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Settings can be found on the Menu Screen.


Controls the sound balance in-game.

Background Music Volume (BGM音量): Default 50%

Sound Effects Volume (SE音量): Default 50%

Voice Volume (VOICE音量): Default 50%. Changing the slider triggers a voiced mic check by a random character.

Voice Volume Quotes

Environment (サウンド)

Performance (パフォーマンス): High / Low (default).

Background Animation (背景演出): Default ON. Turning it off saves battery and lowers heat production.

Screen Rotation Lock (画面回転): Default ON. Turning it off enable the screen to flip around if you rotate the phone 180 degrees. Your device settings take precedence, so this option will have no effect if you have rotation lock on.

User (ユーザー)

Auto Card Lock (オートカードロック): SSR / SR / R / N (default SSR only). Auto-locks cards of the selected rarity when you obtain them. You can select multiple rarities.

Sending Friend Request (フレンド申請) Default ON. Turning this off will not show the Friend Request dialog on the Performance/Battle/ACT Result screen

LP/SP Push Notifications (LP/SP回復結果): Default ON. Your device settings take precedence.

Pt Rewards earned (Pt報酬獲得) Default ON. Turning this off will hide the dialogue box every time you earn rewards on the Performance/Battle/ACT Result screen during an event.

Lessons (稽古)

Auto-Play Lesson (稽古 AUTO): Turning this on will play the lesson automatically.

Screen Rotation Lock Mid-Lesson (再稽古設定): Default ON. If your device auto-locks at a certain time, turning this on will stop the application from running.

Rehearsal settings (再稽古設定): Cancel Certain Event Performances (EV公演自動中止): Choose if you want any event show type to be cancelled automatically if they appear during a lesson. You can choose between:

  • Matinee (マチネ)
  • Soiree (ソワレ)
  • Final (千秋楽)
  • Additional (追加公演)

Other (その他)

Text Dialogue Speed (テキスト速度): Adjust the text speed to your liking. Choose between Slow (遅い), Standard (標準), Fast (速い) and Batch (一括).

App Notifications (通知設定): Choose which app notification you want to receive outside the app.

  • Full LP (LP回復)
  • Full SP (SP回復)
  • Outside Work (出稼ぎ)
  • Regional Tours (地方公演)
  • Events (イベント)
  • Yuzo's Training Room (鹿島部屋)

When "OFF" is selected, push notifications will not be sent out during the late-night period (from 00:00 to 5:59)

System Voices (システムボイス): Default ON. If you turn it off, you will no longer hear voices relating to explanations of the system, e.g. the Manager's present box warning.

Title Screen (タイトル景色): Tap the button to choose your title screen.

Voice Download (ボイスダウンロード): Default ON. If you switch this to OFF, you can still play the voices that have already been downloaded, but no new voices will be downloaded.

Available Title Screens

Past Title Screens