumon-kun went. |
Juza | I’ll go look at the station. |
Misumi | I’ll go there too~! |
Tenma | I’ll go look at the theater once again, then. |
Yuki | The theater isn’t that way. |
Kazunari | Tenten, it’s this way. |
Yuki | What are we gonna do if you get lost? |
Tenma | I just made a little mistake! |
Izumi | I’ll also try searching around here a little bit more! |
| (Is Muku-kun all right…) |
| |
Girl | Which one should I pick…. |
Mother | Hmm…. |
Izumi | (Huh? Where did I see this girl before…) |
| (Ah! She’s the child who was taking her dog for a walk the other day--the one who was about to be hit with the bicycle!) |
Girl | Mom, what flower color does a prince like? |
Mom | Fufu, I wonder what color he likes. |
Izumi | (...Prince?) |
| |
Kumon | --Muku! |
Muku | --. |
Kumon | *pants* *pants*.... I’ve finally caught up to you. |
Muku | Kyu-chan…. |
Kumon | Muku, you’re as fast as ever. |
Muku | --. |
Kumon | Ah, sorr--. |
Muku | ….No, it’s okay. |
| You see, I’ve done the same thing I did before. |
| Just as I thought, someone like me can’t become a prince. Be it in track and field or a play…. |
| Even though I’ve worked hard, the result is still the same in the end. Everyone is cheering me on and looking to me, and yet…. |
Kumon | Muku is a prince! |
Muku | …. |
Girl | Prince? |
Muku | ? |
Girl | It’s the prince! |
Muku | You’re from the other day--. |
Girl | As I thought, it’s the prince! Ah, are you his retainer? |
Kumon | Huh? |
Muku | Uh, you see, these are the costumes for our pla… |
Misumi | So you’re here, Prince Florence. |
Yuki | What are you doing, geez. |
Kazunari | We’ll be troubled if you disappear on your own. |
Tenma | In the first place, why do I have to bother looking for a prince from the borderland? |
Girl | Amazing! There are so many princes…! |
Misumi | Princess, please give me the honor of receiving that flower. |
Kazunari | I think I’m more suitable for the princess. |
Tenma | What are you saying? There’s no other prince who is suitable for the princess than me. |
Girl | --. |
Izumi | Princess, to whom are you going to give the flower? |
Girl | My prince is only him. |
Muku | M… Me? |
Girl | Thank you for saving me, prince. |
Muku | --. |
Girl | Are you crying, prince? |
Muku | I’m greatly honored by your words, princess. |
Passerby A | It’s rare to see a Street Act about princes! |
Passerby B | The combination of the girl and the princes is cute~! |
Muku | --Th, Thank you. |
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