Outside Work Conversations/Tsuzuru and Sakyo

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Veludo Station Front

TsuzuruThe movie you told me about the other day was super interesting.
SakyoI'm glad you liked it. May it be of use for your scripts.
TsuzuruCan I come borrow DVDs from you again?
SakyoSure. Come anytime.

Veludo Park

SakyoI found a place where you can rent a theatre room.
TsuzuruOh, nice! Let's go next time!
TsuzuruI want a theatre room in the dorms too.
SakyoWe're absolutely not having unnecessary expenses, but...well, someday.

Veludo Town Library

TsuzuruDon't you ever feel like watching a super B-grade movie?
SakyoI quite recommend the one where a super-advanced yabbie conquers the world.
TsuzuruLet's have a B-grade movie marathon sometime.
SakyoGood idea. I'll collect some in advance.
