The Floral Prince/Episode 5

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The Floral Prince
Episode 5
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KumonWhere are we going to look around?
YukiThe handicrafts shop.
The costumes for this play match the flyer design, so I’d like to make some additional arrangement.
KumonYou seemed to be pumped up.
YukiI’m always pumped up.
KumonYou have a point there, but I feel like you’ll put more spirit into this than usual.
YukiWell, Muku has always said he wanted to be a prince ever since he joined the theater company.
This is the play that he has always been wishing for, so I think his fondness for this play is a little bit different than other plays.
Kumon….You see, Muku has always dreamed of being a prince ever since childhood.
Our families went to play at the beach in the past. There, we talked about his dream of becoming a prince while making a sandcastle.
That is why I have to help make this play, which is important for Muku, successful no matter what.
But I don’t have the confidence to be the co-lead actor.
I’m lacking experience compared to others. Besides, my acting skill is still far from good…
I’m scared at the thought that I might be dragging down Muku, who is doing his best, and ruining the play. I’m anxious.
YukiThat’s Muku’s negative cousin for you.
Everyone fails, you know. Besides, our Summer Troupe’s play will turn that failure into a laugh in the end, right?
Nobody improves in acting that quickly. Me, Muku and the others were just like you before.
Be confident and just do what you usually do.
Besides, we have that crappy actor and triangle fanatic to rely on when it comes to acting.
YukiMore importantly, you keep saying Muku this, Muku that. This is also your play, you know, and Summer Troupe’s play too.
KumonI see…. You’re right.
I’ll do my best!
YukiHow simple-minded.
KumonHehe. Yuki is like Tenma-san for some reason.
YukiYikes, don’t lump me with him.
Izumi(Today’s show was so good. I’ll go watch it again as an audience next time, not as staff.)
MukuAh, Director-san.
IzumiAre you going shopping, Muku-kun?
MukuNo, I’ve just come back from practicing by the riverside.
IzumiRiverside? How rare.
MukuSakuya-kun told me about that place. There are a lot of people at the riverside, so the atmosphere is a little bit different. It can serve as good practice.
IzumiOoh, I see.
MukuI've gotten lots of advice from my senior prince Tasuku-san, so I’ve been working hard, but….
I haven’t been able to become a satisfactory prince.
IzumiMuku-kun, your acting is getting better and better, you know. You have deepened your interpretation of your role and become a charming Prince Florence.
Be confident.
GirlWhoaaah, hold on, John!
GirlIt’s dangerous if you suddenly rush like that! Stop pulling me!
Izumi--That dog is excited, somehow. I wonder if the owner is all right.
MukuI think it might be better if she holds it down a little bit.
IzumiThere’s a bike--!
MukuWatch out!
IzumiMuku-kun! Are you all right!?
Young bicyclerI’m sorry! I couldn’t avoid it--.
Yuki--Huh? Isn’t that Muku and Director over there?
KumonSay, could it be an accident!?
Are you all right, Muku!?
Teammate ASakisaka, are you all right!?
Teammate BThere’s a competition coming up soon, and yet….
Teammate CWhat are we gonna do for the relay?
Teammate BAnd here I thought we could finally aim for victory.
DoctorSakisaka-kun, I’m sorry….
IzumiMuku-kun, are you inju--.
MukuI’m okay. I didn’t fall that hard.
IzumiAre you sure?
KumonThank goodness.
YukiYou scared us.
GirlAre you okay, onii-chan?
MukuYes. I’m glad you’re not hurt. Be careful, okay?
IzumiIt looks like you got a scratch on your leg. You sure you’re not injured anywhere else?
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