Play/mAnkai ApArtment!

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mAnkai ApArtment!


A traditional senbei shop. Protect the taste of tradition!


This play was a mini-performance viewable during the Parallel Event, mAnkai ApArtment!. As it does not class as a troupe play, there is no set original cast, and the play cannot be viewed after the event.

Related Event: mAnkai ApArtment!
Related Story: mAnkai ApArtment!
Type: Parallel
Lead Actor Quote: We'll be the champions of the gourmet contest...! (グルメコンテストで優勝するんだ…!)


Lead Actor
Any Character as Senbei shop - eldest son
The eldest son fighting to protect the shop he inherited from his grandfather.

Second Lead A
Any Character as Senbei shop - third son
The third son who loves his older brothers' senbei (rice crackers).

Supporting Cast A
Any Character as Senbei shop - second son
The second son who adheres to the traditional way of making senbei.

Supporting Cast B
Any Character as Fushiki
A man with novel ideas about how to make senbei.

Supporting Cast C
Any Character as Hyogo
A man who used to work at the three brothers' senbei shop.

Supporting Cast D
Any Character as Owner
Orders their eviction from the senbei shop.
