Stranger/Episode 7

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Episode 7
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TaichiOmi-kun? Is there something wrong with the bike?
OmiNo, I was just thinking it's been a long time since I've felt this grip and this seat.
I've at least maintained it, and I let my younger brother ride it once in a while, so there shouldn't be a problem.
First, let's go slowly for a warm-up.
TaichiFiring off with a roar on the night streets is what it means to be young!
OmiYour mental image is really fixed......Though I can't really talk.
TaichiThe wind feels good ーーー!
Omi(......Neither my hands nor my legs are shaking. I'm surprisingly okay. I'd thought I wouldn't be able to ride again after that day.)
(On the contrary, I feel my head getting steadily refreshed, and my thoughts are getting clearer.)
(I was certain it'd become a trauma. Maybe I don't have such a sensitive personality......)
(―― No, that's not it.)
TaichiBikes are fun ーー!!
Omi......It's thanks to Taichi.
TaichiWh? What was that?
OmiNothing. I'm speeding up.
TaichiGo, go ーーー!!
TaichiOmi-kun, you did bring your camera?
OmiI brought it as asked.
TaichiThen I want you to take a spectacular shot of me! Make it like one from a photobook!
OmiA photobook?
TaichiTake the most awesome profile pic, with the ocean at sunrise in the background! Then I'll get tons of fangirls, too!
OmiI see, so that's what it is......
TaichiThe water's cold~!
Quick, quick! Take it like a gravure shoot!
OmiGot it, got it.
TaichiHow is it? Did you take a cool one? Like an artist's picture on a CD jacket?
OmiYeah, they took well. Look.
TaichiYou really have a talent, Omi-kun!
"It'll be fine. You've got a talent for photography."
*end flashback*
Omi(......Could he have intended to use those photos of him in a suit for some sort of profile picture.)
(So they were essential materials for an actor, for an audition or something, Nachi......)
TaichiTadaaa! Today I've got a secret weapon!
OmiA folded up...tripod......?
TaichiI found it in the storeroom of the dormitory.
You're always the cameraman, so there aren't many photos of you, are there?
But if we have this, we can take a photo together!
OmiNo, I'm fine. I was able to take a good photo of you just then so let's put it in the album too.
TaichiNo! I'm taking one with you!
Taichi......You know, when I saw your 『Portrait』, I thought we were a little alike.
Everyone had 『regret』 as the theme, but yours and mine were 『regret towards our friends』.
Though unlike mine, yours wasn't a betrayal. It's a regret that you lost all your old friends, right?
And you still haven't been able to escape that. Rather than the stuff of the future, it's the sadness and the regret that remains in your heart.
TaichiI'm an idiot, so I don't understand difficult things, but it's definitely all tied into what happened in the past.
Your inability to get into your role this time, and how you always put yourself last and don't take photos of yourself, too......
Omi......It's as you say. I want to forget the past, but I can't forget it.
Ever since then, I can't help feeling like I'm living in Nachi's place.
Even now that I've achieved the dream of being an actor, I inadvertantly remember the past and wonder whether I'm deserving of that.
I've simply put a lid on my regret over not being able to save my friends and throwing them away. I'm unable to move on.
TaichiBut you know, the past wasn't all sad, was it. There were fun times, and there were joyful times.
You can't pretend that none of that ever happened. It's the same for me. We can't hide all our 『regrets』.
TaichiSo let's take more photos. With you, too. Then let's develop them, and stick these on!
TaichiI got them from the Director. Yellow is for happy days, red is for angry days, and green is for sad days.
By doing this, we won't forget that there were happy days in amongst the sad and the frustrated days.
This moment today only exists here in the now, after all! Let's not lose it!
"Idiots! The me of that moment today only exists in that moment!"
*end flashback*
Omi(Ahh, that's right......That's it, huh......Now isn't forever. That's why......)
OmiI remembered why I took up photography.
Because the things which only exist in this moment are preserved in photographs. When I was invited by the university group, that's what I thought.
TaichiWhat, you understand too!
Omi(Nachi taught me that. How could I have forgotten......I'm an idiot.)
TaichiThen, let's start right away, from today ――. Today is of course a yellow sticker!
OmiWon't it be hard doing this every day? There are lots of days where we practice and want to sleep, and you'll miss days.
TaichiThen let's do it once every three days! That, or just the days when we're not sleepy!
OmiHow arbitrary. Those moments on those days only exist then and there, don't they?
TaichiThen as the occasion demands!
OmiHaha, that's so like you.
TaichiIt's fine, it's fine, so you stand there. Then, let's take it!
TaichiOmi-kun, smile and pose!
OmiEven if you tell me that......I'm bad at this sort of thing.
TaichiCome on, the timer's running out already!
Taichi......Well, it's the first one, so I'll forgive you with this.
OmiI'm glad for that.
TaichiAfter the final performance finishes, we'll take a commemorative photo with all the members of the Autumn Troupe.
OmiYeah. We've got to make the performance a success and stick a yellow sticker on it.
It'd be fine if I could grasp the role of Ward somehow.....
TaichiHmm......What should we do......
TaichiAlright, Omi-kun, let's have a secret strategy meeting!
OmiI'm speeding up. If we don't hurry, we won't make it in time for breakfast.
TaichiBut now that we've had our strategy meeting, the full run through tomorrow will go perfectly! Let's surprise everyone!
OmiYeah, it's thanks to you, Taichi. If you and the rest of the Autumn Troupe are around, I'm sure I'll be able to pull through with the play.
TaichiThat's the spirit! We'll revive the strength of 『The Wild Wolf』!
Juza"Remember the reason you were able to live strongly."
*end flashback*
TaichiOmi-kun, is something wrong?
Omi......The reason 『The Wild Wolf』 was able to live strongly is that he loved Nachi and the guys in 『Wolf』.
TaichiOmi-kun, I can't hear you over the wind!
OmiNow, I love the Autumn Troupe and everyone in the company just as much! I'll become strong for everyone!
TaichiAhaha! This time I heard you!
I love everyone too!!
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