Play/hAve A greAt trip!

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hAve A greAt trip!


Raise the curtain at the holy ground of theatre! It's a Street ACT festival


This play was a mini-performance viewable during the Seasonal Event, hAve A greAt trip!. As it does not class as a troupe play, there is no set original cast, and the play cannot be viewed after the event.

Related Event: hAve A greAt trip!
Related Story: hAve A greAt trip!
Type: Seasonal
Lead Actor Quote: 98, 99, 100...Another 200 push-ups! (98, 99, 100...腕立てあと200回!!)


Lead Actor
Any Character as Hot-Blooded Boy Sakuhiko
A tennis player who's training to get a gold medal.

Second Lead A
Any Character as Papa Juzo
The taciturn father supporting his son.

Supporting Cast A
Any Character as Bandit Ban
A man who'll go to any lengths to acquire treasure

Supporting Cast B
Any Character as Phantom Thief Joichi[1]
A lawful thief who shares treasure with the poor.

Supporting Cast C
Any Character as Patissier Munku
A skilled but clumsy patissier.

Supporting Cast D
Any Character as Regular Customer Masoomi
The childhood friend in charge of taste-testing.



  1. The 'Jo' for this uses the same character, '丞', as Tasuku.