SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring/Episode 1

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SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring
Episode 1
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To the future me,
From the me who’s about to graduate from middle school, to the me reading this in the future.
What are you doing now? How do you feel now; how are you spending your days?
I spent all three years of middle school single-mindedly focusing on my studies; I worked hard to get excellent grades.
My three years were fulfilling, and I’m satisfied, but
There are more than a few things I regret as well.
I held back in all sorts of ways in order to prioritize my studies.
There was a lot to be gained from that attitude. But even if I regret the time that has passed, “that time” will never come back.
I can never relive it.
That’s why I want the future me to treasure “this very moment in time.”
From the me in my third year of middle school
Kazunari...Hm? Ah, it’s Settsuar~.
BanriThose eyebags are insane. You’re in trouble if Azami finds out.
KazunariRight? That’s why I’m avoiding him.
BanriSo do you think you’ll finish your assignment?
KazunariOne way or another.
BanriYou’re doing this one at the dorms, right?
KazunariYup yup~. There were too many people in the studio at school, I couldn’t concentrate~.
I think I’ll just barely make it because they let me use the storage room~.
BanriI’m glad. What about lunch?
KazunariThis is today’s lunch!
BanriPancakes from the school menu…?
KazunariYup. I’m almost done with my assignment, so I ordered an early treat for myself~.
They’re popular right now because they come with a chocolate pen, and you can draw on the pancakes.
BanriWhat are you, a girl?
KazunariI’m gonna make full use of my art student techniques to make it instegrammable No. 1!
KazunariWhat should I draw~.
—uh, woah.
BanriWatch out, the chocolate’s getting all over the place.
KazunariKinda like, art is an explosion[1]?
BanriNo, that’s just a mistake. Pfft, you don’t look like an art student.
Kazunari“#Art #Exploding #Literally” post... there we go.
BanriYou’re gonna post it like that?

👍 💬



KazunariGot 10 likes in a second[2]~!
KazunariAh, Azu gave me a like too!
BanriHuh, that’s surprising.
KazunariAzu tends to respond to the fun posts. Settsuar, can you hit like too~?
BanriYeah, yeah.
I’m done~...!
IzumiKazunari-kun, can we come in for a second?
MisumiHere’s some triangle onigiri~.
KazunariAh, thanks, both of you~! I literally just finished!
IzumiReally!? Nice work!
MisumiNice work, Kazu~. You worked so hard~.
IzumiWow, this is an epic piece!
KazunariYup~. This one was kind of a lot of work.
MisumiLet’s show everyone else~! I’m gonna go get them!
KazunariYou don’t have to~.
IzumiBut you’re going to take it with you tomorrow, right? We might as well show everyone now.
KazunariAh~, true. You’re right!
The onigiri looks good~. Itadakimasu!
IzumiYou didn’t even eat dinner today.
KazunariAh, that’s right. I need to write this....
IzumiWhat’s that?
KazunariIt’s a memo for the caption~.
IzumiCaption… Ah, the stuff with titles and explanations?
KazunariYup. I usually only write the title, though~.
KazunariIt’s kinda embarrassing, writing a whole explanation—how should I put it, I don’t really know what to say~.
TenmaKazunari, I heard you finished?
YukiNice work~.
MisumiI brought everyone~.
MukuWow, amazing! I didn’t know it was this huge!
KumonJapanese-style painting! This is so cool!
KazunariIsn’t it killer~. Praise me, praise me!
TenmaDid you really paint this...?
YukiThere’s such a gap between the creator and the creation.
KazunariYou’re so rude, Tenten, Yukki...!
TenmaBut it looks like we can start getting ready for our next performance now.
KazunariI’m sorry for being totally wrapped up with this~.
IzumiWe still have time in our schedule, so it’s fine. Let’s really get started tomorrow.
MukuThis is exciting!
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  1. A famous statement from avant-garde artist Taro Okamoto
  2. You can actually click on the "like" button in-game to give him his 10th like—give it a try!
