Stranger/Episode 6

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Episode 6
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IzumiPlease wait!
Ryo―― Hmph.
IzumiRyo-san, I have something to speak with ――!
Ouch ――.
RyoWhat are you doing.
RyoGive me your hand.
IzumiThank you very much.
RyoYou didn't cut yourself?
IzumiI'm fine.
(He's a surprisingly good guy. If it's him, surely he'll listen to me......)
RyoSo, what do you want with me?
IzumiUm, I'd like you to tell me about how Omi-kun used to be......You know him from back then, right?
RyoThat's true, but why me......You can ask Omi-san, can't you.
IzumiI want to hear your story.
I was Omi-san and Nachi-san's junior in the 『Wolf』 days. Like the No. 2 along with the the double bosses.
Back then, Omi-san had a charismatic personality that captured everyone.
Everyone admired Omi-san, and I too had pride in beind able to be the No. 2 in 『Wolf』.
Even when I heard that Omi-san had gone alone to avenge Nachi-san's death, I thought he was amazing. That was something only Omi-san could do.
But at the same time, I was crushed that I couldn't be of any help to him.
Izumi(This person is really attached to Omi-kun......)
RyoI wanted Omi-san to bring 『Wolf』 together once more.
I thought that then, this time, I'd become someone who could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Omi-san, like Nachi-san. Yet ――
Omi-san threw away both 『Wolf』 and the name of 『The Wild Wolf』. He folded away his fangs, and even became an actor. It's the worst.
Izumi―― Please wait. He had his reasons for that.
IzumiI'm really not in a position to talk to Ryo-san about this......but it's just too sad for this to remain a misunderstanding.
Omi-kun wanted to chase Nachi-san's dream in his place. The dream Nachi-san had of becoming an actor ――
IzumiAt first, he entered the company for Nachi-san's sake, but now he's working hard for it as his own dream.
RyoThat's......Nachi-san wanted......? I had no idea ――
IzumiApparently Omi-kun found out after Nachi-san passed away, too.
RyoI...didn't a......
IzumiRyo-san, there's something I'd like you to help me with.
IzumiCould you put me in touch with Nachi-san's parents?
Sakyo『Those words of yours will render the Autumn Troupe useless.』
Banri『He wouldn't entrust things to a person he didn't think could overcome them from the start.』
Nachi『You're not putting your heart into it. ......Even though you stole my dream of acting from me.』
Juza『Remember the reason you were able to live strongly.』
*end flashback*
TaichiOmi-kun, good work.
Omi―― Cold!?
TaichiThere were two cans of cola left in the fridge! Let's drink together!
OmiI see......Thanks.
TaichiIt's almost the real thing, but it's not going that well, is it~
OmiIt's because of me, the leader. If I remain unable to grasp the role of Ward......
TaichiIt'll be fine! Backwards thinking isn't good!
TaichiAlright! Omi-kun, let's go to the beach!
OmiThe beach?
TaichiAt this sort of time, you need a change of scenery!
OmiIt's the off-season right now, so we can't swim.
TaichiThat's fine! Going to the beach at these sorts of times is part of being young!
OmiSay, you don't mean to go now......? I'll be morning by the time we arrive.
TaichiRacing along the town at night as you settle your thoughts is what it means to be young!
OmiYour mental images are securely fixed for things other than girls, huh......
TaichiCome on, come on, even the 『Stranger』 play isn't a wasteland devoid of greenery! We might be inspired by the sandy shores!
Omi*sigh* I get it, I get it.
TaichiSo, Omi-kun, let's go by bike.
OmiWait, I'm not......
Taichi『Stranger』 is a story where Zero and Ward travel together by bike.
As part of preparing for the role, I'd like to try riding behind you!
TaichiPlease, Omi-kun!
That's right. I'd been thinking of inviting you sooner or later. Practice for your tandem date, right?
OmiI can't drive badly. I'm worried because there's been a blank period.
TaichiPlease, Omi-kun! My future with the girlfriend I haven't yet met is waiting for me.
OmiHaha, that's a big responsibility.
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