Outside Work Conversations/Tsuzuru and Homare

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Veludo Station Front

HomareThat's right! Let's hold a recital!
TsuzuruA recital, huh...Seems like good acting practice.
HomareWhat we'll be reading at the recital will of course be my ――
TsuzuruAh, I won't be participating after all.

Veludo Park

HomareI'd like to add a few more members to the literature club.
TsuzuruMuku and Furuichi-san seem like they'd join.
HomareFor recruitment, too, of course, a recital of my poems...
TsuzuruYou're stubborn~

Veludo Town Library

HomareYour script seems to be at an impasse. You should use this book for reference.
TsuzuruThank you very much...Wait, it's your poetry collection...!
HomareMake no mistake, my new volume will win the booksellers' award ♪
TsuzuruI'd like to learn from your confidence, but only that.
