The Clockwork Heartbeat/Episode 3

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The Clockwork Heartbeat
Episode 3
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IzumiCitron-kun, sorry for making you accompany me when there isn't even that much to carry.
CitronNo, it's not Citron. Right now I am, as appointed by Sakyo, your knight!
IzumiEven if there's a suspicious person, it's just shopping. I'd have been fine......
CitronSakyo is older perspective.
IzumiOverprotective, huh.
Since you've gone to the trouble, I'll let you choose dinner tonight. What sort of spices do you like?
CitronOhh, I'm limited to spices!?
IzumiCitron-kun, how's practice? You're not worried about anything?
CitronYuzo's lessons are hard cartilage.
Izumi'Hard to swallow', maybe? When I had him observe the other day, you were severely scolded for your lines and dialogue.
You'll just have to practice until you get used to them.
CitronI'll work hard!
IzumiIt'd be good if you could get Tsuzuru to practice your dialogue with you, but he's a little hard-pressed at the moment.
CitronHe's spending all his lime on the script, isn't he.
IzumiAll his time, hm.
He's only stuck on the ending, so it's not like he's generally in a slump, but......
CitronHe's written a lot. It wouldn't be off for him to get into a slime.
IzumiYeah, that's true......If he's not getting anywhere, it'd be better to go for a change of pace.
Especially since the thinking types like Tsuzuru-kun tend to try and press forward even when they hit a wall......
CitronChinese Divination, huh......[1]
IzumiWhat are you talking about!?
CitronThat's right! I thought of a good Chinese Divination!
IzumiI-Is that right?
CitronThe contents are still a secret! Look forwards to it!
Izumi(I feel like he's not quite on the right track, but I hope it's alright......)
Speaking of, what do you think of the ending this time? Playing the homunculus, S, how did you feel?
Did you want to be with your friend and the master who made you, the alchemist Luke, forever?
CitronHmm......It's difficult. In the first place, S and Luke's positions are too different.
......Can there be true friendship between two people like that?
Citron......It's nothing.
I just think that it's sad for S, but it can't be helped.
IzumiIt can't be helped, huh......
CitronI've spotted the suspicious person! Director, hide behind me!
Izumi(That person's looking at the balcony......?)
CitronYou're under arrest! You're under arrest!
CitronI'll chase him!
CitronWhat is it?
IzumiIt's fine. I don't think that person is suspicious.
CitronA suspicious acquaintance?
IzumiI guess, maybe?
(That was Mizuno-san......I wonder what he was looking at.)
CitronHe was looking at Tsuzuru on the balcony before. Make no mistake, he's a scooter!
IzumiA stalker?
(Tsuzuru-kun was working on the balcony......)
(As I thought, Mizuno is an ardent fan of Tsuzuru-kun. But I wonder why he was being so secretive about it.)
(If not a fan, then what exactly......)
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  1. Originally 奇門遁甲 (Qi Men Dun Jia), which sounds like 気分転換, or 'a change of pace'.