Outside Work Conversations/Yuki and Azuma

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Veludo Station Front

AzumaYuki, hasn't your skin been a bit rough lately?
YukiIt's because of the pressure from making costumes. It'll recover soon.
AzumaIt's good to be young.
YukiYour age is too much of a mystery.

Veludo Park

YukiHow old are you, Azu-nee?
AzumaAre you that interested?
AzumaHehe, age is but a number.
YukiSomeone putting effort into looking young shouldn't say that.

Veludo Town Library

Yuki...Azu-nee, your hair is shinier than usual.
AzumaI received some camellia oil, so I tried putting it on.
AzumaYou might not need it, but I'll give you a spare.
YukiThanks. I'll try it out.
