SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring/Episode 5

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SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring
Episode 5
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TenmaSo what are we doing?
KumonWe’re holding a hide-and-seek tournament!
MukuNinja conceal themselves, right? That’s why we thought hide-and-seek was a good idea!
Tenma...Will this really help us get into role?
IzumiWell, it’d make a nice breather.
KazunariYup yup, agreed.
MisumiLet’s do it~.
KumonOkay, I’ll be it first! You have 30 seconds to hide~!
Ready, go! 1, 2, 3, 4....
MukuDirector-san, please hurry and hide!
IzumiEh? I’m part of this too?
MisumiHurry, hurry~.
KazunariWhere should I hide~?
What are you doing, Director?
IzumiAh, well, you see...
AzumaWell, I don’t mind.
IzumiWait, are you about to take a bath!?
AzumaI was up late drinking yesterday.
IzumiE-excuse me! I’ll leave!
AzumaFufu, you don’t have to worry about it.
Oh, it’s you, Mucchan. What are you doing?
MukuI’m playing hide-and-seek with Summer Troupe.
TaichiOh, really? Sounds fun!
KumonHmm, where are they~?
TaichiStay covered!
What are you doing, Kyu-chan~?
KumonAh, Taichi-san. Have you seen anyone in Summer Troupe?
TaichiHm~, not around here.
TaichiGood luck.
—Mucchan, you’re in the clear.
Kazunari...Wonder if I’m safe here~? Kumopi is nimble, so he’s seriously strong.
Kazunari—Huh, wait, Tenten, you were hiding here too?
KazunariT-Tenten? Why are you staring at the panel?
TenmaIt’s blank. You haven’t gotten anywhere with your assignment?
KazunariEh? Ah... yeah, it’s kinda like a slump? I can’t think of anything. I’m in trouble~.
I don’t really understand this sort of artistic problem, but it’s different from Yuki’s slump, huh.
TenmaWhen he struggled, he redrew page after page after page. You don’t look like that.
TenmaI said you could think it over for as long as you needed, but if you’re just running away, I’m going to take Kiichi’s role.
MukuAh, I got caught....
MukuHuh? Misumi-san, were you caught too?
MisumiYup~. I got hungry, so I was eating onigiri in the kitchen, and he found me~.
Do you want some too, Muku?
MukuAh, yes! Itadakimasu!
Muku...I wonder if Kazu-kun is having fun with hide-and-seek.
MukuHe hasn’t been coming back to our room lately. He’s cooped up in the storage room whenever he’s not practicing.
Up till now, even if he had a project going on, he would always come back to our room at night to talk...
MisumiI see~....
MukuI saw the canvas when I walked into the storage room the other day. It was blank, and it seems like he hasn’t gotten anywhere....
Kazu-kun won’t say anything, but I think he’s suffering.
MukuKyu-chan planned this game of hide-and-seek in hopes that it would be a good change of pace.
MisumiMuku and Kumon are both so kind. I’m proud of you; good boy.
MukuNo... This is the only thing I can do.
I can’t help him with his project, and I can’t stand in for him. That’s why I want to at least cheer him on.
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